Summary: 4th of 4 on 1 Timothy 6 on Money. This messages deals with the deposit of trust and value that God has given to us. The Good News of Jesus is God’s wealth.

Knowledge that Becomes Foolishness or Foolishness that Becomes to Joy

In celebration of our 25th year of marriage, Donna and I took a cruise around the Hawaiian Islands. On one of our stops we drove to the top of a great volcano where we discovered that it can be cold, windy, and surprisingly, where there is nothing to breathe! It was pretty but the drive to the top ended with a destination that though amazing and interesting – was also a place we didn’t want to stay for very long.

People do it all the time… They drive, push, fight, and struggle to get to the destination – only to be disappointed when they get there. When they get to the top – they discover there is nothing there but wind (with little oxygen), low temperatures, and view of the world from a great distance. In other words people at the top are isolated from everyone and everything, they can’t catch their breath, and it’s cold up there.

I grew up with a band that made headlines all over the world – The Beatles. They started out in Liverpool, England, came to America and played on the Ed Sullivan show on a Sunday night and were a sudden sensation. Literally, overnight they were the talk of the entire country. Girls fainted, boys grew long hair, and mothers complained about the loud music, fathers derided the lyrics (I want to hold your hand – Yeah, Yeah, Yeah?????), and preachers railed about the youth going to hell in a hand basket.

Eventually the Beatles and their music matured, their audiences got older and more sophisticated, and John, Ringo, Paul, and George got jaded.

They reached the top of the mountain. They piled up great heaps of wealth. They hung platinum records like wallpaper. Then became so full of themselves that they proclaimed that they were more popular than Jesus. (That was real popular with the preachers!) And we watched them become isolated, breathless, and cold on top of that Great Mountain called success by some, fame by others, and fortune by the rest.

Then we watched the wheels come off. We saw them travel to India seeking the wisdom of a guru. George quit and hid in a castle somewhere in Great Britain until he died of cancer. John married a weird Japanese lady named Ono and was killed by a crazy gunman. Ringo banged around and eventually started a new group called “Wings”. Paul became a British Knight of the realm and sang “Hey, Jude” at the Superbowl.

Listen, The worldview of life will trip you up and destroy you every time – whether you are successful or simply a survivor.

God’s worldview leads to living and loving life - cheerfully and wonderfully.

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty today. Everything we’ve been talking about the last three weeks leads up to this final statement…

God puts His wealth on deposit with us

God made a deposit in Timothy’s bank

What is that deposit? It’s not money or the things we usually associate with wealth.

In Casper, (the movie) the plot of the movie is wealth that has been long lost and hidden away in a vault. Did you see the movie? Do you remember what was in the vault – all dusty and forgotten? His ball glove and baseball… memories of being a boy and playing with his father.

Real wealth has nothing to do with material treasures.

So what did God give and entrust to Timothy that is so valuable????

Not wealth although we’ve already established that God owns all the wealth and the he gave it to us to enjoy and spread around.

So what is he talking about??? What is did God entrust to Timothy that is so valuable that it must be guarded so very carefully. It must be real treasure – and it is.

To answer this question we must leap forward into Paul’s second letter to Timothy.

God puts His wealth on deposit with us

Here is the real wealth of God – His only son who lives in us. Here is the wealth that we are entrusted with. Here is that which has value that will never be lost, misplaced, stolen, rusted, rotted, faded, or corrupted by time. Why, because it is in us. It is Jesus. It is our faith in God.

Now what do you do with such valuable wealth – simple – you guard it with your life. You protect it and you keep it very carefully from all that could destroy it or take it from you.

We know how to do that when money or material wealth is concerned. We protect these assets very well.

How do you guard spiritual wealth? Well here in this text it’s obvious that God is involved and he will protect it ultimately… but remember that Paul told Timothy to guard what was entrusted to him and then he tells him how.

Guard what God deposits with you

First, Stay away from foolish, useless talk and what is falsely called “knowledge”.

Every Age has different kinds of foolish knowledge.

· The Beatles had their Guru with his knowledge.

· All of the religions have their prophets – each with their own special knowledge.

· The Spiritualists have their channels to the other world.

