Summary: In this sermon, I define what Meekness is by telling what it is not first. People have a wrong view of meekness and I expose that philosophy that Christians have in this sermon. I also give 3 characteristics of meekness were the Christian can improve in

Title: Blessed Are The Meek

Text: Matt 5:5

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- This morning we are looking at the topic of Meekness, the 3rd sermon in this sermon series, The Beatitudes.

- In previous messages, these beatitudes are inner qualities Jesus was trying to teach to the people of His day.

- Qualities that required change in people, both then and today.

- This morning we are looking at the 3rd quality that Jesus taught on, which is meekness.

- What is meekness?

A.W. Tozer once wrote, The meek man is not a human mouse afflicted with a sense of his own inferiority. Rather he may be in his moral life as bold as a lion and as strong as Samson; but he has stopped being fooled about himself. He has accepted God’s estimate of his own life. He knows he is as weak and helpless as God declared him to be, but he knows at the same time that he is in the sight of God of more importance than angels. In himself, nothing; in God, everything. That is his motto."

- Lets look at meekness a bite closer this morning and showing you what it’s not.

Meekness Is Not:

- being timid, fearful, spineless, shy, or lacking self confidence.

- Meekness is not weakness.

- Meekness is not about being nice nor is it being an easy going person.

- We are not meek because we don’t get upset easily. It just might be your nature if you are like that.

- Meekness has nothing to do with what I just mentioned. Because meekness goes beyond human reasoning. So then what is Meekness?

What Is Meekness?

- It is an inward quality of our spirit, similar to that of humility and gentleness.

- Meekness means actively reaching out to others with gentleness and kindness.

- Let me explain further:

- Meekness is power under control. For the Christian all of our power comes from God.

- God lives in us and we have nothing will be impossible to the believer.

- The Bible says, “If God be for us, who can be against us.”

- The believer posses a power, that the world does not know.

- Meekness will shine through us if the power found in Christ is manifested in us through humility and gentleness.

- If we are arrogant, proud and self centered, we are not meek. Let me give you some examples as to what I am talking about to define meekness.

- There are two people the Bible mention as being meek. They are Moses and Jesus.

- Numbers 12:3 says, “now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.”

- Jesus said that He was “Meek and lowly in heart” (Matt 11:29)

- These men were meek but not spineless and spiritless.

- If we think about the job God gave Moses to do. Facing Pharaoh at least a dozen times, leading the greatest group of grumblers ever assembled in one place for 40 years, solving problem after problem.

- Yet in spite of all this, Moses did what God wanted him to do in great humility and gentleness.

- There was a point God wanted to wipe the people but Moses interceded for them and God spared them.

- Moses made mistakes and acted out of anger, but it was done because Moses wanted the people to see God’s goodness.

- When we look at Jesus, He was the meekest of them all. For He was God and was without sin.

- Jesus was not spineless or timid for He overturned the tables twice in the Temple. Why? To show people that when you act in arrogance and greed you lose.

- Church was not meant to make a profit or a fast buck. Nor was it to exploit people or harm. But it was a place to build up, encourage and pray.

- Here’s the point, Moses and Jesus could of had the people destroyed, but yet acted out of humility and gentleness in hopes that the people would get and respond in a like manner.

- According to the scriptures it didn’t happen, but that is not our responsibility as people.

- We are responsible for how we chose to live.

- Here is where we find more scriptures on Jesus being meek:

John 10:18 says, “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”

Isa 53:7 says, “He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; He was led a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth.”

II Cor 8:9 says, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.”

Phill 2:5-8 says, “Although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond servant, and being made in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

Other Examples of Meekness:

- So we no that meekness is knowing and understanding the power we have, but demonstrating it through gentleness and humility. Thinking of others before yourself.

Example 1:

Think of our Prime Minister. He has all the power in our Country, has been elected by our people. The power to change laws, give money and help the country.

If he operates in meekness this is what it would look like:

Knowing that he is a powerful man with influence, money and prestige, but operating for the benefit of other people first before himself.

And it would be done in gentleness and humility, not arrogance and pride.

The Prime Minister does not give up his power, but uses his power to help people. That’s his purpose. But it can be lost in arrogance, pride and greed.

- The same for the people in Jesus day while in the temple before Jesus cleared it out.

