Summary: We know Who is our strength, and who the enemy is, now it’s time to put on the armor of God and go to battle.

September 18, 2005

Morning Worship

Text: Ephesians 6: 14-16

Subject: Part 3 in the Spiritual Warfare Series

Title: Preparing for the Fight

As we continue our Spiritual Warfare series I would like to begin by recapping what we have talked about in previous weeks, because what we have said before will have great bearing on what I say today. Two weeks ago I shared with you about how your strength is not in your own ability, but it is in the power of God’s might. Last week I told you about who our enemy is and how we can recognize him and his tactics. Both of those messages come together so we can begin to prepare ourselves for spiritual warfare.

Part of the preparation is being convinced that we have spiritual armor to protect us in the fight. That’s where we are today. We are going to share with you about the armor of God, its purpose and its application.

As Paul wrote this part of the letter to the Ephesians, you have to understand that he probably saw Roman soldiers every day. He was familiar with their armor and how efficient they were in battle. In fact, Paul wrote this letter while imprisoned in Rome. His Roman guards were not just soldiers. They were the Praetorian guard. They were the green beret, special forces, Navy Seals of the Roman army; The top men in warfare. So as Paul relates their armor to us, he is telling us that we should be God’s special forces.

I want to get right into the message today. Listen, take notes, and let the word of God settle into your hearts today.

I. The Belt of Truth. The first thing Paul tells us to do is put on the belt (girdle) of truth. Gird yourselves. That literally means to fasten the belt. This was not actually part of the armor. However it was probably the most important part. It was the belt to which all the rest of the armor is attached. It was a wide leather strap that was fastened around the waist. It supported the stomach muscles. It gave extra strength to the back. It added stability. Before the belt was fastened, all the long tails of the soldier’s tunic were tucked into it to enable them to move about more freely. They had no extra baggage to carry around. Often when we study the armor we place so much emphasis on the armor pieces that we forget whose armor it is. It’s the armor of God. So our emphasis changes from the imagery of the pieces themselves, to the attribute attached to it. It is the belt of truth. The word translated “truth” means “to speak the truth”. I’ve heard it taught before that with the armor of God that the only offensive weapon in the armor is the sword. I want to challenge that today. If all the other armor pieces are defensive, then that means waiting for the enemy to come and attack you. Previously I had told you that I would rather set the stage for battle on my terms rather than his. The way I look at it is that speaking the truth is an offensive move. We use the truth of the gospel as a weapon to take back what the enemy has stolen. We use the truth to win souls, heal brokenness, heal bodies, restore relationships, and deliver people from addictions. Putting on the belt is what we do. Truth is what Jesus did and who God is. It’s the truth of the gospel message. It’s the reality of the very nature of God. It’s the power we have to speak God’s word and not doubt. It’s also truth in your own life that gets rid of the excess baggage that you have carried in the past. There are times when we will have to use truth in a defensive manner to uphold our faith. But to use God’s truth in the way He intended is to take it into battle. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life…” You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. In John 17:17 Jesus says, “Sanctify them through Your truth: Your Word is truth.”

II. The Breastplate of Righteousness. The breastplate was made of lightweight metal and fastened to the belt. Often it was molded to fit each individual soldier. It covered both front and back so the soldier was protected from both sides. It covers the vital organs, especially the heart. What makes this so important is that it protects us from the accusations of the enemy. The attacks on our emotions. 2 Corinthians 5:21, “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” God’s righteousness in you is your protection. How many times, when you are in a fight with the devil, has he simply said to you, “Who do you think you are? You aren’t even saved.” Do you remember when John the Baptist was in prison? He sent his disciples to Jesus to ask if He were the Messiah or not. He was questioning his salvation. Even though Jesus said in Luke 13:28 that all the prophets would be in heaven, John doubted. The righteousness of God says otherwise. We are not anyone in our own right. But we’ve been saved by the blood of the sinless Lamb. He has stood before the Father and pleaded our case, and even though we are guilty of sin and deserving of death, we are declared not guilty because of our association with the Son. We have the breastplate of righteousness to protect our hearts from deceit.

III. Shoes for the preparation of the gospel of peace. Having shod your feet…” The Roman soldier’s army boots were sandals that were tightly fasten with leather straps. The bottoms of the sandal had ½ inch spikes for footing. This allowed them to travel quickly over rough ground to get into the battle. Sometimes the toes had even longer spikes for a weapon. Some even had metal plates fastened to the straps, even all the way up the shin to the knee, for protection. “With the preparation…” The word preparation means, “a prepared foundation…” The soldier was ready to go wherever and do whatever he was asked to do. If you are going on a trip to the mountains to ski you pack boots, coats and warm clothing. When you go to the beach you don’t wear your insulated coveralls. When you are in the army of God you put on the right shoes for battle. What shoes are those? The gospel of peace…The gospel of Jesus Christ is the right footwear for Christians and every one who claims the name of Christ is placed on the front line. Wait a minute Pastor Mike. I don’t want to go to battle. I want to go to heaven. I like it right where I am. I’m comfortable and I don’t bother anyone and they don’t bother me. I get along with everybody and I don’t try to push my beliefs on someone else. Too Bad! If you are born again by the Spirit it really doesn’t matter if you want to fight or not, you are in the fight. You do have a choice. You can either be prepared and go ahead and fight, taking the gospel of peace out into the world, or you can fall by the side of the road before you get to the fight. Being prepared for the fight requires conditioning. Falling to the roadside means you never make it to the battle. Don’t think you are exempt. When you fail to fight the enemy has already won.

