Summary: Doing the ministry may be sometimes frustrating. WHY? Because many Christians do it without efficiency. Here are 4 basic principles on how we can be efficient in our work for the Lord


Being a servant is vital if we want to be used by God. The word servant is not something negative as what the world has somewhat implanted to our minds, but rather being a servant is actually the best state a Christian could ever become. Why? Let me share to you three reasons from The Purpose Driven Life book:

1) Jesus measured greatness in terms of service, not status. God’s idea of greatness is very much contrary to the world’s perspective. I believe that deep within our selves is the desire to rise above the rest, to be the best of the best. In the Lord’s work, if you want to be great, you need to be a servant. I call this SIGNIFICANCE.

If you want your life to have significance in this world, then be a servant. Our Lord Jesus Christ lived for 33 ½ years, 3 ½ of which He spent doing the work of the Lord, and His life changed the world. He said that He came not to be served but to serve. Being a servant gives our lives significance.

2) Without a servant’s heart, you will be tempted to misuse your shape for personal gain. God wants us to use our spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personalities, and experiences (SHAPE) to the maximum level. Being a servant doesn’t only gives us significance but also success in our ministry.

Success in the ministry doesn’t belong to some Christians, but we should all desire to be successful. God wants all of His children to be successful in the ministry. That’s why we should help each other and build each other up to be successful in the ministry. Remember, the ministry is cooperation, not a competition.

3) You shape reveals your ministry, but your servant’s heart will reveal your maturity. This is the goal of God in our lives, that we would be mature or perfect so that we would be equipped to do every good work (2 Tim. 3:16,17). A servant’s heart is vital in a Christian’s quest for spiritual maturity.

According to Ann Landers, “Maturity means dependability, keeping one’s word, coming through in a crisis. The immature are masters of alibi. They are disorganized. Their lives are a maze of broken promises, former friends, unfinished business, and good intentions that somehow never materialize.”

Brethren, being a servant and having a servant’s heart is important in our Christian lives if we want to find significance, success, and spirituality. But I would not be talking about servanthood or how to develop a servant’s heart this morning because I believe that your pastor had somehow preached on these matters. This morning I would like to speak about being efficient in our work or service for the Lord as His servants.


The individual who increases his efficiency as much as 10 percent often increases his income and his opportunities as much as 100 percent. Sun Beau, the great race horse, was worth ten times as much as other horses but he did not have to run ten times as fast, only a split second faster.

Brethren, I would like to challenge you this morning that in doing the ministry we must be efficient. It is my prayer and desire this morning that after hearing this message from the Word of God that we run a split second faster, that we would run the extra mile.

This morning we’ll be learning 4 lessons from Nehemiah, a man known for his leadership in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. How can we run a split second faster?

I. Nehemiah Carefully Sought the Creator (1:11; 2:4) Reliance

We all know that Nehemiah was the cupbearer of the Persian emperor Artaxerxes (1:11). One commentator said that the cupbearer’s position required a very trustworthy individual. The cupbearer tasted the king’s wine before he received it in order to guard against his being poisoned.

If we were to contextualize Nehemiah’s position, I guess we can compare it maybe to the PResdent’s adviser. Before he/she would make a decision or a public statement, she would first consult her advisers. Wouldn’t it be a great honor and privilege to be one of the advisers of the country’s most important person?

Nehemiah’s position was very crucial and very important. He was a man who was trusted by the emperor, a man with close acquaintance with the emperor, a man entrusted with the emperor’s life. Nehemiah’s position was no ordinary one but rather a prestigious one.

Being an Israelite in the land of the Babylonians with this kind of position, he could have been very proud of it. He might say, “Hey, we’re here in Babylon and yet in spite of that I’m still in this position. Any Babylonian could have gotten this position, but the king chose to trust me instead.”

When Nehemiah heard the news from Hanani that the people who are in Jerusalem are in great trouble and disgrace and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire (1:2,3), he could have said, “That’s no problem at all. Don’t you know that I’m the emperor’s cup bearer? I can do something about that problem. My position and power will help us rebuild it.”

But instead of relying on his position and power, Nehemiah carefully sought the creator. After hearing the news, Nehemiah’s first response was he wept (1:4). Then for some days, not hours but days, he mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.

In verses 5-11 we can see his prayer, and in verse 11 we can see his trust in God. He said, “Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man.” Before Nehemiah did anything, he sought God first and asked for His favor by praying to Him.


“Forgive us for thinking that prayer is a waste of time and help us to see that without prayer our work is a waste of time.” -Peter Marshall

PRINCIPLE: Efficiency of work requires complete reliance upon God.

Brethren, before we would be doing something for the Lord we should spend time to stop for a while and seek God. If we want to be efficient servants of the Lord we must never, never, ever neglect the importance and power of prayer. If we would not seek God first, then our work would be a waste of time.

Brethren, praying to God shows that we are relying on Him, not on our own. It means that we are seeking His will, not ours, that we want Him to take control. Whatever task, whether big or small, whether leading in front or doing the bulletin, etc., let us spend time with God.

To run a split second faster, we must RELY upon God.

II. Nehemiah Carefully Surveyed the Circumstances (2:1-5) Research

The next step that Nehemiah did was that he carefully surveyed the circumstances. After knowing that God would use him to build the walls of Jerusalem once again, he didn’t rush to the situation. Nehemiah carefully surveyed the circumstances.

In verses 1-5 of chapter 2, we can see Nehemiah’s dialogue with the emperor. According to some Bible commentators, Nehemiah has thought the matter through ahead of time in God’s presence. He thought of the situation well and analyzed every detail that could take place.

