Summary: This message will contrast 2 investors that Jesus talks about in Luke (a smart guy and a fool)and it will teach us what the only fail safe investment is. (Money Matter pt 2)

Fail Safe Investing

Money Matters – part two


LAST WEEK – we began a brand new message series that we are calling, ‘Money Matters.’ AND – in that message we talked about how all of us needed to begin thinking differently about money… SPECIFICALLY – we talked about 5 new ways of thinking about money…

Money Is Not The Answer

LISTEN – if you think that money… AND – having more of it is the answer to all your problems, heartache and worries…YOU – are wrong! Money is not the way the truth and the life… Jesus is – Jesus is the answer.

You Are Rich

LAST WEEK – we learned that it’s all in who we compare ourselves too. YES IF – we compare ourselves to Bill gates, and to sports, music and movie stars… we may not feel all that rich… BUT – if we compare ourselves to the billions of other people in this world’s it’s a totally different story. IF – you make 36,000 a year you make more then 97% of the world’s population… IF – you have running water, electricity… food in the cabinet you are richer then over 1 billion people. 3 billion people around the world went to bad hungry last night…AND – they will go to bed hungry tonight… You’re rich.

None Of Your Money Is Yours

LISTEN - every thing you have belongs to God… Not just 10%... BUT – all of it. Get it? NOW - the early church got it… Acts 4:32 says;

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. – Acts 4:32

WE – also said last week that since every thing belongs to God… THAT - one day God is coming back to ask us what we have done with His stuff… AND – since that divine audit is on it’s way… MANY - of us took the challenge starting last week to do things right financially in 2005… SO THAT – we will be ready when that divine audit comes! (Good Sense – How To Get A Grip On HIS Cash) )

It’s Okay To Enjoy Money

The bible says in 1 Timothy 6; “…the living God, richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment… AGAIN - IF you are honoring God with your money… IF YOU ARE - using your money to advance His kingdom… IF YOU ARE - giving to His church… IF YOU ARE – helping the less fortunate here and around the world… DON’T – feel guilty if you go a vacation, buy a nice car, get your kids something really cool for Christmas…or take your family out to dinner… Enjoy it! have fun! AND REMEMBER – to always thank God for flowing some of HIS stuff your way

AND – the 5th new way of thinking about money is that…

Money Can Lead To Real Life…

AGAIN – from 1 Timothy 6; Tell those who are rich in this world… to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them. By doing this they will …take hold of real life.

OKAY - that’s what we talked about last week… It was a FUN message to share… I’ve had nothing but positive comments about it. AND – I am so pumped about what God is going to do in our lives and in our church… as we embrace this new way of think (about money)…

THIS MORNING – we are going to talk about fail safe investing… BY THE WAY – how safe are your investments? Are they secure? 100% secure? Are you confident that they will be there when you need them? That they will give you the returns that you want?

NOW - our study this morning is really going to be a study in contrasts… AND – the contrast is going to be between 2 investors that Jesus talked about during the final weeks of His life…ONE GUY - we met last week… (but let’s met him again)

15Then Jesus said, "Beware! Don’t be greedy for what you don’t have. Real life is not measured by how much we own."16And he gave an illustration: "A rich man had a fertile farm that produced fine crops. 17In fact, his barns were full to overflowing. 18So he said, `I know! I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I’ll have room enough to store everything. 19And I’ll sit back and say to myself, My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. Now take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry!’ 20"But God said to him, `You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get it all?’ 21"Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God."

- Luke 12:15-21 (NLT)

That’s the first investor… The second investor we meet in Luke 16…

Jesus told his disciples: “There was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. 2So he called him in and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer.’ 3“The manager said to himself, ‘What shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I’m not strong enough to dig, and I’m ashamed to beg– 4I know what I’ll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses.’ 5“So he called in each one of his master’s debtors. He asked the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ 6“ ‘Eight hundred gallons of olive oil,’ he replied. “The manager told him, ‘Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it four hundred.’