· The Rationalists have their logic, their science, and their faith in both.

· The Humanists have their intellectual arguments and agnosticism.

· And the Atheists have themselves.

In Paul’s day it was the “Gnostics” with their special wisdom and enlightenment.

Guard what God deposits with you

Gnosticism misses the true faith

Enlightenment and knowledge: This is a subtle and dangerous teaching. It was dangerous then and it’s dangerous now. There has been resurgence in the last several years of personal spiritual knowledge being the source of our “salvation”

We see it in the relativism of our culture and the personal belief systems that people have in – well whatever. It’s all about personal knowledge and what “I” know to be true – for me.

The Da Vinci Code has been a blockbuster novel – filled with half-truths and outright falsehoods – is now being made into a movie. We shall see more of this and we need to be ready for it – by guarding the true treasure of faith in Jesus.

Paul is vehemently clear about this. He calls Timothy and he calls us to follow Jesus.

Faith in Jesus is the Real Wealth in Life

What does this mean? Let’s break it down.

Faith in Jesus is the Real Wealth in Life

“Follow the pattern of true teachings… in faith and love”

The word form (2 Tim. 1:13) means “a pattern, an architect’s sketch.” There was a definite outline of doctrine in the early church, a standard by which teaching was tested. If Timothy changed this outline or abandoned it, then he would have nothing by which to test other teachers and preachers. We today need to hold fast to what Paul taught for the same reason.

Man from a “special knowledge” teaching group. The Bible + a prophet’s revelations.

False Teaching involves special revelation (knowledge) that either change person of Jesus (Emmanuel – God with Us) or the redemptive work of the crucifixion (It is finished)

Add nothing to it. Take nothing from it. Guard it and share it with others – this is the work of God and it has been entrusted to us.

Galatians 1:8-9

Faith in Jesus is the Real Wealth in Life

It was the Holy Spirit who committed the truth to Timothy, and He would help him guard it. Apart from the ministry of the Spirit, we are in the dark when it comes to understanding the Word of God. It is He who must teach us (John 16:13) and enable us to guard the truth and share it with others.

We are called to a profound work… and ministry – a ministry of faith in Jesus.

So what does all this have to do with Money? Well all of this teaching came in the context of wealth.

Jesus said. God has placed his treasure in our hands and we have a responsibility. He is depending on us to take care of his work and business

Foolishness that Becomes to Joy

I’ve taught tithing and offering giving all of my life. I’ve been a tither since I was a boy and I had an allowance jar.

This series of messages hasn’t been about the work of tithing. It’s been about the purpose of wealth – to enjoy – certainly.

Is it to give to others – Absolutely.

But it is also to finance God’s work – the building of his church. That’s why I stand before you this day – without apology and ask you to return a tenth part of your increase to support God’s work. That’s why I ask you give an offering from you abundance as an act of worship.

It’s not about duty and requirements – it is a measure of our commitment to God. Jesus said it this way.

Foolishness that Becomes to Joy

Put your treasure with God – He put his treasure with you… does that indicate where HIS heart is??

I have a preacher friend who says that every year he plays a game with God. He calls it "How about?" He’s not sure what God calls it. But he says he goes through this little game where he sits down & anticipates his income for the new year & he anticipates his expenses, & then he plans what he is going to give to God in that next year.

And he comes to God & says, "God, how about this?" And God says, "How about this?" Now he doesn’t mean that he hears voices from heaven. He just means that God usually pricks his conscience & says, "You are really a skinflint. That’s not near enough. How about this much?"

Then he says, "Well God, how about this much?" And he adjusts his figures a bit. And God says, "Well, how about this much?" And he plays this game "How about?" until finally he reaches agreement with God. And usually the agreement reached is much more than he ever intended to give.

He concludes by saying that he tells God there is no way he can do this. God says, "Just trust me, child, I’ll take care of you." And God always has.

$500 in Monopoly Money: Today you got $500.00 in Monopoly Money – Look at it. This has no value. Remember that it is really no different than the money in your wallet, your purse, your bank account, or your stock portfolio.

Three purposes: Enjoy, Give to others, Convert from material wealth to spiritual wealth.