Summary: 1st in 5 part series on overcoming the obstacles and difficulties of life using five different Psalms. We used a "journey" or "road" metaphor in terms of the bumps of success, fear, guilt, grief, etc.


Navigating the Bumps of Life - Week 1


INTRODUCTION TO THE SERIES:(Special: “Without A Song.”)

It was written in 1929 but it has been sung for over 6 decades by such performers as Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, The Carpenters, The Supremes, Willie Nelson and now, our own Robin Petrovich. The tune is entitled "Without a Song," the chorus goes: "Without a song the day would never end; Without a song the road would never bend; When things go wrong a man ain’t got a friend, without a song." One of the verses said: "I got my trouble and my woe... but, I’ll get along as long.. as a song is strong in my soul." You know, given the daily pressures that all of us are under today we could use a "song, that’s strong in our souls," couldn’t we? I mean, isn’t it always something? The homemaker with ever-present children at her feet faces long days of making decisions, meeting deadlines, competing with strong wills and completing an endless laundry pile. The professional must deal with demanding problems and difficult people every day who can steal their song. The student faces predictable days of preparation, classes, projects. Fact is, all of us face daily challenges. Often it’s "Days that don’t end.. roads that don’t bend.. we need a song.”

But you know, all of us can moan about the fact that “it’s always something,” but what we really need is to find a way to navigate the bumps in the road of life. The question is how? How do we drive around the obstacles of life without totaling our lives? Well, that’s what this new sermon series is all about. Because the answer to "how?" is a song. But not just any song. We won’t be turning to popular tunes, country ballads or rock ’n roll. No, for the next 6 weeks we want to study some ancient songs. Ones that were composed & inspired by our Creator, God - The Psalms. The word “Psalm” means song.. and these are timeless tunes. They’re strong, melodious messages written to help us in our daily lives. These musical masterpieces show us how to "navigate the bumps of life,” what works when life doesn’t. We begin, logically, with Psalm 1 and looking at God’s advice on “steering for success.” But before we dig into this first “song” let’s ask God to bless our time together. PRAY

INTRODUCTION TO THE SERMON: Drama: “Holier Than Thou” -

Is that often the way it is? It seems that we are in a lifelong pursuit of that one missing item that will ensure contentment, happiness, success. Americans have come to see success as those who have the beautiful life. The world measures success by the outer qualities that a person has. Are they rich? Do they have a big house? A thriving business? But the things Americans prize so highly- beauty, wealth, fame, often prove to be hollow and unsatisfying in the end. They end up being “holes” that cannot be filled. So it important that we look past the things of this life that do not bring lasting satisfaction and see what makes a person truly successful. That’s where God & Psalm 1 comes in. God made us, so doesn’t it make sense that the Creator would know what makes the created tick? That the Designer would know what give the designed the best chance for success? Well, God’s road map is the Bible, and there may not be a better “steering mechanism”to get over this bump than Psalm 1.

The opening word in Psalm 1 is "Blessed". That word means more than just “happy”because happiness depends on what happens to you. This word in the original Hebrew literally means "fulfilled" or “content.” The Psalmist is promising a joyful, contented life to anyone who will follow these instructions. You see, God’s standards for happiness have always been different than ours. God is more concerned about our character, the inner qualities of a person than He is the outer trappings of success. Do you want to be "fulfilled”“content?” Do you want to be a true success? Well then, let’s look very carefully at how this Psalm steers us toward true success.


Vs: 1 says, "Blessed are those who do not listen to evil advice, and won’t follow the path of sinners, or join the company of those that sneer at God." So here is the first secret of true success and that’s a careful selection of associates. Probably one of the most important things to remember in this life is that those you “hang with” can hang you! If you choose friends that are moral they will lift you up, if you choose friends that are immoral they will drag you down.

Prov. 13:20- "He who walks with the wise grows wise but the companion of fools suffers harm."(NIV) A woman in Terre Haute, Indiana some years ago telephoned the police and said, "I’ve got a skunk in my basement and I don’t know what to do." The Police Officer replied, "Make a trail of bread crumbs outside and the skunk will follow it." The next day she called back and said, "I now have two skunks in my basement, what should I do?" If you associate with skunks your problems are going to multiply. 1 Cor. 15:33- "Don’t be fooled: bad friends will corrupt good character." (NCV) In other words, you become like the company you keep.

