Summary: Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime

1. Above reproach 1 Timothy 3:2

This phrase serves as a general summary of all the character qualities a leader should have. The Greek word describes a garment without any "folds." When applied to personal character, it means that leader must be free from any secret or hidden pockets of sins. Said another way, it means that a godly leader is one whose life is such that there is nothing

a detractor can "grab hold of." The Living Bible uses the phrase "a good man whose life cannot be spoken against." Knox says "one with whom no fault can be found." It means that no charge could be brought against such a person that would withstand impartial examination. Leaders are often attacked, their motives questioned, their actions criticized. While

such things do happen, a leader who is truly above reproach will weather the storm because there is nothing about him which a person could say, "Aha! I gotcha." This means no questionable conduct, no secret sins, no deliberately unresolved conflicts.

Lest this seem too discouraging, I should point out that to be "above reproach" describes not perfection, but a model Christian life. We should expect nothing less from our leaders.

2. Blameless Titus 1:6,7

This word comes from the legal realm and carries a slightly different connotation. It means "without indict-ment" or "unaccusable." The difference is this: "Above reproach" means "one who could not be

accused," while "Blameless" means "one who is not accused." Taken together they establish a very high standard of personal conduct.

3. Respectable 1 Timothy 3:2

The Greek word is kosmion--from which we get the English word "cosmos." Its describes a person whose life is well-ordered and well-arranged. Another word might be "dignified." This quality is seen in a leader’s outward behavior-his dress, his manners, his speech, the way he relates to the opposite sex. It touches the way he keeps his home and how he handles

the various affairs of life. It basically describes a person who can keep a dozen balls in the air at one time-without dropping any and without saying, "Hey, look at me!" Such a person can work through difficult

problems with clear thinking. To use an old phrase that sounds sadly out-of-date, a man with this quality is a "Christian gentleman."

Titus 2:9-10 uses another form of this word to encourage slaves to "make

the teaching about God our Savior attractive." Godly leaders should live

in such a way that their life beautifies the gospel. A "respectable"

person makes Jesus beautiful and the gospel attractive to outsiders.

4. Hospitable Titus 1:8

The word literally means a "lover of strangers." We might tend to overlook this quality, but in the early church hospitality was non-negotiable. In those days there were no Holiday Inns or Marriott Hotels where traveling Christians could safely spend the night.

Therefore, if you came to my town, you automatically planned to stay with me and I automatically opened my home to you. The fact that I didn’t know you beforehand wouldn’t matter. If you were a brother in Christ, then my home was your home. In addition, since the early church had no buildings, the believers met in homes. Every church was a house church and

hospitality was essential.

To be hospitable touches your attitude toward others. A godly leader must be open, approachable, vulnerable, transparent, one who genuinely cares for others. Here are some questions to ask about potential leaders: Does he open his home to others? Does he share easily with others? Is his life transparent? Would I feel free sharing my problems with him?

5. Upright Titus 1:8

The word means "fair, honest, just." This touches a man’s business dealing, his financial affairs, how he handles his employees, what kind of deals he makes, whether he pays his bills on time, whether he keeps his

promises, how he speaks about others, and whether you would trust this man with your wife and children overnight. It is a combination of "goodness"

and "honesty."

6. Good reputation with outsiders 1 Timothy 3:7

Here is another quality that is often overlooked. The phrase for "good reputation" is literally "good witness." What kind of "witness" do you have with the people outside the church? All too often we neglect to

consider a man’s reputation in the community. But the "voice of the people" may be the "voice of God." This touches a man’s reputation with his neighbors, his friends, his co-workers and his non-Christian buddies. The godly leader ought to be admired by those outside the church. Although they will not always understand why, unbelievers are quick to spot a difference. "You’re different somehow. I just can’t put my finger on it."

Here’s a penetrating question: Would your unsaved friends be surprised to discover that you had been elected to a position of leadership in your

church? Would they be surprised . . . or pleased?

We have too many "Sunday Christians" who turn out to be "Monday Scoundrels." If unbelievers do not respect us, that may say something negative about us. It’s not always the offense of the Gospel. Sometimes

we are just offensive in the way we live.

Why is this important? Because the unsaved watch us all the time. Your life may be the only "Bible" some people ever read. They watch us, examine us, listen to our jokes, study the way we do our work, take note

of how we treat others . . . and then they draw their own conclusions. And their judgment is often extremely accurate!

But notice the warning Paul adds to this qualification: "So that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap." Church leaders are especially susceptible to Satan’s attacks. We hear about it all the time-so often now that it hardly seems like news when we read that another

minister has fallen into sin. When Satan wants to destroy a church, he goes after the pastor and the elders first! He loves to disgrace God’s work by trapping leaders in open sin before a watching world.

When that happens . . .

The church is hurt

The gospel is mocked

Christ’s name is defamed.

There are many lessons here, not the least being that you need to pray for your pastor. His feet are made of clay-just like yours. Don’t assume your pastor is always strong. He sometimes faces overwhelming

tempta-tion-generally when it is least expected. So pray for him. And pray for your church staff. And pray for your elders and deacons and trustees. Pray for God to strengthen all the leaders of your church so

that they might have a good testimony for the name of Jesus Christ.