Example 2:

Think of our medicine, medicine does not give up it’s strength or power to cure the sick, but it’s strength is controlled to help the sick. It’s purpose it to help the sick overcome there disease, that’s meekness.

Example 3:

A horse does not give up it’s strength or power when broken to it’s owners command, but it’s strength is brought under the control of it’s rider for a purpose. That’s humility and meekness.

The horse has power to run away, kill the man or do some damage, but chooses through training, to be brought under control. That’s meekness.

- What if the medicine and horse said, I am going to do my own thing? That would not be meekness, but rather arrogance.

- Medicine, the horse, Jesus, Moses are all not timid, fearful, lacking self confidence etc, but rather are operating in a realm of meekness to serve other people.

- Those who do this as Christians will inherit the earth and will be blessed.

- Does inheriting the earth mean a parcel of land? Maybe, but I believe it’s much more then that.

- I believe it’s a number of things for example:

- To inherit the earth, means overcoming it now. Having victory in Christ Jesus.

- To inherit the earth means having joy, peace and satisfaction. A person who is enjoying life right now.

- To inherit the earth means ruling and reign with Christ. We will come back with Him and rule and reign forever.


- So now that we no what Meekness is, let me give you 3 characteristics of a meek person.

- Meaning 3 areas we can improve on in our lives, in the area of meekness.

- A meek person.....

Point 1: Recognizes There Position On Earth

- Meaning they realize that they are not the master of there soul.

- Rather the meek person sees that they are dependent, both physically and Spiritually, to God and Him alone.

- We can take care of ourselves, by eating healthy, exercising etc. But we cannot add one more day to our lives that God has ordained.

Point 2: Recognize Who’s In Charge On Earth

- Of coarse we all no that to be God.

- God is the one who creates and sustains all things on this earth and in the universe.

- There is only one God and one way to get to Heaven and that is through Jesus Christ.

- Our world seems to love to be independent of God. Finding there own way to Heaven and acknowledging that success comes from themselves and not God.

- All good things come from God.

Point 3: Recognize The Importance of Trust

- The meek person knows that God doesn’t need defending.

- The meek person knows that God is His rock and refuge through every trial and affliction.

- The meek person knows that God will protect Him in spite of all opposition.

- The meek looks to God for all things.


- Living meekness in these 3 areas will produce fruit.

- Because the person who is meek does not self-praise himself in these areas.

- The meek does not boast of his own wisdom and talents or intelligence and possessions.

- The meek say, I am what I am by the grace of God alone.

- In conclusion I want to give you two stories to help us understand meekness and put this message together:

Michael Jordan’s team was once down by 20 points in a game. The super star pumped it up into over-drive, and began to contest every shot, scrapped for every rebound, swiped at every pass. He was aggressive, nearly ruthless. But in each play he was supremely talented and powerful. He mowed over the other merely human players. He was a scoring machine, and a defensive fortress. Overpowering is the word.

The next week, however, he was meek. He had all the same power that he’d shown in the previous game. It was just that he had the ball stolen several times in the next game. He was blocked out from collecting rebounds, he couldn’t hit a basket because of the tough defensive pressure, and he turned the ball over repeatedly. The difference? He was playing in a benefit game against disabled students. He let them steal the ball from him. He let them beat him. He was meek; he had all power of the previous game, it was just governed, under control.

The second story is a more familiar one:

The Special Olympics were held in Seattle one year and this even inspired many people. Nine mentally handicapped children lined up at the starting line for the 100 meter run. At the gun they all came out sprinting as fast as they could. One little boy, in the middle of the pack, stumbled, fell down and began to cry in shame, disappointment and embarrassment. The other eight heard his cries and slowed down and stopped, turned around and walked back to him. A little girl with Down Syndrome bent down to help him up and kissed him and said “this will make it better.”Then all nine held hands and walked to the finish line. The crowd, at first silent, cheered for a long time.

- The challenge this morning is to search our hearts and ask God to give us the Spirit of meekness and gentleness.

- We need to confess our sin, let Him cleanse us. Submit to His Word and let Him have His way in your life.

- We need to bring our lives under His control and yield our wills to His.

- We need to be content in whatever circumstance He has placed us in.

- Lets chose to be meek.

Lets Pray!!!