Summary: Have you ever made a decision you really regretted? I have made lots of them.

“No Regrets”

Luke 16:19-31


Have you ever made a decision you really regretted? I have made lots of them.

Illustration: The story of accidentally pouring a bucket of water on a counselor’s head during band camp

***Of course, some decisions have no long-term consequences.

There are others though that last an eternity.

Tonight, we read about a man in scripture who learned the true meaning of regret.

This stingy, unloving, unrepentant rich man passed the point of no return and is currently spending eternity in regret.

***There are things in life that (I promise you) you never want to have to regret –

I. Putting other things before God

a. The Bible doesn’t give us much insight into the personality of the rich man in this story, but it is apparent his riches were what ruled his life

i. He had broken the first commandment: Thou shall have no Gods before Me

ii. His God was his money

b. Likewise Jesus gave us no insight to the spiritual condition of Lazarus

i. We know that he turned to God in faith, because had he not, he would not have been ushered into paradise

ii. Many people in Lazarus’ position turn to God in faith – this is why we are seeing revival in many poverty stricken countries

iii. People who otherwise have no hope, find a new hope in God through the love of Jesus Christ

c. The sad thing is, we who are rich by the worlds standards often see no need for God

i. You may think, “I’m not rich!”

ii. Did you know that many of you have dishwashers that eat better that certain families in places like India, China and even here in the United States

d. I understand more than ever what Jesus meant when He said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.”

i. Since beginning my ministry, I have learned that it is often much harder to speak about the things of God to someone who is affluent, than to an average of middle class person.

1. Illustration: It is easier to witness in a Ford neighborhood than a Mercedes neighborhood

ii. At first I thought that it was because with more money usually means more education – and so they were too ‘intellectual’ for God

iii. But I have found that it is not so much an intellectual problem these people have – but a feeling of need

e. Many of us feel like we don’t need God because we have so much

i. God is nothing more than a commodity in our minds

1. Like clothes, video games and other “stuff”

2. God becomes a ‘thing’ that we can do just as good without and we do with

ii. Without God you really have nothing – though you may live in a lap of luxury now – all you have to look forward to in the future is regret

iii. The same regret as the rich man in this story – and you will have an eternity to think about it.

f. REMEMBER: You never want to regret putting “things” before God

II. How well you treat others

a. Not only did the rich man in this story ignore the needs of poor Lazarus, but the rich man paraded his affluence before Lazarus daily

i. Lazarus wanted nothing more than what fell from the table

ii. The ‘scraps’ as we used to call them back home

b. The rich man watched without concern as Lazarus laid outside his gate full of sores, with dogs licking his open wounds – And the rich man did nothing

i. We can look at him with disgust and say, “How could you leave such a sad soul lying at your doorway”

ii. But the real question is: How many of us have spiritually poor friends all around us at school, and we are doing nothing to help them?

iii. We watch as other young people tear down their spirits – like the dogs who licked open wounds, being a constant reminder of the pain – and we do not step in and try to build them up

iv. Are we going to let them lie there with emotional sores?

v. Or are you going to help pick them up and clean them off?

c. How we treat others is a direct reflection about how we feel about God

i. Scripture: 1 John 4:20-21 “If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can[2] he love God whom he has not seen? 21And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also.”

ii. Ask yourself: When I see someone being tortured by the words or actions of others, am I more likely to:

1. Stay silent and allow the abuse to continue, because I don’t want to get involved

2. Join in on the abuse to make myself feel better

3. Take a stand for what is right – and I don’t mean physically strike back – but be willing to show love to that person and let them know that no matter what the reason may be for the insults of others – Christ loves them

iii. Because we are Christ’s representatives, we should show His love as well

d. Illustration: “Voted Off The Boat” This young girl, who didn’t think she was pretty, was sort of over weight and not out going was in class at school. During a class experiment the teacher had the students play a game called ‘lifeboat’. In the game six students pretended to be on a lifeboat that held only five. One was going to be forced to jump out. One by one the young people gave reasons why they deserved to be on the boat. Finally this girl, who had no self worth at all, stood and said, “I’ll jump”. When the teacher asked if anyone knew of a reason why she shouldn’t jump, no one said a word. The girls worst fears were realized…she really was worthless in other people’s eyes – That night she committed suicide

i. You never know how you treat someone will effect them

ii. REMEMBER: You never want to have to regret how you treated someone

III. Not considering your own eternity

a. One thing can be said for the rich man of this story – he lived his life without considering his eternity

b. It amazes me to think of how many people just flip-flop through life and never consider eternity

i. You have probably heard the phrase, “Life is short”

ii. This is not just a cliché

1. I remember wanting to go to High School, so I would feel like a cool teenager (that never happened)

2. I remember wanting nothing else than to be sixteen, so that I could drive wherever I wanted to go (Also, never happened)

3. I remember wanting so much for my wedding day to come (I just celebrated my five year anniversary)

4. I remember doctors talking about taking my “Flintstones” chewable vitamins – now they are talking about high cholesterol, weight management and the dangers of chocolate

5. I remember getting an entire grocery bag of candy on Halloween night – and finishing it that night! Now I can’t even eat a whole snickers bar without feeling like a bear that has been shot in the rear end with a sedative dart (make bear face)

iii. If I live to be a ripe old age in my seventies, then I am a third of the way through my life already!

iv. And I thank God that He got my attention turned to things of eternity rather than the things of this world that will fade away

c. Many of you tonight are worried about things that will fade – yet have no concern for that which will last forever

i. I am telling you: If you step into eternity having never considered your eternal destiny in Christ – you will suffer eternal regret

ii. Eternity=never ending

1. You can’t really explain eternity to someone

2. But I like to think about those awkward silences when you are stuck in a car with someone you don’t know, or worse, you don’t like – that seem to last forever!

3. Eternity is forever!

d. REMEMBER: You do not want to eternally regret that you never considered eternity


A Few Things I Promise You Will Never Regret:

• You will never regret showing love to another person

• You will never regret putting God first in your life

• You will never regret putting your faith in Christ as your Savior

• You will never regret sharing that faith with someone else

I have done many things in life I regret. As a young man, I made many mistakes…but I tell you…I promise you…I have never regretted any of these things…and you never will either

[Heads bowed, eyes closed]

In the quiet of this place I want to share some important truths with you.

God created us to be with Him, but because of our sin we are separated from Him. Sin can never be repaid by good works. Paying the price for our sins, Jesus came to the earth, died and rose again, defeating death.

Everyone who trusts in Him alone as Savior will have eternal life. And that is a life forever without regrets.

Tonight I offer you the opportunity give your heart to Christ and make God first in your life.

The Bible says, “Today is the day of salvation”.

If you are not sure tonight that you have put your trust in Christ, and that you will be with Christ when you die, I want you to know that you have eternal life.

And the Bible says we can know by trusting in Christ as Savior.

If you came here tonight, unsure of your salvation, and you want to be sure before you leave, would you raise your arm?

If you just raised your arm, please pray with me:

“Dear Jesus, I know that I have sinned against you. And LORD, I don’t want to spend eternity in regret that I did not follow you when I had the chance. I pray that you will make a change in my heart, and LORD help me to truly repent of my sins and turn to you this night. Lord I ask your forgiveness for my sinfulness, and I pray that you will help me walk in newness of life. Thank you for what you did on the cross.”

Did you pray that prayer? If so, I am going to ask that you come forward as we stand and sing our final song.

Jesus called people publicly, so I too call you publicly – to take a stand for Christ

Don’t leave this place with any regrets tonight…Come to Jesus