Summary: This is the 5th sermon in the series "A Time To". This sermon also has a Halloween section and a voting section.

Series: A Time To¡K (Haggai) [#5]


Haggai 2:20-23


[Upbeat Song]



God¡¦s Chosen

Haggai 2:20-23

God¡¦s promise to Zerubbabel was that the promised Davidic King would come from his family line. He would be like God¡¦s signet ring. Jesus is God¡¦s signet ring. Jesus came to show us who God is. Jesus is God in the flesh.

A signet ring was used to seal letters. The wearer of the ring would place the ring in hot wax and then would press it on the letter to seal it. This did two things: 1) It sealed the letter; (2) It identified the sender.

Ephesians 1:11-14

Some people would try to say that this means God chose who was going to be saved and who wasn¡¦t; but 2 Peter 3:9 tells us that God is patiently waiting for that last person to come to Christ. He is waiting because He wants all to be saved and not perish.

John 3:16

Ephesians 1:13 tells us that once we accept the gift of salvation that we are then sealed by the Holy Spirit, which is a guarantee of our eternal salvation.

1 Peter 2:9-10

[Chris St. Clair II] God¡¦s Reputation [Acts 9:10-12]




God¡¦s Chosen Choosing (Halloween)

As we have discussed this morning, as God¡¦s chosen people we put God¡¦s reputation to this world on the line each day.

Today is the most popular holiday of the year in the United States. How should God¡¦s chosen react to this holiday? What is the holiday all about?


The Celtic festival of Samhain is probably the source of the present-day Halloween celebration. The Celts new year began on November 1. A festival that began the previous evening honored Samhain, the Celtic lord of death. The celebration marked the beginning of the season of cold, darkness, and decay. It naturally became associated with human death. The Celts believed that Samhain allowed the souls of the dead to return to their earthly homes for this evening. On the evening of the festival, the Druids, who were the priests and teachers of the Celts, ordered the people to put out their fires. The Druids built a huge new year¡¦s bonfire of oak branches, which they considered sacred. They burned animals, crops, and human beings as sacrifices. Then each family relit its fire from the new year¡¦s fire. During the celebration, people sometimes wore costumes made of animal heads and skins. They told fortunes about the coming year by examining the remains of the animals that had been sacrificed.

Many of the customs of the Celts survived even after the people became Christians. During the 800¡¦s, the church established All Saints¡¦ Day on November 1. They made the old pagan customs part of this Christian holy day. The Catholic Church later began to honor the dead on November 2. This day became known as All Soul¡¦s Day. The Catholics believed that you could pray the dead out of purgatory.

The Jack-o-Lantern originated with an Irishman named Jack who loved to play pranks on the Devil. Legend is that he was made to wander the world carrying a lantern to show him the way, going to neither heaven nor hell. Hollowed out pumpkins with candles lighted inside were supposed to scare evil spirits away.

The Irish initiated ¡§Trick-or-treating¡¨ when farmers would go from house to house to collect food for the village. Costumes went from children dressing up like martyrs in celebration of All Saints Day to the modern day costumes of witches, etc¡K

The Devil delights in deceiving God¡¦s children. What may seem harmless can be very dangerous in the hands of Satan. This may sound radical but where do you draw the line? By the way this is why our church has a Fall Festival.

Object Lesson

Supplies Needed: One large pumpkin with the facial features cut out. When you cut out the features save them because you will need them during this object lesson. You will also need to save some of the slime and seeds from the inside. You will also need a candle.

[Kim St.Clair will do the object lesson and then Shawn will read the story about Albert while Kim puts the pieces of the pumpkin in and out at the appropriate time.]

Could I have my volunteer come up here? [Have the volunteer put their hand into the bowl filled with seeds and pulp.] How does that feel? What words would you use to describe it? Do you think that¡¦s like you? It says in the Bible that we are all sinners and that sound pretty bad to me. This pumpkin does have bad stuff inside. The pumpkin is like us in that we can¡¦t get the bad stuff out- someone has to come along and do it for us. I can¡¦t get rid of my sins on my own, but God has told us in His work that if we will confess our sins to Him, He will take them away and make us clean. When we ask Jesus to come into lives and take our sins away he does it and in the Bible it says that Jesus is the Light of the world so when He comes to live in our lives- light comes into our lives. [Now light the candle.]

I want to tell you about a little boy named Albert. Albert went to church one day and someone told him about the Lord Jesus wanting to come into his life and take away his sins. Albert thought that was a great thing so he asked Jesus to do it. He wanted to share this good news with others so he wanted them to see Jesus in how he acted and what he did. Some days were hard like the day that his mother tried to hurry him up to get to school on time and he yelled and ¡§back-talked¡¨ his mother. He sinned. [Fill in one of the eyes.] On the bus his friend had saved a seat for him but he just glared at him and sat somewhere else. His friend looked hurt. Albert sinned. [Fill in the other eye.] At school they had a spelling test and Albert couldn¡¦t remember what the last word was so he looked on a friend¡¦s paper. Albert sinned. [Fill in the nose.] After school he went outside to play and he hit his little brother. Albert sinned again. [Put one part of the mouth in.] His mother called him in and asked him what happened and he said that he didn¡¦t know. She looked at him and asked him if he had hit his little brother and Albert said no. Albert lied and that is a sin. [Fill in another part of the mouth.] Later his mother asked him to come and set the table, but Albert pretended that he hadn¡¦t heard her and she had to call him 3 times before he finally went. Albert sinned. [Fill in the last part of the mouth.] When Albert sinned did Jesus leave? [Look inside the pumpkin. The light should still be burning. You need to keep the lid of the pumpkin off a little bit or the candle will burn out.] No. Jesus will never leave us but the people around Albert can¡¦t see Jesus because Albert has been doing so many wrong things. Albert needs to ask Jesus to forgive him for the sins he has committed that day and then go to each one of those people and ask their forgiveness. [Take the people back through the sins of Albert and talk about how he asked for forgiveness. As you do this, take the pieces back out so that you can once again see the light burning.]