7“Then he asked the second, ‘And how much do you owe?’ “ ‘A thousand bushels of wheat,’ he replied. “He told him, ‘Take your bill and make it eight hundred.’ 8“The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. 9I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.

10“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. 11So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? 12And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?

13“No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” 14The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.


AGAIN – this morning I want to talk about; Fail Safe Investing… NOW – I personally (at this time)… KNOW - very little about investing money… BUT – the idea has always intrigued me from the distance… LIKE… IF - back in 1992 I would have invested $1,000 in Aol in the years 2000 it would have been worth $600,000… $11,500 invested – would have been worth 7 million…. AND – just about everyone my age looks back with regret, for not buying Home Depot Stock in the early 1980’s... MAN – if I would have used just ½ of my reenlistment bonus in 1981 to but Home Depot stock… I would have over 10 million dollars today… YES – there is a lot of money to be made in investing… IF – you invest in the right things at the right time….If you find a safe investment….

AGAIN – I am pretty uneducated when it comes to investing… BUT ON - Tuesday I went to Barnes & Nobles and hung around the investing section for awhile… AND - I saw books with titles like these…

Smart Couples Finish Rich

The Automatic Millionaire

The 1 minute millionaire

More Wealth Without Risk

The Road To Wealth

Get A Life, You Need A Million To Retire Well… and

The Intelligent Investor…

That last book, I pulled off the shelf, grabbed a chair and sat down… I - flipped through a few of it’s pages… There was a section in the beginning called; “The Sure Thing That Wasn’t.” AND – I thought, “awesome… maybe I could use this in my sermon…” It talked about investments that looked safe, but turned out to be disasters… YOU SEE – no only can you make a lot of money by investing – you can also loose a lot…

ONE – example of a sure thing that wasn’t was called, Monument Internet Fund… it had a 117.3 % return in it’s first 5 months (in just 5 months your money would more than double ( 5,000 would be $11,000). The fund manager predicted that the fund would gain 50% a year over the next 3 years… AND – would have an annual average of 35% over the next 20 years…. ($ 10,000 – 4 million)… BUT – things didn’t quite work out as he predicted… IN FACT - 10,000 invested in May of 1999, was only worth $2,000 by the end of 2002.

ANOTHER – sure thing that wasn’t… was a fund called Amerindo Technology…It grew an incredible 248.9% in 1999. (a $ 5,000 investment would be worth almost $ 18,000 in just 1 year). The fund manager said that this growth would continue and that if investors didn’t like 10fold growth they could go somewhere else. BUT – again things did not go as predicted. INSTEAD – a 10,000 investment in Dec 1999 by 2002 was worth only 1,195 (an 836% decrease). The book said that it was one of the worst destructions of wealth in the history of mutual funds…

YES – not all investments are safe… In 1929 millions of Americans found that out… AS – the stock market crashed and the Great Depression was born… AND – recently millions once again found out that their investments were not as safe as they thought… WHEN - from March of 2000 to October 2002 the stock market lost 50% of it’s value or 7.4 trillion dollars… I have a hunch that some in here felt the sting of that lose on their 401k’s and other investments…

NO – despite what brokers, financial advisors, Clark Howard and other Wall Street wonders tell us… Despite the fact the same dude named Harry Browne wrote a book called, ‘Fail-Safe Investing, Lifelong Financial Security in 30 minutes…’ there is only one fail-safe investments… AND – it has nothing to do with building worldly wealth. OKAY – the first point in your notes is;

Two Investors

Luke 12 - The Fool

AGAIN – in Luke 12 we meet our first investor… AND – this guy when it came to building worldly wealth was awesome…. I MEAN - he made all the right investments; everyone stock he picked was a winner – ever risk he took paid big dividends.. HE - just kept getting richer and richer… HE - had more money then he could spend in a 100 lifetimes… What a great investor… AND – if he were alive today… I would have found his book; “My Barns Are Overflowing And So Can Yours, How to Eat, Drink & Be Merry In just 30 minutes) on the shelf at Barnes & Nobles.

