Summary: Even in the midst of all that is happening around us, we can remember what Christ has done for us and be thankful. (Remember our Baptism Service)

“Remember and Be Thankful…”

Matthew 3:13-17

(quotes taken from the NKJV unless noted)

Wakelee Church ~ January 16, 2005

Theme: Even in the midst of all that is happening around us, we can remember what Christ has done for us and be thankful.

Introduction –

12,000…15,000…35,000…60,000…72,000…over 100,000…over 200,000…

As AnnMarie, the kids, and I spent the last couple of weeks driving to and from Florida, my ears heard the numbers, but my mind could not get a grip on the sheer number of those affected in South Asia. Whole villages…gone. Whole families…killed. Millions of lives tragically affected.

In what seems to be the greatest irony…the very thing that they needed the most the South Asia…good, clean water…is what destroyed them. In mere seconds, an earthquake far off shore began the domino-effect of cascading water that would physically effect those on shore.

And over this past week, we’ve seen nature in its most radical forms in our own country. Mudslides in California…flooding in Indiana and Ohio…and even a 50 degree day failing to a 15 degree day, fog in our area causing major traffic accidents across the Midwest.

And with these entire events happening, I turned to my worship planner for this week to see that we’re to talk about remembering and being thankful in the context of Jesus’ baptism. I also turned to our United Methodist calendar to see that United Methodists are celebrating Human Relations Sunday, partially in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King. And, if that weren’t enough, evangelicals across the spectrum this week, are remembering that fateful decision by a supreme court back in the 1970’s, which showed that we as a nation are willing to put the Sanctity of Human Life in jeopardy, as we allow our mothers to abort their children.

But in the midst of all of this, I want you to hear the voice of God that is simply telling us that God is in control even in the midst of these radical days.

God doesn’t create the unrest, but he still cares. In fact, thanks to Adam and Eve’s decision to have the knowledge of good and evil, we will have even more unrest before Christ comes again.

But even in the midst of it all, God is still in control. And because he is, we can take our cue from Dr. King, and know that we can deal with the tragedies of today, remembering where we’ve been in the past, as we are thankful about the opportunities we have for the future.

Even in these trying days, we can remember and be thankful.

And these days are no different than the days when Jesus was baptized. Evil leaders, natural diasters, and greed and death, ran rampid as John the Baptists shouted so all could hear, "Repent...and be baptized."

What was different was Jesus. And when he came forward everything changed...for John...for those who were watching John...and for us.

Jesus was baptized to set things into motion. This morning as we prepare to remember our baptism, it would be good to look at what happened when Jesus came forward.

I – When Jesus was baptized, he came to bring meaning, a sense of happiness.

John didn’t want to baptize Jesus, but Jesus told John that it needed to be done in order to “fulfill righteousness” – to bring some sense of order, to start the redemption process, for you and me.

Let me ask you a question…are you happy this morning? A recent study done by Harvard psychology students asked that question to a thousand people. And the results they found astounded them…

They found that it takes three things for people to fully happy…

1. It takes positive emotion. Those who have empathy and can feel a true warmth about

themselves and others are on their way to happiness.

2. It takes engagement with one’s surroundings. Those who continually attempt to reach

out to their neighbors and their world are on their way to happiness.

3. But the last finding is what astounding them the most…happy people have a meaning in their life…that meaning comes from spirituality…and for most of the people studied…that happiness came from a relationship with God.

The Today show had one of the psychologists who oversaw the study on just recently. Katie Couric asked, “what is the most important finding you found in this study.”

The answer was this, “We never knew that happiness was tied so close to spirituality.”

Just to let you know, your pastor upon hearing this, yelled at the TV… “DUH!!!!”

Christ came…and was baptized…to bring meaning to our lives.

II – When Jesus was baptized, God announced his presence to the world.

In the midst of all that baptizing John was doing, not once had God audibly spoke. Can you imagine the scene. Thousands of people had come to the hillsides from their cities and their towns to see this character named John.

And because his message was so clear, “Repent…be baptized.” They choose but to oblige. But the air changed when this Jesus of Nazareth showed up. Instead of being the great communicator, John is being subservient. Instead of demanding baptism, John is asking to be baptized. There must be something different about this Jesus!

This is why God was well pleased…it was if he was saying, “I want you to meet somebody…in fact, my Son…he’s going to do some great things…just follow him…and you will find what makes me joyful.

III – When Jesus was baptized, He became one of us.

As we prepare our hearts for remember our baptism, I invite you to remember that even in the midst of the tsunamis, the mudslides, the flooding, and the fog…Christ is present with us through the work of the Holy Spirit.

By this act of going to John to be baptized, by this very act of joining people, very much like ourselves, who were acknowledging that their lives were totally messed and empty and uncertain and in need of a fresh start, Jesus publicly demonstrated the meaning of Emmanuel – God being with us. God coming to save us. God joining us in this world, in our human condition, in our human predicaments. God understanding. God weeping. God saving.

Even in the midst of all that is happening around us, we can remember what Christ has done for us and be thankful. We can be thankful as we remember the meaning that Christ has brought into our lives. We can be thankful as we remember that God was pleased with Jesus. And we can be thankful, as we remember that even in the midst of trying times, God will always be us.

Remembering and being thankful…that is exactly what we are about to do this morning.

IV. Remembering Our Baptism

This morning we’re going to take a moment to celebrate this God, who through baptism, calls us into a closer life with him.

Baptism is not salvation, but it is the greatest sign we can give to one another that we are a part of God’s family.

Today, we’re going to remember our baptism. And, for some of us who were baptized as children, remembering in the mental sense may prove impossible. But today we’re going to remember in the Spiritual sense.

As noted in the bulletin, as we sing our closing song together, you are invited to come forward, get wet, and place that water near your heart and say, “I remember and am thankful.” The altar and the first pew are available for your prayers if you feel so led.

And this morning, you may be saying, I don’t know if I’ve ever been baptized. In that case, I still invite you to come forward. In that case, you can celebrate Christ’s baptism by saying the same words, “I remember and am thankful.”

And my last point of instruction this morning is this, even in the midst of all that is happening around us, have hope and joy in this moment. This is not a somber ritual, but a joyful affirmation. Bring your hymnals with you as you come forward so that you may sing with your full heart, O Happy Day, and truly experience God’s Spirit washing over us as we reaffirm our faith.

Closing Song - # 391 – O Happy Day...


As we leave this place…

May the blessing of God, the fountain of Living Water, flow within us as a river of life.

May we drink deep of its wisdom, relying fully on God’s grace.

May we never thirst again, experiencing God’s all-sustaining power.

May we go through life refreshing others, as a sign of healing for all.

And, until we meet again, may God hold us in the palm of his ever-flowing hand…Amen.