Summary: This sermon looks at the eleven appearances of Jesus to his disciples.

“Jesus is Risen”

Mark 16:1-7

I Corinthians 15:1-8

For us in the Christian Church the fact of the resurrection of Jesus is the truth that makes or brakes our faith. Without the resurrection we have no need for the Christian Church. The resurrection gives meaning to the CROSS of Calvary. The resurrection verifies the meaning of the CROSS that Jesus died for our sins and provided salvation and access to eternal life.

If Jesus didn’t raise form the dead the entire New Testament is a sham. If Jesus is not who He said He was and is then He was a false teacher, a charlatan or a liar. Can you believe the disciples would carry on a hoax after Jesus ascended into heaven?

The best evidences of truth are eye witness accounts. In the Gospels we have eleven appearances to individuals and groups after Jesus rose from the dead. Let’s briefly look at those appearances of Jesus.

1. An angel appeared to women at the empty tomb. (Mark 16:1-8) Early on Sunday morning, faithful women of Galilee came to the sepulcher to anoint the body of Jesus with spices. They were anxious and challenged because they didn’t know who would be around to roll the stone away so they could anoint the body of Jesus. They were puzzled to see that the very large stone had already been rolled away. Jesus probably walked through the large stone and the angel moved it so others could see that the tomb was empty.

Stooping down the ladies entered the tomb, a chamber of six or seven feet square. They were terrified to see an angel. “Don’t be alarmed,” the angel said, “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen. He is not here. See the place where they laid him.” “Go tell the disciples and Peter, Jesus is going ahead of you into Galilee.” “Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled form the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.” (Mark 16:1-8)

2. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene very early Sunday morning. Mary Magdalene had experienced a transformed life. Jesus delivered her of seven devils. She was bold enough to go and tell the disciples, but they would not believe her. (Mark 16:9-11)

The first group of women saw the empty tomb and were confused and told no one. Mary Magdalene saw for herself the risen Lord and told all she saw that she had seen Jesus alive. Unbelieving people can see and hear of many evidences of Jesus, but having a personal fiend who is a Christ follower and honoring Christ in her/his life makes a lasting impact.

3. Jesus appeared to two disciples traveling from Jerusalem to Emmaus Sunday afternoon. (Luke 24:13-32) They were discouraged and near despair. They had hoped Jesus was the Messiah and would set up His earthly kingdom. All hope was lost when Jesus was arrested, crucified and buried.

Jesus walked with them and explained to them the Scriptures from the Old Testament concerning Jesus as their Messiah. When they reached their home they sat at the table to have a meal. Jesus their guest became the host and broke the break and gave it to the couple. When they saw the nail prints they recognized Jesus. Indeed he had risen from the dead. Jesus disappeared from their midst and the two that were in mourning became energized and ran from Emmaus to Jerusalem to tell others of the good news.

4. Jesus appeared to Peter in Jerusalem during the day. (Luke 24:34) No details are given of their meeting. Jesus may have wanted to reassure Peter that he was still loved in spite of his denying the Lord three times.

Jesus giving a special appearance to Peter gives us all hope. When are fail the Lord, we have the assurance that Jesus still loves us and is waiting to meet us at the point of our spiritual need.

5. Jesus appeared to the ten disciples in the Upper Room Sunday evening when Thomas was not present. (John 20:19-23) Jesus told them that all He had taught them had come true. All that he taught them would come true. When Thomas came later he said he would not believe unless he saw for himself the nail prints in his hands and his side that been pierced.

6. Ten days later Jesus appeared to the disciples with Thomas present. Jesus addressed Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” John 20:27) --- Jesus showed Thomas compassion and not condemnation for not believing. For Thomas just seeing Jesus was enough. He kneels before Jesus and cries out: “My Lord and My God.”

Then Jesus speaks a word to all of us here today: (John 20:29) -- “Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

You may identify with Peter. You have denied the Lord in the past. Jesus comes to you and reassures you of his love. You may identify with Thomas. You have doubts. You have lots of questions. Jesus comes to you and says, “Don’t doubt. Have faith. Trust me.”

Easter is about putting your trust in a Risen Savior Jesus. Jesus promises you a new life, a fresh start.

7. Jesus appears to seven disciples on the Sea of Galilee fishing at day break. The disciples had been fishing all night and caught nothing. They saw a stranger on the shore. They did not know it was Jesus. The stranger told them to cast them net on the right side of their boat. When they did as suggested their net filled up with so many fish they could not haul their net of fish into their boat. John recognized the stranger and said, “It is the Lord!” Jesus told them to bring some of the fish and he’d cook them breakfast.