Notice the subtle way that the wrong associates can influence you. It is pointed out by the changes in the 3 verbs that are mentioned in the 1st verse: Listen, follow and join. The Psalmist has erosion on his mind and it begins when a person listens to evil or wrong advice. "Listen" is the term that means casual attention. You’re observing, overhearing, tuning in to what they say. You’re not really contemplating taking part, there can’t be anything wrong with that. But the author is saying that we will be abundantly more satisfied if we steer clear of anything that could take us down the road of erosion or compromise.

Because if you don’t it is not long until you follow. This is the word that means "Being in the same place, becoming comfortable with their activity.” Oh, you rationalize and explain away your involvement, but day by day you are experiencing a progressive deterioration in your morals, in your spiritual stand. The final stage is that you join their activity. The word for join here means permanent residence. Don’t ever think that sin brings no enjoyment. In fact the Bible say in Hebrews 11:25 that there are “pleasures in sin” but here’s the catch - it says that sin is pleasurable, “for a short time.”(GW) Can you see the picture here? The Psalmist is telling us, if you want to find fulfillment, if you want to be content in life, successful in the deepest sense, then maintain a pure walk, free from even the slightest flirtation with wrong. You see the ungodly person will have a different perspective towards life then the Godly person. And the advice they can give can harm you forever.

One of the greatest Biblical examples of this corroding compromise with the unGodly is man named Lot. Lot was the nephew of Abram, who later is known as Abraham, the Father of the Jewish race. There came a time when the land could not support both their large families so they decided to split up and settle in different parts of Palestine. To the west was a land that was sparsely inhabited. To the east was the valley of Jordan. A lush land and the site of Sodom and Gomorrah, towns of notorious evil. Keeping Psa. 1:1 in mind listen to a couple of verses in Genesis. 13:11-13. "So Lot chose to move east and live in the Jordan Valley. In this way Abram and Lot separated. 12Abram lived in the land of Canaan, but Lot lived among the cities in the Jordan Valley, very near to Sodom. 13Now the people of Sodom were very evil and were always sinning against the Lord. " Lot has made his home in the same valley of these two cities. He’s not in them, mind you, but he’s around them and you know he heard them, listened to them as he had to go into town for supplies and such. He’s taken the first step in compromise. In Gen. 14 we learn there is a war and Sodom is plundered by an enemy and 14:12 - "They also took Abram’s nephew Lot and his possessions since he was living in Sodom."(GW) Oh-oh. Here he is "following down the path." He’s actually moved into this wicked city. I’m sure he had good reasons. "It’s such a long trip into town." "I know they’re wicked but I can make them see the Light." But he’s followed them into their town, he’s there with them. Then in 19:1- "Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom."(NKJV) You know who sat in the "gate" of the cities back then? The rulers... Lot has joined those that sneer against God! He’s become one of their leaders and there has been no revival of righteousness in that place. But before we get too hard on Lot, let’s admit that we too, have fallen to the subtle influences of the ungodly.

So, I urge you to remember the three C’s- Choose Correct Companions. Now, please don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying to withdraw "monklike" from the world or that we should all live together in a commune. I’m talking here about those you choose to make your intimate friends, those you confide in. You make an all out effort, in that context. to associate with morally strong friends. College student: If your assigned a roommate that regularly gets drunk and comes in at 2am and brings in his date, you do everything to change roommates. Seek out friends who know God for advice when you have a problem or a decision to make. Don’t enter into business partnerships where your counterpart doesn’t hold to high moral values. Please understand what the Psalmist is saying here: "Be honest with yourself, and if you want true contentment, true success, then seek Godly counsel from someone who knows God well because... “bad friends will corrupt good character." So, choose your companions, your dates, your business partners, those you associate with on the criteria of their values, morals and more importantly their godliness.


