Summary: Third sermon in a seven sermon series on the seven churches in Revelation.

Fighting the Pergamos Attitude

Revelation 2:12-17

I. The Recognition of the Positive (v. 12-13)

A. He recognizes their extreme circumstances

1. The culture was anti-God

2. The city was Satan’s headquarters

B. He recognizes their acknowledgment of Christ

1. They proclaimed the deity of Christ

2. They professed Him as Lord

C. He recognize their profession of sound doctrine

1. They clung to the foundations of the faith

2. They claimed to adhere to sound doctrine

II. The Revealing of Their Compromise (v. 14-15)

A. They compromised their moral standard (v. 14)

How Has the Modern Christian/Church Compromised Their Standards?

• Some have turned cults into “just another way”

• Some have turned lifestyles of abomination into just “alternative lifestyles”

• Some have turned fornication into “co-habitation”

• Some have turned adultery into “an affair”

B. They compromised their doctrinal stand (v. 15)

How Has the Modern Christian/Church Compromised Doctrinally?

• Some compromise on the doctrine of grace

• Some compromise on the inspiration of scripture

• Some compromise on Bible preaching

• Some compromise on the exclusive Gospel

C. They compromised their power (v. 15b)

III. The Revival that Was Needed (v. 16-17)

A. They were called to repentance

1. Repentance will bring a revival of the spirit

2. A lack of repentance will bring judgment

B. They were called to listen

1. We must listen to what God is saying to our heart

2. We must not only listen, but act

C. They are promised to be rewarded

1. The earthly reward of peace

2. The eternal reward of heaven