From the appearances of Jesus to his followers are you getting a picture of the bodily resurrection of Jesus? Jesus and his resurrected body is the body we will have someday. Jesus was recognized by the disciples when they got focused. Jesus walked and talked with them. Jesus ate with them. Jesus was no longed limited by natural law or physical limitations. Are you looking forward with anticipation to a spiritual body? What a day that will be.

8. Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples on the Mountain of Galilee. He gave the disciples his final teaching. He called them to a higher calling – “All power and authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

10. Jesus appeared to his half-brother James. Early on James had resisted becoming a disciple. But after the resurrection of Jesus he did become a follower of Jesus. He became a prominent leader in the Jerusalem church.

11. The final appearance of Jesus took place before his ascension. He met with his disciples 40 days after his resurrection to give them His final farewell. Luke the author of Luke and Acts records the event.

Luke 24:50-53 “When he had let them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.”

Acts 1:7-8, 9-11, Jesus gathered his disciples together and gave them the command: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” “After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. ‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand there looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

The end of the Bible ends with this hope spoken by the risen Lord. Revelation 1:7 “I will come again.”

The fact of the resurrection is seen in the lives of the apostles and disciples. Peter, who denied Jesus, after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, became a bold witness proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus. Before Peter the resurrection Peter was afraid to even stand up to a servant girl when she identified him as a friend of Jesus.

Why would the disciples make up a story and risk their lives by telling a false story. Peter would never have allowed himself to be crucified hanging upside down for a false story. Mark would not have been dragged through the streets to his death if he had been defending fiction. James would not have been beheaded for a falsehood. Thomas wouldn’t have been pierced with a lance for a lie.

Many followers of Jesus lived 40 years after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus and not one denied that they had seen the risen Christ.

I Corinthians 15:14-20. The resurrection is a fact of History. Jesus is alive. Are you willing and ready to put your faith in this Jesus. Are you willing to accept His love and forgiveness? Jesus is waiting for your answer.

It’s Friday, but Sundays Coming.

The last story in the book by Tony Compolo is a story that is the title of the book, “It’s Friday But Sunday’s Comin.”

Tony Compolo has his doctorate in sociology and is a professor at Easter College in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. He tells about an experience he had in his home church, a Black church in Philadelphia. He enjoys preaching from time to time in the church. He said the people let him know if he preaching okay or not so okay.

One time he was preaching and having a hard time. He got about ¾ through the sermon when a lady on the back row called out: “Help him, Jesus! Help him, Jesus! On the other hand when the sermon is going well, the deacons yell out: “preach, brother! Preach brother! Preach, man, preach!”

It the sermon is really going well men in the congregation shout encouragement, “Keep going, brother! Keep going! Keep going!” He said white audiences never yell, “Keep going.” They are more likely to check their watches and mumble, “Stop, Stop!”

Compolo said that one Good Friday service there were seven preachers preaching back to back. Compolo said he was preaching great. He said the longer he preached the better he got. He said he was so good he wanted to take notes on his own sermon. At the end of the sermon the congregation broke out in cheers and hallelujahs. He said down next to the pastor and the pastor looked at him with a smile. He reached down and squeezed Compolo’s knee and said, “You did all right, boy!” Compolo admitted that he hated it when he called him “boy”!

The Pastor got up and preached for an hour and a half using one line: “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s comin’!” It’s Friday, and my Jesus was dead on the tree. But that was Friday, and Sunday’s comin’!”

One of the deacons yelled, “Preach, brother! Preach! It was all the encouragement that he needed. He came on louder as he said, “It was Friday and May was cryin’ her eyes out. The disciples were runnin’ in every direction, like sheep without a shepherd, but that was Friday, and Sunday’s comin’!” People in the congregation were beginning to pick up the message. Women were waving their hands in the air and calling softly, “Well, well.” Some of the men were yelling, “Keep going! Keep going!”

The preacher kept going. He picked up the volume still more. “It was Friday. The cynics were lookin’ at the world and sayin’, As things have been so they shall be. You can’t anything in this world; you can’t change anything.’ But those cynics didn’t know that it was only Friday. Sunday’s comin’!

“It was Friday! And on Friday, those forces that oppress the poor and make the poor to suffer were in control. But that was Friday! Sunday’s comin’!

It was Friday, and on Friday Pilate thought he had washed his hands of the trouble. The Pharisees were struttin’ around, laughin’ and pokin’ each other in the ribs. They thought they were back in charge of thinks, but didn’t know that it was only Friday! Sunday’s comin’!”

The pastor kept on using that phrase for over an hour than an hour and a half. At the end of his message he just yelled at the top of his voice, “IT’S FRIDAY!” and all 500 hundred of those in the congregation yelled back with one voice, “BUT SUNDAY’S COMIN’!”