The second secret of true success is in vs:2 and that is "A complete respect for God’s teachings. “Instead... "the Blessed person "... the teachings of the Lord satisfies them and they meditate on it day and night." This talking about the Bible. Let me ask you a couple of questions? Have you investigated the Bible? Have you talked to those who believe the Bible is from God and asked them why? If you believe the Bible is from God how much do you read it? You see, for a great many people, instead of getting into the teachings of the Lord they despise them. We don’t want anybody to tell us what to do. We don’t want God’s commandments on the walls of our schools, we don’t want His teachings imposed on anybody outside the Church building. People want to live by their own authority. They want to run their own life without God’s rules. But the Psalmist here says, “One of the best ways to steer for success is to have a complete respect for God’s teachings.”

And you know what? The more you study God’s teachings the more you realize they are for your benefit. God didn’t give us the Bible in order to keep us from having a good time. He gave us the guidelines for having the most fulfilled, joyful and successful life possible. The Psalmist says, "the teachings of the Lord satisfies..." God has given us some basic guidelines for living in the Bible and they are not repressive. The rules you find in the Scripture are for our good. 1 John 5:3- “Loving God means obeying his commands. And God’s commands are not too hard on us or for us.”(NCV) God says things to us like: “Don’t get drunk or don’t eat too much, you’ll hurt your body.” God says, “Don’t have sex with anyone else except the person you are married to so that you can have a healthy body and a meaningful marriage.” God says, "Don’t get ground down by worry. It messes up your nervous system, live just one day at a time." God says, "Don’t hoard up money. It gets your priorities all out of whack, give it away." The teaching that God gives us in the Bible are for our benefit, if we just follow them we can have the best life ever, be truly successful.

But you’ve got to know them. So the Psalmist says, "meditate on them day and night." What do you think of when you hear the word “meditate?” Do you think of some guy sitting in some room with his arms and legs crossed and his eyes closed humming? That’s not what this means. This word was the word for a cow chewing her cud. Now, that may sound a little gross but the Psalmist is saying, "Chew on these things." Like a cow who chews all day on that grass, you read the Bible and think about it, chew on it. Here’s what I’ve found in my life and hundreds here would back me up. The more I chew or read the Bible, the more I learn about true joy, true happiness, true success. Then, as one situation comes after another the more of the Bible I am able to remember and apply the more I find what is really important in life: peace, improved relationships, satisfaction, purpose. In other words, when I apply His teachings consistently, it is one of the best ways to steer for true success.


The third steering mechanism here for success is a consistent pattern of stability. Let’s look at the stark contrast the Psalmist paints here in vss:3-4. “They are like trees growing beside a stream, trees that produce fruit in season and always have leaves. Those people succeed in everything they do. 4That isn’t true of those who don’t love God, because they are like straw blown by the wind.” He says those who please God, who make God a priority, are like a tree and he gives some characteristics of a healthy tree that apply to a healthy, happy soul. (1) They are planted by the water. In other words, they are growing, they have their roots deep in fertile, moist soil and thus, they are able to stand strong against the storms. (2) The healthy tree produces good fruit in season. A good apple tree is going to produce more apples. A Godly person is also going to produce good fruit. Like the kind we see in Gal. 5:22-23. “But the spiritual nature produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, and self-control.”(GW) (3) This tree always has healthy leaves. Even during days of difficulty, the treelike soul is undaunted; they persevere when life doesn’t seem to be working for them. They don’t wilt under pressure. (4) They succeed in everything they do. Now, that should perk up our ears. Here is true success. Here is a promise for a prosperity of life. Not material stuff that eventually disappears. When the Psalmist says here that the man who is pleasing to God will succeed, he is not talking about being a millionaire but being fulfilled, not about a large portfolio but a purpose in life, not being one of the rich and famous but one of the right and faithful.

Now by contrast in vs:4 he says, "that isn’t true for those who don’t love God..." They are like straw, the wind blows around. Not a tree that is growing but a piece of weak, worthless stubble or clutter that has no roots. They have no stability. Depending on which way the wind is blowing that’s the way the piece of straw will go. They are like our western tumbleweeds. Blowing here and there, no roots, no real contentment, no stability.

