Summary: pt. 2 of Evolution Study--scholarly investigation on practical level. Must get Powerpoint from website to go with.


Gen. 1:26-27

I heard about a little boy who asked his Sunday School teacher, “Where did I come from?” The teacher said “Dust.” Then he asked, “Well, where am I going?” And he got the same answer, “Dust.”

The next day that same little boy was up in his bedroom, and he came running out screaming. He said, “Momma, Momma come quickly, I just looked under my bed and somebody is under there and he is either coming or going!”

We need to know what we believe and why we believe it.

Take all the questions people in the world have, and they all boil down to one question… “Did God create man, or did man create God?”

In other words, “Is man created in the image of God, or is God created in the imagination of man?”

I Tim. 6:20

“science falsely so called”

Evolution: It’s really not science at all, it’s a philosophy.

A creationist believes it just the way the Bible says it…God created all that is in 6 days.

That’s what the Bible says, now what does Darwinian Evolution say?

The Origin of Species, p. 523

“analogy would lead me to believe that all animals and plants are descended from some prototype. All organisms start from a common origin, from such low and intermediate forms, both animals and plants may have been developed. All organic things that have ever lived on the earth, may be descended from one primoidial form.”

He goes on at length to describe that billions of years ago there was a primitive protozoa, we don’t know where it came from. It became an unsegmented worm, which somehow eventually became a fish, and after eons of time go by, it somehow became an amphibian, which became a reptile, then a bird, then a mammal, which has evolved to monkeys, and eventually, man.

It is a fairy tale for adults.

The evolutionist believes that nothing + time + chance = everything!

“Frog becomes a prince” (headline) In the nursery, that’s a fairy tale, but in the classroom they call it science.

It’s not taught as a theory or a philosophy, it’s taught as a fact!

Time-Life books series, “The Emergence of Man”

Advertisement for the series: “today that creature that once began to raise himself above other animals no longer exists. He has become you. Unique and set apart from the 2 million other species living on the planet, by a thumb, which makes your hand a precision tool. By a knee, which locks you into a comfortable, upright position. By your capacity for abstract thought and speech. All this and more has enabled your species to dominate the earth. And yet, you share w/ every other creature that ever lived the same origin, the same accident, that led to spontaneous generation of the first celled slimy algae that first appeared 3.5 billion years ago.”

Notice that w/ no stuttering, stammering, and no question about it, they say, this is how it happened, kids.

Kids, you are just an animal with thumbs, you are just an accident. No wonder they act the way they do today. The value of life is gone.

In 1963 the Bible was thrown out of public schools, and evolutionism was left to stand alone.

Teenage pregnancy has gone up 553%

STD’s has gone up 226%

Crime is up over 300% Is there a connection?

Going back to the Time-Life advertisement, it continues,

“how did it all happen? What was the evolutionary process which led man to his conquest of the harsh and hostile environment? You’ll find the amazing story in our new series, “The emergence of man.” Your introductory volume, “the missing link” shows the stranger than science-fiction world of the ape-man. You’ll feel a sense of immediacy, in visual venture. In incredible, life-like, pictorial, technical photo-painting.”

(figment of someone’s imagination)

If it were not for drawings and plaster-of-paris, evolution would die overnight! It’s all they have!

“Once I was a tadpole beginning to begin,

And then I was a frog with my tail tucked in;

Then I was a monkey hanging from a tree,

And now I’m a professor with a Ph.D.”

Joke—Hear about the monkey who was coming out of a library with two books under his arm, one was the Bible and the other was Darwin’s “Origin of the Species?” Somebody stopped him and asked him what he was doing, and he said, “I’m trying to find out if I’m my “Brother’s Keeper” or my “Keeper’s Brother?”

It’s not a fact, it’s faith…a whole lot of faith!

Ours is a reasonable faith!

3 reasons to reject Evolution:

I. Logical Reasons (intellectual reasons)

I’m not a scientist, and you don’t have to be a scientist to reject the theory of evolution. You don’t even have to be a Christian! Many non-Christian scientists have turned away and are turning away citing “no evidence.”