AND – then Jesus tells us that this man dies…

NOW – I want to pick up his story from there… BUT – with a 21st Century flavor…

His death was a major story in the financial community. His obituary was written up in Forbes and The Wall Street Journal. And it’s too bad he was dead, because he would have loved to read the wonderful things they said about him. Then, they had a memorial service, and because he was so prominent, the whole community was there. They all filed past the casket, and they all made the same stupid comment people always make at funerals. "He looks so peaceful," they said. (Rigor mortis will do that to a body)

His funeral service was huge and important & wealthy people got up to eulogize him. "He was an innovator, a master of new technology systems," one of them said. Somebody else said, "He was one of the leading entrepreneurs of his day." "He was a man of principles," said a third person. "He was a straight arrow." "He would never cheat on his taxes or his expense account or his wife."

Somebody else noted his civic achievements. "This man was a pillar in the community. He knew everybody. He was a net worker." AND - they even erected a memorial to this man and they wrote inspiring words on it: "Leader;" "Innovator;" "Entrepreneur;" "Visionary;" "Success." Especially that word… BECAUSE - he gave his life for that word–success.

They buried his body, they put up the marker and they all went home. AND - when it was dark and there was no one present to observe, unseen, unheard, the angel of God comes to this cemetery and makes his way through all of the other grave stones. He comes to the marker, and there traces, with one finger, the single word that God chose to assess this man’s life. Do you know what it was? "Fool."

21"Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God." - Luke 12:13-21 (NLT)

NOW - you may be wondering , "Why such harsh language? I MEAN - Jesus doesn’t usually use language like that." BUT UNDERSTAND – Jesus is not engaging in name-calling. YOU SEE - the Greek word translated ‘fool’ is a compound word, that literally means – “without mind or without reason.”

AND - when Jesus calls this man a fool is making a tragically accurate diagnosis. For You SEE - despite all of this man’s business brilliance, despite his market savvy, despite all of the cost-benefit analysis and cash-flow projections that he ran. THERE - was one scenario that he forgot to take into account in all of his forecasting? His death. HE - forgot that he was going to die. Therefore he was living his live without a mind, without reason… He was a fool. HE – was living for things that will not last… AND GUYS – nothing here on this earth will last…

10The day of the Lord’s return will surprise us like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a loud noise, and the heat will melt the whole universe. Then the earth and everything on it will be seen for what they are. 11Everything will be destroyed. – 2 Peter 3:10,11 (CEV)

AND - 2,000 years later God still stands amazed at the folly of any human being, no matter how smart or educated, who painstakingly prepares for every contingency, who covers every base, no matter how unlikely, and then forgets the one inevitable certainty that stares all of us in the face, which is, "I’m going to die one day."

"What other word," Jesus asks, "do you use to describe such folly?" A human being so busy building up his little kingdom as if it were to last… THAT - he doesn’t have any time for the kingdom of God, which will endure forever. What other word do you use to describe a man who is busy making a living he doesn’t make a life.

[Tim…] UNDERSTAND – there is only one fail safe investment… AND – this investor in Luke 12, didn’t make it and Jesus called Him a fool…

NOW – lets take a look at the investor that Jesus talked about in Luke 16…

Luke 16 - The Smart Guy…

NOW – when Jesus calls the guy in Luke 12… a fool. I THINK – that most of us get that… “yeah that makes sense…” BUT – when Jesus commends this guy in Luke 16 and tells us to be like Him… I – think most of us kind of scratch our heads…

“The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. 9I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.

“Jesus I don’t get it, the guy was a crook, he was ripping off his boss, he got busted… AND - he runs this huge scam… that makes Enron, Martha Steward and Worldcom look honest” (LISTEN – if this parable puzzles you… I can see why).

