Summary: This sermon focuses upon each person doing their part.

A few years ago a miracle happened in New England. The New England area is noted for disappointments. My Red Sox are still looking for a championship since Babe Ruth. So when the New England Patriots embarked on their new season. Their was little hoopla, but early in the season when marquee quarterback Drew Bledsoe got hurt, rookie quarterback Tom Brady an unknown took over as quarterback. A miracle happened the team began to work together everyone playing his position and victories began to pile up. Enough for them to make to the Super Bowl against the Mighty St. Louis Rams.

The patriots had been in this position before so we all expected a blood shed massacre, but something happened that I believe with the pre game team announcements. Most teams announce their marquee players first and then the others. Similar to the Michael Jordan years. When the announcer basically would say here’s Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. But on this day the announcer said here are the 2001 New England Patriots and to everyone surprise the entire team bounded through the ribbon. As the game unfolded, the Patriots fought hard and eventually won. At the post game interviews the interviews all the player’s comments echoed the same theme: We won because we played as a team:

Let’s shift a gear from the arena of sports to the work of God’s church made up of men and women called by God and equipped by God each with different gifts and talents.

Turn with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 12 beginning in verse 12

I. Be On the Team- Be connected to the Body- Be active

Each of you sitting here this morning have a choice. A choice to get involved at Sandridge Baptist or Not. A choice to be on the team or not. To be a player not just a spectator. But it really all boils down to your choice.

For many, excuses fly out faster than hands raised high volunteering and getting involved. I just don’t have time? I have nothing to give? When my kids are grown? When this next work project is finished? Or perhaps when so and so quits leading? You name it excuses are a dime a dozen. But each excuse keeps you from being on the team. Keeps the church your church form being all it could possibly be.

Now I’m not here this morning to guilt you or talk you into anything because that may work in the short run it never lasts. This morning I want to appeal to you that this team. Your church needs You and will not be all we can be for Jesus without YOU.

Risk getting involved. Every week there are many different opportunities for you to connect with and on. Check the newsletter, check the bulletin. And connect.

Choose to be on the Team.

Have I got you thinking just a little? But now you are facing a wave of past memories. Well I used to do so and so and it was terrible or I worked so hard for the church I had no time for anything else and I burned myself out. I… You fill in the blank with your own personal memory.

Well hang with me a little longer… Because my response is that perhaps you need to Discover Your own personal Position or gift. The one that God made you to do. The Spiritual gifts that God empowered you to use.

SO Second Discover Your Position, role or gifts.

Listen to I Corinthians 12 verses 4-6

Each of us was given a different kind of gift, for different kinds of service all working under the authority of the same God.

All throughout seminary different teachers and preachers would ask me what my spiritual gift was and my answer was always the same I don’t know. I just do. But as I got older I saw that the areas of ministry that flowed naturally for me were in fact my gifts.

And so what flowed out was not an exhaustive detailed quest but just a reflection about what made areas was I consistently passionate about.

The first area was what they called the gift of the apostle- The gift of vision. The ability to begin new works that had not existed before. The ability to see a community or a church through the eyes of God. It took several years of starting churches, youth groups, college groups, community projects and so on where I saw that this was an area that I was indeed gifted in.

A second area where God showed me was another area of strong gifting was encouragement. The desire to see and believe the best in people. To find the diamond in the rough and through steady encouragement polish and help refine that rock to be a beautiful shining diamond. This gifting is often described as a pastoral gift. I call it the gift of being a coach.

Now God places me in many other areas of ministry, but the areas of ministry that is the most easiest and the one I I am the most passionate about are the ones where I am gifted.

So today this week, take a moment and reflect on what areas of service or work for God gives you the most joy, that seems to flow the easiest, the one that creates the most feeling. Jot down each and then look for a pattern, and then once you find that pattern or that gift start using it.

Can you just imagine what would happen if every one in this room connected with their own position? It would be great Each Sunday I would be commissioning you to go out into your mission field and personally serve. In Maine I visited a church that had on its sign as you exited the building, you are now entering your mission field. I love it. Can you imagine how long our praise time would go as each of you shared your weekly story? You almost wouldn’t need a sermon.

For some of you our new Anyone can do it visitation will be right up your gift alley. You see you can come and do many different tasks from calling- to writing to visiting. For some of you, already you feel drawn to this . For others you may just grown and say eh gads another church program. If that is your response maybe just maybe this particular ministry is not for you. So you know what don’t come, find another area of service that you can get excited about. We have too many people that are too much and are getting weary in well doing as the scriptures say. Give yourself a break. Yes get involved. But choose the area where God has both called and equipped you.

Another area that I believe has someone’s name on it, Is a mission’s leader for our teenage boys on Wednesday night. This group is growing and so I know God is a work so I also now that in His church here, He has called or is calling someone to fill that position. Someone who can get excited about serving these teenage young men.

For some of you every time you enter the parking lot or the building you see a need that needs to be fixed or built. You wait for someone else to ask or do it. When just by God showing it to you it would appear that he is calling you to do something about.

In one church where criticism was abounding. I decided to make the statement that anyone who criticizes anything should be willing to get involved yourself to change or fix or meet that certain need.

How do you know? Listen to God. Try different areas and see what is best and easiest for you, reflect on service patterns, looking at the giftings listed in the Bible, get counsel from others, and pray.

Once you Know your position and have chosen to risk and serve in that position. You must remember that you are serving in a team called the church not by yourself.

Look again at what Paul says in his letter to the church at Corinth. Chapter 12 beginning in verse 21

We connect with out gift. We serve. And sometimes we get angry and frustrated at other team members or church members because that can se or do what comes natural to you. You drive into parking lot you see immediately what needs to be done. To you it is so obvious you can imagine why others can’t see it and do something about it.

Or for you sharing about Jesus is a gift and you can’t imagine why others are actively witnessing as you. Can they see all the people who need Jesus like I do

Or someone has the gift of hospitality or serving and having get togethers at their homes. You can understand why others can host like you or cook like you because it is so easy for you.

Do you get the point? When are serving on a team with different roles or gifts? We can’t expect everyone to serve or see God in places that you can easily see.

We are all individual members of one body, his church- The body of Christ. There is no role for ego or selfishness or pride on God’s team. We want to be a team all working together in service to our Lord.

When our church is described we don’t want it to be described kike the Chicago Bulls- Here’s Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls but like the Patriots here are your New England Patriots and the whole team bursts through the ribbon. Ready to play Ready to serve.

This morning the message is simple. If you are inactive choose today to be active. Make a choice of your will to be an active servant of this your church.

And once you have chosen to be active to be on the team, Discover your special unique personal giftings and then find a way to use them. Realizing that we are not lone rangers but equal parts of the body serving for the common good.

During this time of invitation if any of this describes you make a fresh commitment to do so today. You need it and we need you. Our community needs Christ. So what are you waiting on. Let’s Play ball.