Dr. Newton Tomasian, scientist for the atomic energy commission,

“scientists that go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con men, and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever. In explaining evolution, we do not have one iota of fact.”

Dr. Ethridge of the British museum, “9/10th’s of the theory of evolution is sheer nonsense, not founded on observation, and wholly unsupported by fact. This museum is full of proofs of the utter falsity of the view.”

Sir Ambrose Fleming, president of the philosophical society, “the evolutionary theory is purely the product of the imagination.”

Dr. Cecil Wakely, a leading British surgeon, and late president of the Royal College of Surgeons, “when I was a medical student, I was taught the theory of evolution. I never believed it.”

Soren Luthrup, a renowned Swedish embryologist, “I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked as the greatest deceit in the history of science. When this happens, many people will pose the question, how did this ever happen?”

These are brilliant, honored men who are known to reject evolution. These men are unbelievers, as well. You don’t have to put your brain on the shelf to reject evolution.

Some creationists who were scientists include: Michael Faraday, Lord Kelvin, Joseph Lister, Louis Pasteur, Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Sir William Ramsey, Lord Francis Bacon, Samuel Morse”. These were great scientists.

More recently, Carl Young, Max Planck, Robert Jastrow, founder of Nasa’s Goddard institute of space study. Is this a list of fools?

Jastrow: “The scientist’s pursuit of the past ends in the moment of creation. This is an exceedingly strange development, unexpected by all but the theologians. They have always accepted the words of the Bible; In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

(God and the Astronomers—pp.106-107)

By the way, when a scientist says he believes in the Bible, he doesn’t give me more faith in the Bible, that’s not the point! It gives me more faith in that scientist!

We don’t need science to prop up the Bible…where they don’t match up, don’t worry, science eventually catches up w/ the Bible!

Sir Isaac Newton, “this most beautiful system of sun, plantets and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.”

3 Bridges no evolutionist can cross: (have no answer)

1. Origin of life (where did that 1st amoeba come from?)

A bolt of lightning hit a puddle of scum and voila, life.

The hypothesis of evolution is IRRATIONAL.

Evolution’s primary question still goes unanswered...It is the question of “First Cause.” {First “Kau’s”!}

Dr. George Wald, professor emeritus of biology at Harvard Univ., who in ’71 won the nobel prize in biology.

He wrote in a magazine, “Scientific America”,

“there are only 2 possibilities about how life arose. One is spontaneous generation, arising to evolution, the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no 3rd possibility. Spontaneous generation, the belief that life arose from non-living matter, was scientifically disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur, among others. That leaves us w/ only one other possible conclusion, that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God…”

so far so good, right, well, don’t get too excited, here’s the rest of what he said…

“…I will not accept Creation philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know to be scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation.”

How’s that for science? That’s irrational!

Evolution is indeed a philosophy, a bias, the next-best guess of a mind that chooses to reject God.

Sir Arthur Keith, an evolutionist, said, “The only alternative to evolution is special creation by God, and that is unthinkable.”

Scientist D.S. Watson, “evolution is a theory universally accepted not because it can be proven by logical, coherent evidence, but because the only alternative is special creation, and that is clearly incredible.”

He chooses not to believe in God, and takes the next-best guess.

2nd bridge no evolutionist can cross:

2. Fixity of the species

Gen. 1:11-12—“And God said, let the earth bring forth grass, and herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself…”

That term, “after his kind” is used 10 times in the creation story.

It’s the fixity of the species. It’s why you can cross-breed roses for hundreds of years and get all different colors, but you’ll never get a puppy.

Joke—man took his brother to psychiatrist, “he thinks he’s a dog”

“how long has he thought that?”… “ever since he was a puppy!”

Scientists have subjected fruit-flies to some unimaginable testing and mutation, and they’ve come up w/ some weird looking fruit flies w/ 9 eyes and such, but every result is some form of fruit fly!

You’ve heard of the Abalone, a mollusk that lives off of the west coast. Once a scientist tried to cross the abaloney w/ a crocodile. If successful, he was gonna call it an abodile, but all he wound up w/ was a crock of baloney!