BUT UNDERSTAND – Jesus is not commending this guy for being dishonest… BUT – for being what? The NIV says, for being ‘shrewd’ QUESTION – what picture or images come into your mind when you think of someone being shrewd? ARE - the images, positive or negative…? THIS – past Thursday, I went into the fellowship hall when Jennifer was helping some of the pre-schoolers with their lunch (I always like to go in there and steal some of their food…just kidding – they give it to me – still kidding)…

WELL - when I walked in I told Jennifer, “Jen, you know what you are a very shrewd person…” AND - she got this weird look on her face and said, “gee thanks” I MEAN - her reaction was perfect… AND - I told her, “thanks that was perfect you just helped me with my message…”

YOU SEE – I didn’t really like that word shrewd all that much either… It didn’t bring positive pictures into my mind… SO – I decided to research the original word in Greek…(it was fun) AND – I found that the Greek word translated shrewd means; “To think, to understand, to be wise, to be smart…” IN FACT – it’s a form of the same word Jesus uses in Matthew 7:24; everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

SO – to be shrewd is to be wise… AND – of all the translations I looked at only the NCV got it right…

“So the master praised the dishonest manager for being smart. Yes, worldly people are smarter with their own kind than spiritual people are. I tell make friends for yourself using worldly riches, so that when those riches are gone, you will be welcomed in those homes that continue forever.” - Luke 16:8 (NCV)

QUESTION – why was this investor in Luke 16 smart…? For a least 3 reasons…

1) Because he realized that his job would soon be gone… (no denial)

2) Because he also realized that as long as he had his job he could still impact his future…

3) Because he took immediate action – to invested his job to secure his future..

AND – in like manner… Jesus will call us a smart guy… WHEN – we too realize that one day all our money & resources will be gone… AND – in response use what we have while we have it, to secure & impact our future in heaven…

2 investors…

Luke 12 – The fool

Luke 16 – the smart guy

5 Lessons…

NOW – I want to talk about 5 lessons that these 2 investors teach us about fail-safe investing… AND – I’ve arranged those lessons around an acrostic of the word money… (Now I love acrostic even no one else does)…

M - Material Stuff, All Of It Goes Back In The Box

QUESTION – have you ever played monopoly… NOW - the goal of monopoly is the same as the goal for any game – To Win. AND - in monopoly to win means that you own all the best property, the most expensive property – that you have tons of houses and hotels, AND of course lots of cash….

Ever play the game? Ever win? Ever do real well? I MEAN – have you ever had tons of cash and more hotels then the Holiday Inn? IF SO – it was pretty cool wasn’t it? IT’S – fun to win, to have all of that stuff…

BUT [Tim…] - let me ask you a question? WHAT - happens when the game is over? It all, every hotel, every house, every piece of property, every dollar, it all goes back in the box…

LISTEN – when the foolish guy in Luke 12 died all of his stuff.. every barn and every thing that was in those barns went back in the box… NOW – don’t misunderstand me, it’s not a bad thing to play the game well…. BUT – we need to remember the game always ends. For every player, the game always ends.

I MEAN - every day you can pick up a newspaper, and you can turn to a page that describes people for whom this week the game ended. FRIDAY MORNING – I went online and logged on the AJC site. And – clicked on the obituaries (the listing of those who died)… AND – I saw that;

• FOR - Marlene Aldridge 73, the game ended on Thursday

• FOR – Lisa Acworth 18; the game ended on Tuesday

• FOR – Devonte Common 9, the game ended on Monday

• FOR – Jonathan Lloyd 20, the game ended on Monday

• FOR – John O’Conner 86, the game ended on Wednesday

There were almost 200 people in Friday’s paper alone… WHO - had every thing go back into the box just this week… Think about that for a moment… Think about if that were your name. One day it will be… [Tim…] – it all goes back in the box… Houses, cars, jewelry, titles, clothes, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, even your body – it all goes back in the box…

LISTEN - there is a simple, two-word question that the man in Luke 12 never asked himself. It’s the question, "Then what?"