Do the decisions you make reflect the light of Jesus Christ? Do you have the light of Jesus in your life? Parents, do your children see the light of Jesus in your life? What Does God Want?

Micah 6:8

Act justly.

Love mercy.

Walk humbly with God.

[Special Music: ¡§Here I Am To Worship¡¨ Youth & Children¡¦s Choir]

[Song: The Light of The World Is Jesus]

God¡¦s Chosen Choosing (Voting)

As most of you realize, I seldom preach on current issues and events, but it is not because I do not believe that we should be an active part in what is happening in our nation. Christians have set back watching things get worse and worse long enough. This Tuesday is election day and you need to go vote. Even if the person you vote for does not win, at least you exercised your God given responsibility as a Christian citizen of the United States of America. But if you don’t vote, then you are saying you will live with whatever happens and be quiet about it because you have chosen to not be a part of the process.

I am even going to share with you how to vote:

„« Go to the location where your voter’s registration tells you to go.

„« When you arrive walk in the building and sign up at the desk.

„« Then, when you are told, go into the booth, pull the curtain shut, say a prayer asking God for direction and wisdom, push the buttons of those candidates the Lord has led you to vote for, pull the lever down, and go home with a clear conscience that you have voted as the Lord has directed you to.

Simple enough right? You may be thinking "well that sounds easy, but who do I vote for"? Well, I am sorry but even if I wanted to, I cannot promote any parties or candidates. Even if I could, I would not because that decision is between you and God. But I can help you identify some things that may help.

This is intended to give Christians a perspective on voting, by relating what the Bible has to say about political activism and the responsibilities of believers regarding governmental matters and to encourage Christians to be a part of the political process, as commanded by God’s Word.

Christians Are To Be Involved In Voting

Matthew 22:15-21

In distinguishing obedience to God from obedience to Caesar, Jesus identified the underlying principle of two different kingdoms: church and state.

1. Both are divinely ordained institutions, but ought to remain separate, since they have two distinct purposes. When church and state are united, the integrity of each institution is often called into question.

2. This separation does not prohibit the involvement of Christians in areas of social responsibility.

3. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people is an anarchy unless governed by eternal, self-evident principles, which are reflected in Scripture.

4. Jesus taught us not only to "render unto God" but also to "render unto Caesar." Christians are therefore responsible for obeying laws, paying taxes, praying for those in authority, and actively speaking out and standing for God and His laws in government.

5. Separation of church and state is not saying for you to not be apart. We are to be salt and light to a world that is full of corruption.

Christians Are To Pray For Governmental Leaders

1 Timothy 2:1-4

1. You may not like what is going on in our nation concerning certain issues and may not even seem to be able to do anything about it, but our passage says here you can and are obligated to pray for our countries’ leaders.

2. If we as a Christian people would come together and pray for these leaders, we may see a difference. Because with God all things are possible!

When Christians Don¡¦t Follow Governmental Leaders

Romans 13:1-7

1. God’s Word is clear here isn’t it? This passage says that God established these authorities and we are to follow their lead except when what they ask of us does not match up to Scripture.

Acts 5:29

Christians Should Vote For Candidates Who Will Uphold And Mirror Biblical Righteousness

Proverbs 14:34

Candidates Should Reflect Biblical Righteousness In These Areas:

1. The biblical family structure (Genesis 1:26-28).

2. Local churches should be allowed to remain free from governmental interference (Ephesians 5:25-27).

3. The sacredness of human life, from conception to death (Psalms 139:13-16).

4. The work ethic and thrift (2 Thessalonians 3:10; Proverbs 10:4-5).

5. Accepting full and ultimate responsibility for attitudes and behavior (Romans 14:7-12).

6. Reflect a Christian lifestyle and character (Exodus 20:1-7; Ephesians 4:24-28).

7. Loving others regardless of rejection, race, color, economic status or religion (1 Corinthians 13).

Christian Americans Should Endeavor To Live Their Lives So That God Can And Will Bless Them And Their Nation

Ephesians 5:1-11

1. God does not and will not bless our wickedness and do you want to know what the majority of the problems stem from?

2. APATHY! We as Christians are always waiting for someone else to take a stand or take action.


1. It is time that we see our nation turn back to Christ and a good place to start is through Christian’s going out in force to the polls and voting for candidates not by appearances and false promises but by how God leads you to vote for men and women with these Christian values and attitudes that we have looked at this morning.

2. If you are here this morning and do not know Jesus Christ as your Savior, much of this may seem foolish. See when Jesus becomes part of your life, He changes how we see and do things.

3. Christians, we are God¡¦s chosen people and we must remember that God puts His reputation on the line for us. The decisions we make concerning our families and community matter.