They have no transitional forms…in other words, “this snail became this frog,” but there’s no fossils of one in transition. “This amoeba became this astronaut,” but there’s no fossils in transition.

They’re not looking for a missing link…the whole chain is missing!

Smithsonian biologist, “there is no evidence that would show man developing step by step from lower forms of life. There is nothing to show that man was ever in any way connected w/ the monkeys. Man appeared suddenly and substantially in the form he is in today. There are no such things as missing links so far as concerning the major groups of animals, the creationists appear to have the best argument.”

3rd bridge no evolutionist can cross…

3. 2nd law of thermodynamics

simply says that “energy can never be destroyed, but it becomes less available for further work as it unravels”.

In other words, the universe is like a wound up clock that is slowly running down. Everything tends to run down and wear out. Even our sun, they admit, will eventually burn out. [losing 5 ft. per hour!]

A plot of weeds left alone will never become a golf course…but a golf course left alone will likely become a plot of weeds.

Pile of bricks/home

you really have only two logical choices:

• Matter is eternal, that everything always existed, and it had no beginning. This option says that the universe is both ETERNAL and SELF-EXISTING. (But no rational, thinking person accepts this. Because everything we observe is in state of decay. Nothing lasts forever. The second law of thermodynamics completely eliminates the possibility of “Eternal Matter.”)

EX. If matter is eternal then:

Why does my car rust?

Why does the wood on my house rot?

Why do I get tooth decay?

Why does my body grow weak and feeble?

Why do my pants wear thin and my shirts wear out?

Why do my socks and underwear get holes in them?

Why does everything I observe grow old and decay?

• There is an eternal God who created something out of nothing, and organized all matter into a structured universe and then created millions of complex life forms reproducing after their own kind.

Now I ask you, take a look, what do you see. The only obvious answer is that Matter is not eternal. The only possible choice is the choice of an Eternal-Creator God.

• The First Cause of LIMITLESS SPACE must be INFINITE

• The First Cause of ENDLESS TIME must be ETERNAL

• The First Cause of BOUNDLESS ENERGY must be OMNIPOTENT


• The First Cause of LOVE must be LOVING

• The First Cause of LIFE must be LIVING

Therefore, the foundational law of all true science....the “LAW OF CAUSATION” forces us to admit that the universe had to be brought into existence by a great “UNCAUSED, SELF-EXISTING, FIRST-CAUSE”. And that “First Cause” must be INFINITE, ETERNAL, OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT, LOVING and LIVING!

Curse of sin…all is marked by death and disintegration.

Rom. 8… “the whole creation groaneth, waiting for the day of redemption.”

Evolutionist says things are moving upward, getting better…from disorganization toward organization…time itself performs the miracle.

2nd law of thermodynamics says, “impossible.”

Disassemble a cadillac. Drop the parts from a 747 from 10,000 feet, will they come together again?

Evolutionist: “give it time, it takes a lot of time”

Ok, drop it from 20,000 feet, 30,000?

News flash, the more time you give it the more disorganized it will be!

EX. Sir Fred Hoyle....(The man who coined the term “BIG BANG” who by the way did not believe in the “Big Bang” theory, and coined the term to make fun of the irrationality of evolutionary hypothesis. He is an internationally recognized British scientist, astronomer and mathematician.)

Dr. Hoyle conducted a computerized study of the chance that the first living cell could have developed by random process in some primordial ooze, and he calculated that the chances of random chemical shuffling in some primordial soup that could produce the complex basic enzymes of just one cell of life, is only ONE IN TEN FOLLOWED BY FORTY ZEROS. Hoyle went on to say, “There is about as much chance of evolution being true as a hurricane going through a junk yard and building a Boeing 747.” (James Merrit sermon, CREATION OR EVOLUTION: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.)

Evolutionist: we started in darkness and end up in light, with only a boost from beneath.

Creationist: we started in light, plunged into darkness, and need a birth from above!

II. Moral Reasons

III. Theological Reasons

Next time we’ll discuss the hoaxes of

Nebraska Man, Piltdown Man, and Java Man, who died from too much coffee! And I promise, we’ll eventually explain this last guy!