YOU SEE - he thought that his problem was that he had too much stuff and not enough closet space. His assumption was that his wealth would last. He just needed a place to put it. And he never thought to ask himself, "When I finally have enough, when the barn is full and I’m financially secure, then what?"

QUESTION - when you finally get the ultimate possession, when you’ve made the ultimate purchase, when you buy the ultimate home, when you have stored up financial security and climbed the ladder of success to the highest rung you can possibly climb, and the thrill wears off (and it will wear off)… THEN - what? I MEAN - how important will all that stuff be in the end? ”Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God." "Don’t you know," God asks, "how quickly life passes? " “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes…” - James 1:14

Moments come and years fly, you cannot stop them and you cannot control them. AND - one day, the final moment of your life will come, and you cannot control that either. And Jesus says anybody who goes through life, no matter how well they’ve played the game, no matter how much wealth and stuff they store.. no matter how awesome their crib is… AND - doesn’t prepare for that moment, is not a smart guy… because it all goes back in the box…

O – Only What You Send Ahead Will Last

I tell you, use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. In this way, your generosity stores up a reward for you in heaven. – Luke 16: 9

UNDERSTAND - God wants you to store up wealth… Just not here… AND – Jesus could not have made this truth any clearer… THEN – in that great sermon He preached on the mountains of Galilee…

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. – Mt 6:19,20

[Read it again]

OKAY – I have 3 questions for you…

1) WHERE – are we to store up treasure? In heaven…

2) WHY - will that treasure last (why is it safe?)… BECAUSE - nothing in this world can get at them…

3) WHO – are those treasures for…? For you! store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…

[Tim…] – do you see what Jesus is saying… YOU – have a bank account in heaven… AND – Jesus says you should want a HUGE one!

N – Now Is The Time To Make Your Deposit

The fool in Luke in 12 lived his life by the following philosophy… "Hey, I’ll get around to what matters one day, I’ll make those heavenly deposits when things settle down."

LET ME - ask you a question, friends… WHEN - will things settle down? I’LL – tell you when… WHEN - you die. YES - things will settle way down when you die. I MEAN - you will be amazed at how much the pace of your life is going to slow when they put you 6 feet in the ground… BUT – it’s not going to settle down until then…

UNDERSTAND - if you are waiting for things to settle down before you get around to doing what really matters in life, you will NEVER do what God made you to do. You will NEVER – give back to the world the things God created you to give back…. AND you will NEVER become who God made you to become. The fool says, “Hey, I’ll make my deposit when things settle down..”

NOW - the smart guy lives by a totally different philosophy… “I have no time to waste, I need to get er done… I need to make my deposits now!” AGAIN – the guy in Luke 16 was a smart guy… I MEAN – he finds himself in a situation…and he starts thinking

‘Oh man this is not good. I am in deep trouble here. I’m going to loose my job. I’m going to be begging. I’m going to be digging. I’m going to be on the streets… What am I going to do…?” AND – then bam it hits him… ”I know what I’ll do! – while I still have my job I will use it to my advantage… I will use it to secure my future… And I’m going to start using it right now… AND – he pulls out his cell phone, hits the speed dial… AND – starts using his present wealth to secure his future…

LISTEN – every believer has a heavenly bank account… AND – the only time you can make deposits - is now!

QUESTION - how we make deposits…? BY – investing in what really matters. AND - what really matters in life is loving God and loving people… THEREFORE - a smart person, a person who does not live foolishly/who does live without a mind…A – person who is wise, who understands, who thinks things through…WILL invest their time, talents and treasure in God, in His kingdom, His church and his people… AND – they’ll do it now!!! BECAUSE - none of that stuff goes back in the box….

