Summary: CHRISTMAS 1(B) - Turn to see the Lord’s salvation to discover that there is no other God and to be reminded to worship our Savior, Christ Jesus.


ISAIAH 45:21-25 - December 26 2004 - CHRISTMAS 1

INTRO: Watch out! Look out! Be careful! These words of warning bring almost immediate action. A person might even cringe or duck because of what could be coming. Today’s text reminds us to pay attention, pay attention to the word of God and the Savior, Christ Jesus. Believers are to turn to the Lord and be saved. For this very reason believers gather around the word of God – in person, by read-ing or even listening on the radio. "And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts"(2 PETER 1:19). May the Lord move us to pay attention so that God’s light shines in the dark places of our sinful hearts and is replaced by the rising of the morning star. Today’s text reminds us: TURN TO SEE THE LORD’S SALVATION. I. There is no other God. II. We worship our Savior.


A. Isaiah was God’s prophet to bring God’s message to the people of God.

1. Found necessary to get God’s people turned away from idol worship to worshiping God.

2. The facts of history would speak for themselves. Verse 21a. The Lord had done all things.

B. The present was also in the Lord’s control was the very obvious conclusion drawn from the past.

1. Come to the pay attention section of text. Verse 21b. No other God.

2. Repeats this very important message. Verse 22. Turn from the false to the true – now!

C. Simply put – there was no god like the Lord God. Verse 23a. All promises always true.

D. Isaiah says to us: Pay attention. Look back in your life and see the loving care of the Lord God Almighty. Observe in the present the Lord God Almighty’s loving concern. This is the Lord our God who cares for mankind with infinite care – from the very creation of the world to the very end of this world and beyond. To Adam and Eve God promised a Savior. We see that promised fulfilled in the New Testament and that event still celebrated today. God’s promises are trustworthy! "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ’Yes’ in Christ. And so through him the ’Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God"(2 CORINTHIANS 1:20). God’s promises are fulfilled in Christ. We say Amen, thank you Jesus as we turn to see the Lord’s salvation.

E. America celebrates its freedom of religion. There are no restrictions placed on the various faiths and followers in this great land of ours. This is a good thing. It is also a bad thing when all too many chose not to follow Christ. We have seen man-made religions come and go. Some have drawn people to their deaths because of their Messiah complex. At times Christianity is considered to restrictive be-cause of conviction. Christians are convinced that Christ is the Way and the Truth and the Life. Many others would say that is too narrow. The early apostles also faced the same opposition. Their answer, as well as ours, remains the same. "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved"(ACTS 4:12). Turn to see the Lord’s salvation.

F. There is no other God by which men must be saved. This message needs to be repeated and preached in this age and nation of religious plurality. Many religions try to take away (and actually succeed) the certainty of eternal salvation. The false gods of this world hold their followers captive with threats of punishment, vengeance and certain destruction. Not the true God. For the Lord God Almighty, the triune God is the only true God. There is no other. Our Lord loves his creation. "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men--the testimony given in its proper time"(1 TIMOTHY 2:5,6). The Savior, our Sav-ior, Jesus was born at just the right time for the salvation of the world.

TRANS: Turn to see the Lord’s salvation in the manger at Bethlehem. There is no other God. Our lives reflect that simple truth as II. We worship (and praise) our Savior.


A. Isaiah wanted God’s people to focus on the true God rather than all the false gods among them.

1. Turn to me and be saved. The Lord’s promises are true: past, present and future.

2. Isaiah says pay attention to what the Lord has done, continues to do and will do.

B. Verse 23. The Lord has sworn and his word will not be broken. All will bow to worship him.

1. Isaiah looks into the New Testament times. He sees the Last Day when the Lord returns.

2. We are told that all peoples will see him and confess his holy name.

C. The unbelievers will not confess their faith – it is too late. Unbelief is brought to light. Verse 24b.

1. Not so the believers. Verse 25. Believers rejoice, worship, and praise God for deliverance.

2. Isaiah explains why in verse 24a. The Lord is righteous and this provides strength.

D. Almost becomes more difficult during this time of year to stay near to God. The worldliness around us, the crass commercialism easily attracts and then distracts devoted attention to the real reason of the CHRISTmas season. The days after Christmas can be very disappointing for many who have lost the focus of seeing the Lord’s salvation. There truly is more than just gifts, giving, eating, drinking and being merry. It becomes all the more important for us to pay attention and turn to see the Lord’s salva-tion. Our sins are forgiven and there is peace on earth. "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ"(EPHESIANS 2:13).

E. We consider God’s great gift to the world. We consider God’s great gift to us and we are filled with awe and wonder. Like Mary we ponder the mystery of God becoming flesh that we may live for-ever. Our reaction is to live changed lives. When the world around us is held more firmly than ever in the grips of sin and Satan – they need to hear the truth of salvation. When many try to take Christ out of this holiday season (CHRISTMAS) it is all the more important to speak up. "Through Jesus, there-fore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that confess his name"(HE-BREWS 13:15). As we turn to see the Lord’s salvation we worship and praise our Savior.

F. Today’s society is not always anxious to hear the message that God wants them to hear. People, though claiming to be tolerant, feel put off when confronted with the convictions of Christianity and suddenly have no time to listen. What is the believer to do? Believers are to shining lights in this world. Again, this all the more important as the world often feels that Christmas is put away and packed up for another year when all those Christmas decorations are removed. Believers are brighter than any lights hung by the mantle. Our reaction when we see the Lord’s salvation is a reaction of praise and worship of Christ-child. "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of wor-ship"(ROMANS 12:1). Worship of Christ is much more than just once an hour, once a week duty. True Christian worship is day-to-day reflection of God’s great love for all of mankind.

CONCL: Yes, we will soon pack up all of our Christmas decorations. They will be carefully put away for another year. Today Isaiah reminds us to pay attention to the Lord’s salvation. We dare not and can not pack away the Christ-child for another year. Today we are encouraged and reminded to turn to see the Lord’s salvation – every day. Looking to the Lord and seeing his salvation there is only one conclusion: there is no other God who deserves our worship and praise. "Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face al-ways"(PSALM 105:3,4). When so many are turning away from the truth may our gracious and loving Lord keep us turned toward him until we see him face to face in eternity! Amen.

Pastor Timm O. Meyer

CHRISTMAS 1(ILCW-A) rdgs: ISAIAH 63:7-9; GALATIANS 4:4-7; MATTHEW 2:13-15, 19-23