Now, if you are going to be a true success you’ve got to be like the tree, not like the straw. You’ve got to demonstrate stability. Be a reliable, dependable person. Don’t get blown away by every latest fad and every latest philosophy. God wants you to be faithful to your mate, regular on your job, dependable in the promises, faithful in Church, consistent in disciplining your children. You do it even when you don’t feel like it. You perform with effort. The world calls it the "straight life" or "the fundamental right.” They sneer and say, "That’s boring." But it’s not boring, it’s productive. A successful person is known for their stability, their reliability. That’s why Gal.6:9 says, "Don’t allow yourself to get tired of living the right way.”(GW)


The final way to steer for true success is to have a clear focus on eternity. To understand that there is more to life than this life. Vss:5-6- "That is why ungodly people won’t have an excuse on the day of judgment, and they won’t have a place with God. 6 The Lord protects everyone who follows him but the ungodly follow a road that leads to ruin." In other words the ungodly have no ultimate purpose in life. What does the unbeliever have to live for? What hope is there? Listen, if I didn’t believe that there was more to life than just this one? I’d live as selfishly as I could. I would take advantage and do everything I could to please myself in every moment. Why not? If this is all there is? That is why there are thousands of people living empty lives. They’ve got no ultimate satisfaction in this life and they’ve got no eternal promise for the next. The Psalmist says here that they won’t have an excuse and they won’t live with God. That’s the worst and saddest thing that could happen to a soul.

The one who puts their trust in God, those who follow him on the other hand, do have an ultimate purpose. Our short range goal for his life is summed in 2 Cor. 5:9- "..we make it our goal to please Him." (NIV) That means whatever you do.. your job, the way you treat your family, your leisure time.. your purpose is to please your Creator and your Savior. What greater purpose could we have? God sent His son to forgive us, He continues to love us, He promises us that one day we will live for eternity. I can live every moment of every day of my life confident that the Lord is watching over me because the Psalmist says - "The Lord protects everyone who follows Him..." That doesn’t mean that we won’t experience any bumps in this life. But it means we’ll be able to handle them better with His love and that ultimately He will protect us by the blood of Jesus Christ. So, we make it our goal to please Him.

And He gives us a long-range goal too. Our purpose ultimately is to go to heaven when we die and to take as many people as we can with us. We need to have that clear focus on eternity as we live out our lives. Too often we forget about the things that are above and concentrate all our efforts on things down here. Listen very carefully to 2 Cor. 4:18- "So let’s fix our attention, not on the things that are seen, but are unseen. What can be seen lasts only for a short time, but what cannot be seen lasts forever." (GN)

In the movie “Shawshank Redemption,” an old prisoner, Brooks Handlin, acts unreasonable and threatens to take another prisoner’s life. They find out that the reason Brooks has reacted this way is that he’s scared. Scared because his parole has been approved. You see those outside of Shawshank see it as a prison, but Brooks sees as home. Later, in the prison yard Ellis Boyd, “Red” explains why Brooks acts the way he does. “Brooks is just.. institutionalized. The man’s been in here 50 years - 50 years! This is all he knows. You know what I’m trying to say? I’m telling you, these walls are funny. First, you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passes, you get to depend on them.” That’s institutionalized.”

I think that is the problem for some of us. We’ve become institutionalized.. To this world. We don’t look to see the other side! We focus our attention on these earthly walls, only what we can touch, feel, observe. And it’s true.. These earthly walls are funny that way... First we hate them.. What baby doesn’t cry when he leaves the safety of his mother’s womb? But then we do get used to them, enough time passes and we begin to depend on them. When God is over and over again trying to teach us not to be so narrow in our vision. He’s saying, “Look, true success is not measured in where you are, it’s in where you are going. True success in not about how comfortable you are here, it’s about how prepared you are for over there!

Let’s not become institutionalized by this world. Let’s steer for true success by 1) Being careful in our selection of associates. 2) By completely respecting God’s teachings. 3) By develop a pattern of consistent stability and dependence on God. A stability that cannot be ripped from us. And 4) By keeping eternity in view.

Let’s read that 2 Corinthians passage together as we close: "So let’s fix our attention, not on the things that are seen, but are unseen. What can be seen lasts only for a short time, but what cannot be seen lasts forever." (GN)


{All Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, Contemporary English Version, unless otherwise noted}

Drama used is from

“Without A Song” was used under our ASCAP, BMI and CCLVI license