Summary: This message takes a look at the Christian and his money. The very thing that strives to pull our attention away from God, our money, contains a gentle reminder that it is "In God We Trust" and not our stuff.



A Biblical Look at You and Your Money

1 Timothy 6:17-19


A. Today marks the beginning a new series of messages that I’m calling "The Next Steps"

1. We have made some changes over the past year, and are in the process of improving some other areas of our ministry-- changes that I believe will be beneficial to the church not only in the short term, but also in the long run

a. One of those was defining our purpose: "The purpose of the Mt. Gilead Church of Christ is to evangelize the lost, to edify the saints, and to equip God’s people for service."

b. Addition of our Morning Watch service

c. We have worked to get more of our young adults involved in the ministry of the church

d. We have added classed on Wednesday evening and in our Sunday School program to better meet the needs of our church family

QUOTE> Marvin Phillips - "Never do less–always do better."

e. And that is what we are striving to do

2. So what are the next steps

B. That great American philosopher, Forrest Gump, once said, "When somebody says to you, ‘I am here to help you,’ hang on to your wallet."

1. Well, I am here to help you this morning.

2. As we take a look at those next steps I want to begin by talking about our stewardship

a. The Bible is clear that there is a direct correlation between our giving and our spiritual growth

b. This morning I want to take a biblical look at stewardship–giving

3. Even though there are some people that feel that that is all the Church talks about, we need to understand that Jesus talked about our money and finances often.

a. The word "faith" is used around 246 times in the Bible.

b. The word "hope" which is another important word in our Christian life, is used 185 times.

c. The word "love" which is obviously an important word to those of us who are believers is used 733 times.

d. The word "give" or "giving" is mentioned 2285 times in the Bible.

4. Stewardship is much more than meeting the financial responsibilities of the local congregation

a. It is more than just a necessary evil to keep the church afloat

b. The Bible says that our attitude toward giving goes hand in hand with our attitude toward God and whether or not we are trusting Him.

QUOTE> One preacher (Jerry Falwell) defined stewardship as:

"....the proper management of one’s resources for the glory of God."

5. The question that all Christians should ask is, "How can I honor God with my finances? How can I honor God with what He has provided?"

a. READ: 1 Timothy 6:17-19


A. So who is Paul talking to?

ILL> I took a look at the Forbes 400 listing the richest people in the United States to see if I had finally made the list. I saw Bill Gates’ name at the top followed by Warren Buffet and Paul Allen and then the five children of Sam Walton of Walmart fame. My name was not among the top 400, but then again, I didn’t see any of your names on the list, either.

1. In order to make the top 400 richest Americans your net worth needs to be a little over $750 million

a. So you’re probably feeling that the Donald Trump’s and the Oprah’s of the world really need to listen up–after all this passage is for people like them, not those of us who tend to live paycheck to paycheck

2. But let’s put things in perspective

a. There are 6.3 billion people living in the world right now

b. 2.5 billion (40%) people live in low-income countries where they earn $745 a year or less

c. Those living in places like...






Rwanda...and other 3rd world countries

earn less than $500 a year.

d. 2.7 billion (43%) people live in middle-income countries where earn less than $9200 a year

e. By living in the USA you are wealthier than 83% of the world.

3. To be honest with you, most of us here this morning are in the top 5-10%

a. Not only are we rich financially, but we are rich because of what we have in our possessions, things we are able to do, the educational opportunities that exist, and other opportunities that are available.

b. Most of the world would see every one of us as being very wealthy

4. Out of the more than 6 billion people that populate this earth, you are better off than 5 ½ billion.

a. We worry about a shortage of flu vaccines–most of the world doesn’t even have the opportunity to get a flu shot

b. We worry about electric bills–much of the world doesn’t have electricity

c. We worry about our cars breaking down–much of the world doesn’t own an automobile

5. So, when Paul is talking about the rich, who do you think he is talking to? You and me!


A. VS 17 - don’t put your hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put your hope in God

1. In other words, put your trust in God–not in your stuff

ILL> The words "In God We Trust" was first appeared on American coins in 1864–on a 2-cent piece. Since 1938, all US coins bear this inscription. In 1956 Congress declared "In God We Trust" as our national motto. (I wonder if that would pass today?) And since 1966, that phrase has appear on all US currency.

a. So, it’s interesting, that on this one thing that begs our trust–our money–it states very boldly "In God We Trust"

b. The question is, do you trust in God, more than you trust in what you have–in your possessions?

