Summary: This message tries to help the listener realize that God can do amazing things for them if only they will surrender to Him and His agenda for their lives.

Living a Surrendered Life!

Victory or Defeat?

Which do you prefer?

HS football coach

The world says “never surrender”

What is surrender?

Yield to another, give up, resign

Everyone is surrendered to something

Mt. 6:24

You are surrendered to God or you’re not!

Despise- give up

Mammon- treasure, riches

In opposition with God for your heart

You DO NOT have the ability to serve both

Which do you submit to?

Self, your own agenda, money, fear of boldness

Isn’t it so easy to do?

Mt. 26:21, 46, 48

Judas gave up Jesus for money

How can we avoid his mistake?

To surrender to Christ

Not money, self, agenda

He followed Christ for 3 years but was still blinded

His own opinions of the Messiah

Your desires soon become Christ’s desires

Examples of Jesus

His prayer in the garden

Able to call Judas “Friend”

Mt. 27:50

Gave it up willingly

He permitted it

Scary Thought:

He could have failed in His mission

*If He wasn’t surrendered!

We can fail too if not surrendered to God

Why surrender? Because of LOVE!

Romans 5:8; 1 Jn. 3:16

God wants us to willingly give up also

Not out of duty:

Church, Service, Traditions, Have To’s

If you do things out of duty, you have the wrong heart

But God loved us so much He gave us His best!

Surrendering in most other aspects is not a good idea

War, football, sports, temptation

Surrender to Christ ALWAYS brings ultimate success

He always has something greater when we surrender

Jenny and the Dime-Store Necklace

God pleads with us,

“Do you love Me?”

“Give me your cheap stuff”