IV. The Shield of Faith. The Roman shield was not the little round shield you see in the movies used in hand-to-hand combat. It was a full body length shield that a soldier could stand behind. When attacking a city wall the whole army could raise their shields above their heads and move forward under the “turtle shell” and be protected from the enemy’s arrows. Many times those on the city walls would shoot blazing arrows, which would stick in the shield and catch it on fire. The purpose was to get the soldier to throw the burning shield to the side and then expose himself to the archers. “Above all…” In addition to all the other parts – faith is not greater than the other parts of the armor. “Taking…” to pick up something from the ground – a repeated action. When you falter in your walk stop, pull yourself together, get up, and move on. “The shield of faith…” For a Christian our faith is in the promises of God. The shield of faith does not focus on us, but on the object of our faith. I don’t have faith in my faith. I have faith in the One who has saved me and called me into battle. That holds true for all God’s promises. I have faith because He promised. Not because I deserve it but because His word is true. Now, remember how the archers on the wall used to shoot flaming arrows in order to get the attackers to drop their shields? The enemy of your soul does the same thing. He will bring such horrific attacks on your life that you just want to throw everything down and run away. That’s his plan. Then he has you where he wants you. When you run away you run out from the umbrella of God’s protection. But if you stay behind the shield of faith, it not only repels the fiery darts of the enemy, it puts out the fire. Even when the circumstances say there is no hope, we hold on to our faith and move forward. The African impala can jump to a height of over 10 feet and cover a distance of greater than 30 feet. Yet these magnificent creatures can be kept in an enclosure in any zoo with a 3-foot wall. The animals will not jump if they cannot see where their feet will fall. Faith is the ability to trust what we cannot see, and with faith we are freed from the flimsy enclosures of life that only fear allows to entrap us. John Emmons.

V. The Helmet of Salvation. “And take the helmet of salvation…” The first thing we see in this section that salvation is ours for the taking. The Roman helmet was a casting of bronze lined with leather for comfort. While other armies had helmets of cloth, animal hooves, or leather, the Roman soldier was protected by metal. When we talk of salvation what do we consider to be saved? It is our soul! The soul is the emotions and intellect of a person. It’s in the head. That is what our knowledge of salvation protects. The devil would try to make you doubt your salvation. But you know you are saved by grace. Romans 8:16, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” Though satan may try to convince your mind that you are not saved, the Holy Spirit tells you otherwise by confirming it to your spirit.

VI. The Sword of the Spirit. The Word that is translated “sword” refers, not to the heavy broad sword that you see pictured in the movies, but to a lighter sword with a double-edge but also a sharp point. Where a broad sword was used for slashing and cutting, which often only injured, the “machaira” penetrated. So when Paul speaks of this type of sword – the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God – He is talking about how deeply the word penetrates the human being. Hebrews 4:12 uses the same word for sword and explains it this way. “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Maturity and the ability to do God’s work come through years of study of God’s Word and practice in using doctrinal principles. Turn over to 2 Timothy 2:15. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 1) Be diligent – study. The word translated has a stronger meaning than study. It indicates a lifestyle or habit of studying so that you become mature in the word. 2) To show yourself approved… the word “approved” means to pass an exam. So your first test is to study- the next test is application of what you have learned to your life. 3) A worker… simply, a laborer – one who is not afraid to work. Who does not need to be ashamed… Don’t be ashamed of your position in this life. Be content with who you are because you are, approved by God, because of your position in Him and your service to Him. You are not saved by works but will be judged according to them. 4) Rightly dividing the word of truth… “Rightly dividing” is a farming term that means to plow a straight furrow. That requires keeping your eyes in front of you, your hand to the plow, and no looking back. One who rightly divides the word of truth takes no detours from it and makes no apologies for it. We were talking the other day about how people object to salvation through Christ when there have been so many who have died without hearing. That opens the door for us to take a detour and make it appear that all religions would therefore lead to heaven if you truly believed them. Our response to that should be First, “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” and then, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” We can rest assured that God has presented all people with sufficient witness for them to make a decision for Him. We don’t have to understand how just believe His word.


The whole armor of God is given in reference to a Roman soldier. However we understand it from a spiritual context. Every piece of the armor is spiritual in nature because we are fighting a spiritual battle. Material weapons in a spiritual battle are useless. As I said earlier, we may look at the armor as defensive protection, to allow us to lay back and wait for an attack from the enemy. But I say it is for us to attack and allow the armor to do its job while we move forward. We move forward in God’s strength, knowing exactly who our enemy is, and with the armor of God to protect us. What else do you need to know?