UNDERSTAND – what you invest in God and in the people that matter to God takes on an eternal significance. AND - people who get it -- stay up awake at night, trying to figure out ways to give their resources and invest their lives that will make a difference…

NOW – you can store up treasure in heaven in other ways then just being generous with your money… Like the students and adults who gave up their Saturday to go down to the inner city of Atlanta to tutor kids yesterday… BUT – the focus of this message is about using your money to store up treasures for yourself in heaven…

I tell you, use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. In this way, your generosity stores up a reward for you in heaven. – Luke 16: 9

UNDERSTAND - when you bring your offering on Sunday – you are storing up treasures in heaven (you are helping establish a Jesus presence in this community… You are helping build a community where people can come and get healed, get a fresh start find God, discover worship,

When you buy a child whose parent is in prison a gift (like so many here have done) – you are storing up treasures in heaven….

When you help someone have food on their table

When you sponsor a child through Compassion

When you adopt an orphan from over seas

When you open up your and you refrigerator to other people

GUYS – get creative, you’re smart people… THINK – of ways that you can use what you have to love God and to love other people..

AND REMEMBER – God’s economy is different then ours… YOU SEE – in His economy it’s not what you have that matters - it’s what you give…

While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people putting their gifts into the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two pennies. "I assure you," he said, "this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has." - Luke 21:1-4

I am confident that this widow is going to get a return on her investment that will blow her away…

Christmas 2001 was a special time for many homes at Central…

E – Every Heart Tells Their Story

CHECKOUT – what Jesus said about the heart in the passage right after the one about the foolish investor… Jesus says…

Do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

32"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. 33Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for ourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also… - Luke 12:29-34

Jesus says where your treasure is there is your heart will also be…. IN - other words find someone’s treasure, and you’ll find their heart… FIND - what people spend their money on and you’ll find what is ‘really’ important to them…

Question – are you concerned about the price of Home Depot Stock? Would your interest change, IF – you had a couple thousand shares? LISTEN – no matter how much we may like it not to be this way, Jesus says if something does not have your treasure, it does not have your heart… In other words if Jesus does have your money he doesn’t really have you….

This past week a friend loaned me a copy of an awesome book. It is called, The Generosity Factor… It’s kind of a modern day parable.. The 2 main characters are the Broker and The Executive. The Broker is extremely rich and lives in New York… He has it all - money, status a huge office on Wall Street… BUT – one day as he walks through the gleaming brass revolving door and into the marble-lined atrium of his office building… a disturbing thought crossed his mind… ‘why do I feel so dreadfully insignificant”

NOT – long after that he reads an article in his favorite financial paper about some guy out in Denver who was a wealthy businessman who claimed that the greatest joy in his life was giving to others… The broker is very skeptical so he goes out to Denver to meet this Executive.

He spends a week with the old guy and is blown away by the way he lives… He tells the broker that he doesn’t work to get – he works to give… He gives money to the young people who work for him to go to college…(over 16 million dollars) gives money for them to on mission trips, he has 12 homes across the country where young people in difficult times can live…He has helped thousands of kids in this way and they all call him ‘grandpa.’ Built a camp in the mountains…

The Executive bottom line is that the Executive teaches the broker that a significant life is far more fulfilling then a successful life. AND – that giving is the greatest enjoyment in life… He calls it the generosity factor… AND – says that it is all about having a change heart… AND – he gave the broker an acrostic of the word heart to make sure that he keeps his heart in the right place…

H – He owns it all

E – every day is an opportunity

A – action is required

R – remember you blessings

T – thank Him

It’s a great book, an inspiring book and the executive is a real person, Truett Cathy…

Y – Your Decision Will Impact Your Eternity

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money… - Matthew 6:24

AND – your decision is…

will you serve money or will you serve God?

You cannot serve God and money…

BUT – you can serve God WITH money… and that is what fail-safe investing is all about!

The decision you ARE making this day (Dec 12, 2004) WILL impact your eternity…