Summary: Philippians chapter 1 give us what we need to stay joyful, regardless how difficult like becomes.

How to Be Joyful No Matter What

Philippians 1

• Most people don’t enjoy life

• Just look at people at the subway: hard faces, grin, baptize in vinegar

The 4 keys for a joyful life

1. The Right Perspective (1:12-14)

a. What do you see when you are confronted with the worst?

i. Myth: Life must be perfect in order for me to be happy

1. human point of view says “Why is this happening to me?”

b. What is the right perspective?: See that God is in CONTROL

i. A godly perspective is when you see things the way God see things

1. When you are looking from above, nothing can get you down from below

a. People with the right perspective focus on progress (1:12)

c. Lesson: God has a purpose and reason behind everyone of my problems

i. Thought: Paul’s primary question was not “What is going to happen to me?, but “How is the cause of the gospel affected by what happens to me?”

2. The Right Priority (1:15-18)

a. You will live life based on problems or priorities

b. Paul was being criticized

i. He responded by stating that there are more important things than listening to the critics

1. The only question in the book “”But what does it matter?” or “What then?” – He was really asking “What is the point?” …the priority

a. The main thing is to make the main thing the main thing.

c. Lesson: Focus on what really counts

3. The Real Power (v. 19-20)

a. Life has a way of draining you

i. Some people are ready to throw in the towel in their… marriage, ministry, job, relationship and even God

b. The secret of his strength

i. Prayer of others (1:19)

ii. Power of the Spirit (1:19)

c. Lesson: with God’s power nothing can devaste me

4. The Right Purpose (v. 20-26)

a. Paul reason for living: “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain” (v.21)

i. You can spend it, waste it, or invite your life

b. Everything was taken from Paul, but they could not take away his purpose

i. Paul’s concern was: to go or stay because of the purpose

1. Some people have so much to live on, but have nothing to live for

2. Invest your life in something that will outlast you

a. While many are looking to make an image, Paul was looking to make an impact.