Summary: This story of two desperate people brings out truths about what Jesus can do in this midst of our darkest storm and greatest desperation.

Is There Anything Good About Feeling Desperate?

1. Feeling desperate is sometimes what it takes to drive you to Jesus.

- vv. 22-23, 25-26.

- Both Jairus and the woman are driven to Jesus because of a desperate need in their lives.

2. Feeling desperate makes it easier to bow down.

- vv. 22-23, 33.

- In both cases we see that they are down at Jesus’ feet. Our pride in position or reputation makes it difficult for us to bow before Jesus, but a desperate situation makes that a whole lot easier.

3. Feeling desperate keeps you from caring what others think of you.

- v. 22.

- Jairus, being a ruler of the synagogue, might under normal circumstances have been worried about what the Pharisees and other religious leaders might say. With his daughter’s life on the line, though, that’s the least of his concerns.

4. Feeling desperate forces you to no longer be content with just being near Jesus.

- vv. 30-31.

- Many were around Jesus and even “rubbing shoulders” with Him, but only this woman’s touch brought power out of Him. Are you content just to hang around church or do you want to experience something more in your life?

What Should I Expect When I Come To Jesus Feeling Desperate?

1. You’ll find out that there is no one who Jesus is not willing to touch.

- There are significant points of difference between Jairus and the woman. In fact, in some ways, they could hardly be more different:

- man v. woman.

- honored v. unclean.

- 12 years of joy v. 12 years of pain.

- wealthy v. poor.

- approaches from front v. approaches from back.

- named in text v. left anonymous.

- Still, Jesus is willing to touch each, regardless of which end of the spectrum they come from.

2. You’ll discover that the power is not in magic, but in the Master.

- vv. 31-34.

- Perhaps one of the reasons Jesus had the woman to step forward was so that He could speak to her words (v. 34) that let her know that He was the source of the healing. Some people turn to God not really wanting to know God, but just hoping to draw a little power off of Him. They don’t look at prayer as a deep relationship, but as a magical incantation that may get them the answer they seek.

3. You’ll learn that delays are frustrating, but often lead to a greater miracle.

- vv. 25-35.

- It’s likely that Jairus was frustrated by Jesus’ decision to stop and deal with this woman. Time was of the essence! They needed to hurry! Instead, Jesus lingers to talk to this woman. In the end, though, the subsequent death of the little girl paved the way for an even greater miracle. Sometimes God’s delayed answers are merely paving the way for greater miracles.

4. You’ll know that Jesus wants your faith to be made public.

- vv. 22-23, 33, 43.

- It’s interesting that Jesus specifically tells the parents not to share what has happened. Of course, word is going to get out, but He isn’t interested in fanning the flames. Conversely, He is deliberate in ensuring that the woman comes forward in the midst of the crowd. Why the seemingly contradictory actions? One possibility: Jesus is not that interested in the miracle being made public, but He is interested in the person’s faith being made public. Jairus had already made his faith public from his original meeting with Jesus. The woman, however, would not have had a chance to made a public statement of her faith. Jesus consistently downplayed the miracles, yet was quick to praise faith wherever He found it.

- Jesus wants us to make our faith in Him public.

One Final “Desperate” Thought

“You and I are the woman.”

- In addition to reading the passage in a straightforward way, it is also interesting as an analogy. The analogy is that Jairus represents the Jews and the woman represents the Gentiles. The Gentiles come up humbly and unclean, yet are given new life. After the miracle with the Gentiles is over, Jesus then brings healing to the Jewish house.

- This analogy is a reminder to us of our need for salvation - and that there is nothing wrong with coming desperate to Jesus, because He’s ready to receive us.