2. It’s easy for people who have a lot of wealth to think that they’ve got everything covered and don’t really need God

a. We are citizens of the one of the wealthiest nations in the world

b. We have freedoms not found in most countries

c. It is easy to put your faith and your trust in your stuff

3. Jesus warned the people through the words of a parable

a. Luke 12:16-21

And he told them this parable: "The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. [17] He thought to himself, ’What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

[18] "Then he said, ’This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. [19] And I’ll say to myself, "You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry." ’

[20] "But God said to him, ’You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

[21] "This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God."

b. The problem with the man in that parable that Jesus told is the same problem that many people face today–he thought that his wealth equaled security

c. He put his trust in what he had accumulated–he had set his hope on it–and God declared him a fool!

d. Jesus began that parable by saying, (Luke 12:15)

Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."

ILL> Over the past several years we have grown accustomed to seeing people in the news fleeing their homeland. We have seen it time and time again in places like Somalia, Kosovo, Kuwait, the Kurds in Irag, and now in Sudan.

I couldn’t imagine what it would be like for someone to come and force me out of my home. And then, when I had to flee, to grab only those things that mattered to me the most, things that I could carry on my back. What stuff would go with me? What would I try and carry along?

4. Here’s the problem

a. If we would be real honest with ourselves we would admit that there is some stuff out there that matters a great deal to us

That stuff has rooted its way into our lives

Even though we may not want to admit it, it has a certain hold on us

b. Mark 8:36

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?

ILL> There is a poster that pictures a woman in a business suit. She is very elegant, very business-like. She has a cup of coffee and a smile on her face. She shows a lot of confidence. Then as you look down the poster you notice that her slip is around her ankles. The slogan at the bottom of the poster say, "Confidence is what you had before you fully realized the situation."

B. VS 17 - don’t put your hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God

1. In other words, don’t let money rule your life.

2. Don’t put your hope in your wealth

a. You cannot count on it

b. You cannot bank on it

c. It is never enough, even when you get enough, it is never enough

d. Proverbs 23:5

Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.


A. Rich in good deeds, generous, willing to share

1. Those are some of the same things we try to instill in our children when they are young

a. And when we do this, then are will prepare for the age to come

2. This was so evident in the early church

B. How did the early Church give?

1. We see them giving weekly

a. They came together and brought, each one what they were able

b. Some of them gave from very large barrel while others gave from more modest means

c. What matters is, they were giving back to God, saying to Him, "I trust You to use what I have given."

2. The biblical standard from the OT was to give a tithe of the first fruits–10% of their beginning income

a. The NT seems to carry that on–stressing the need to be generous when we give back to God

3. I realize that if you have never been a tither that 10% seems like a lot of money

a. If you are not at that level, I challenge you just to simply look at where you are giving now and work towards that as a goal

b. I was taught to tithe by my parents

C. Three things happen when we tithe–when we give to God first

1. It promotes greater faithfulness to God and His Church

a. Matthew 6:21

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

b. When you invest in the kingdom, then you will have a greater interest in kingdom matters

2. It releases God’s blessing to us

a. I want to be careful here, because I’m not saying that we should look at it as buying the blessings of God

b. Malachi 3:10

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

ILL> God has always provided for me and my family. In the 21 years of our marriage we have always tried to be faithful in our giving–and God has been faithful to us.

In the 20 years that I have been preaching we have had few majors automotive problems. Oh, we’ve had some, but things could have been much worse. And when the more expensive repairs came, it seems like they always came at a time when there was a little extra–maybe a speaking engagement, leading worship, whatever.

3. It expands the kingdom’s work

a. It allows us to be meet more needs of missionaries as well as those in our congregation

b. Over the past 2 years we have had more requests from people not associated with the church than we have ever had

c. Some of it has to do with the devastating impact of 9/11 on our economy

Some has simply been mismanagement

d. Because of that we have had to be more critical in who we decide to help

D. In light of all of that we need to keep things in perspective--God doesn’t need our gifts

1. God is already rich

a. Haggai 2:8

’The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty.

b. Psalm 50:10

for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.

2. The truth of the matter is, We need to give

a. Giving is a matter of putting our trust in God who is eternal rather than putting our trust in our bank accounts or things that are temporary

b. It’s like our currency says, "In God We Trust"

3. You see, money by itself is never enough anyway

a. It doesn’t matter how big the stack is, it doesn’t bring peace or hope or an anchor point for your life

b. As a matter of fact, many times it leads to grief


A. There is a saying that you will never out give God–I believe that is true

1. I also realize that God has already given us more than we could ever give Him.

a. God, in His tremendous generosity has blessed us with blessing beyond compare through His Son Jesus Christ

b. Ephes. 1:7-8

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.

2. Who or What are you trusting in?

a. If you have never trusted Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life, you really need to make that decision today

b. Stop trusting in things that only last for a short time

c. Start trusting in God whose promises will carry you into eternity