As we look at the Nehemiah’s dialogue, we can see that every thing went smooth. Maybe Nehemiah listed down the possible responses of the King to his actions and dialogues and has listed the things that he can do in response. Commentators say that even Nehemiah’s sad face in front of the emperor was carefully thought of by Nehemiah. Nehemiah didn’t rush to Jerusalem. He did some research first.


Only 5 percent of people think. Only 15 percent think they think. The other 80 percent would rather die than think. -George Bernard Shaw

PRINCIPLE:Efficiency of work requires complete research.

My point here is this, in doing the ministry of the Lord, we should also let our minds work. We must do some careful research. If we would do evangelism in a certain area, we must first know something about evangelism and also the area that we would be evangelizing. Gather all the necessary information and details. We must know the situation, the need, and the solutions or proposals for us to be efficient in God’s work.

I know that research requires more time and effort on our part. It would mean our time and much thinking, but I believe that doing so is worth the sacrifice. God has given us the mind. Let us use it for His glory and honor. If we can do some research at work or at school, why not in the Lord’s work?

To run a split second faster, we must do some research.

III. Nehemiah Carefully Shaped His Course (2:6-9) Regulate

As a result of Nehemiah’s research, he was able to shape his course. After laying down all his cards, he knew that in the end God would give him the king’s approval. We can see that favor was upon Nehemiah because it pleased the king to send him (v.6).

Nehemiah had everything organized. Before he asked for the king’s approval, his plan or course was already shaped because he made the research. One author said that he has an organized mind. He had everything in order. When asked by the emperor of his needs, he already knew what to ask-a letter for his safe-conduct and materials such as timber.


A man hurt his finger when he was downtown. He asked someone where to go for help. So he went to the building and there were two doors marked “Physical” and “Mental.” He went in the “Physical” door. Inside that were two doors marked “Bone” and “Muscle.” He went in the “Bone” door. Inside that were two doors: “Surgery” and “Therapy.” He went in the “Surgery” door. Inside that were two other doors: “Major” and “Minor,” and he was outside.

Someone said, “Did they help you in there?” “No, but that’s the most organized place I’ve ever seen.”

PRINCIPLE: Efficiency of work requires regulation.

By regulation I mean to bring things in order, method or uniformity. It is an authoritative rule dealing with details or procedure. Regulating our work means putting things in order, planning the details and procedures.

We need to put every thing in order. Especially in the Lord’s work, we should be orderly because God is a God of order. In order for us to be in order, we must regulate or shape our course every time we’re doing something for the Lord. It is a lot easier and more effective to do Lord’s work when it’s planned and organized. We need to be responsible Christians. When we’re involved in a ministry, let’s spend time with the Lord, in doing the research, and in regulating our course.

What will you do as a church in the next 6 months? Or a year? Or what about 5 years? Do you have a vision of the Lord’s ministry for the next five years? Brethren, we must think of the future and plan for the future. John Galsworth said, “If you don’t think of the future, you cannot have one.”

It is sad to say that many churches don’t have a vision of what will happen to Lord’s work. No institution can survive without a vision to pull it forward. Vision is very important in the Lord’s work. Our vision at Faith Fundamental Baptist Church is by the year 2010, FFBC will be locally recognized as a premier fundamental, Bible-believing and discipled church, with membership of at least 600, having a sanctuary with 1,000 seating capacity, shall have planted 5 daughter churches, having raised and trained workers for its overall ministries, steadfast in faith and practice, equipped, empowered, and growing, each member in partnership for the defense of the faith and the furtherance of the Gospel.

To run a split second faster, we must regulate the Lord’s work.

IV. Nehemiah Carefully Staged the Course Realize

After all seeking God, surveying the circumstances, and shaping the course, Nehemiah staged the course. He put it into reality. Along the process, Nehemiah faced oppositions in his project. In 2:10, a person named Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the amonnite official were the ones who opposed Nehemiah. And even when Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls, he still faced oppositions. But Nehemiah was determined to stage his course, to put things into reality.

The Elephantine papyri refer to Sanballat as governor of Samaria. Tobiah probably governed the area east of Judea and was either a subordinate of Sanballat or in close cooperation with him. It is clear that their opposition to Nehemiah was motivated politically, because rebuilding Jerusalem means Samaria would be eliminated as the political center of Judea.

In spite of all the oppositions, Nehemiah staged his course. In 6:15, we can see that the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. The walls of Jerusalem were built because Nehemiah trusted God, did some planning, and acted upon his plans.


Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

PRINCIPLE: Efficiency of work requires putting it into reality.

Putting into reality our plans is very important. Our research, regulations would be wasted if we would not put it into reality. It’s great to have a vision, but we must act out our vision. A vision without a task is but a dream.

And as we put things into reality, expect that there will be oppositions. Remember, we are doing the Lord’s work and Satan is our enemy. He would try every thing that he can in order to stop the Lord’s work, to put the Lord’s people out of action. But remember, we are on the Lord’s side. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Lord’s church.

To run a split second faster, let’s put our plans into reality.


Walter Dill Scott said, “It is more than probable that the average man could, with no injury to his health, increase his efficiency by 50 percent.” This only means that we can run a split second faster. We could increase our efficiency in the Lord’s work without any harm or injury on our part. Then we will find significance, success, and develop our spirituality.

If every one of us would run a split second faster, then the Lord’s work will prosper, the ministry here in Muntinlupa will grow by the grace of God.

As I close, let me read to you 6:15. It says, “When all our enemies heard about this (that the wall was completed in 52 days), all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.”

Let the people, especially the unbelievers around us know that this is the work of the Lord and that God is on our side. Let us run a split second faster by relying to God, doing some research, regulation and putting into reality the Lord’s work and bring glory to God.