Summary: Third in a series of three. This message brings the message of CHristmas and Narnia together for a conclusion focusing on Aslan the Roaring Lion.


Eveyone here knows that line from Away in a Manger that says: The cattle are lowing the baby awakes but little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.

Personally I think that is one of the stupidest lines ever written.

Why do so many people insist on taming Jesus? Why make him all sentimental and mushy when he is naturally wild, ferocious and amazing?

C.S. Lewis the brilliant author of the Chronicles of Narnia – chose to represent Jesus by his character Aslan – a fierce, wild yet very good Lion.

Recently a critic of the Chronicles of Narnia movie who knew relatively little about the Bible said it was a big mistake for C. S Lewis to compare Jesus to a lion.

According to him a lion is too ferocious to be a symbolic representative of Jesus. Really?

Maybe part of the reason that particular critic and others would object to representing Jesus by comparing him with the lion Aslan is that the way we communicate the life of Christ. Even our versions of the Christmas story are usually pretty tame.

When we over-sentimentalize Christmas we wring all the life – all the energy – all the sizzle out of it.

By focusing on "Pretty Baby Jesus in the manger" the story comes off more like a fairytale than God’s historic plan to save the world.

Of course the baby Jesus cried when a cow mooed in his ear!

Absolutely he let his mother know that he needed to nurse at her breast.

No doubt he even left a deposit in his little swaddling clothes – that’s why they were swaddling -- so his parents could un-swaddle the parts that needed cleaning.

The harsh realities of Jesus’ birth don’t spoil the story of Christmas -- they make it real!

Christmas is a true story – of a completely human baby who is born to impoverished peasants under the harshest circumstances.

Danger lurked around every corner.

Think about it. There was this egocentric ruler who wanted to raise taxes and put out the decree that forced Joseph and Mary to leave their northern town of Nazareth and trudge almost 70 miles on foot back to their ancestral home – Bethlehem.

I can only imagine how demanding a journey that was.

Some scholars think it likely took a week to 10 days to get there.

So when Joseph and Mary – real people with real names – in a real place -- arrived in Bethlehem there was room for them. You would think because this was their ancestral home that they might have had at least one relative who would have taken them in.

But no -- the only room available is in that a cold dark stable – that was much more like a cave than a barn.

Here we see a peasant couple huddled against the cold night air -- struggling to survive. Soon the baby arrives and the only assurance they get that they are not totally alone and abandoned is news of a heavenly telegram from a bunch of clumsy country bumpkins who watch sheep for a living.

Shepherds at the time of Christ were often petty thieves or social misfits or both.

The shepherds show up with congratulations and news of a singing choir of angels giving them an official birth announcement.

That ended with the isntruction that they should go to Bethlehem and find a stable where a baby boy was wrapped in rags and sleeping in a feed trough.

The one in rags in the feedbox was God’s Chosen One – the Savior. Say what?

This real story of the first Christmas is not sentimental and sweet. No it is full of danger and struggle – marked by pain, suffering, loneliness and uncertainty.

This is the beginning of the life I consider to be as wild, dangerous and adventuresome as any life ever lived. This is where the story of Jesus – the lion-hearted begins.

If you watch closely you will see adventure in the unfolding life of Jesus.

You will see

Someone who spoke with words of thunder

Someone who displayed acts of courage and occasionally flashed some holy anger.

You will see a man who courageously faced the whip and the thorns and the cross. This same man eventually faced down Satan and the dark forces of Hell itself. Jesus is someone who overcame death and hell and is alive forevermore!

That’s why I call him Jesus the lion-hearted.

So let’s take a closer look at Him and the reasons he is represented by Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia


We should realize that Jesus is a Conquering Lion who Rules

"Stop weeping! Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the heir to David’s throne, has conquered. He is worthy to open the scroll and break its seven seals." Revelation 5:5 NLT

He has sent a mighty Savior from the royal line of his servant David just as he promised through his holy prophets long ago. Luke 1:69 NLT

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before God made anything at all and is supreme over all creation. Colossians 1:15 NLT

These three scriptures remind us of just some of the reasons C. S. Lewis chose to compare Jesus to a roaring lion. Lewis introduces us to Aslan the heroic deliverer of Narnia who rescues Narnia from the curse of evil.

Lewis was a brilliant scholar who knew scripture as well a literature. This gifted thinker and author draws on biblical background to create the idea of Aslan as savior.

Shouldn’t that make some of us re-think our meek and mild image of Jesus shouldn’t it?

Come on now -- Is Jesus really a lion?

The true story of Christmas – the raw truth about Jesus’ arrival shows He was and is indeed a lion.

You might not see the Lion in Christmas if you

Sanitize the stable

Clean up the manger

Pretty up Mary and Joseph

Spruce up those shepherds

And make Jesus unto a cute little ceramic doll.

Then all you’ve got left of the Christmas story is:

“Joseph and Mary go camping with baby Jesus”.

But if you look more closely at the real story of Christmas what do you see?

You see a king entering his kingdom incognito

You see eternity invading time and space

You see God himself putting on skin wrapping himself in rags.


Christmas is the very beginning of the unfolding of an incredible plan that has been formulating in the heart of our loving creator God. At Christmas God’s love is unleashed.

Christmas is the D-Day of God’s invasion plan for planet earth. And Bethlehem is his Normandy.

That Jesus is born in Bethlehem is no accident. This is David’s Royal city -- the place the prophets foretold would be the Messiahs’ hometown.

Here God is establishing a beachhead of goodness and light that will guarantee ultimate victory over sin and darkness.

On this starry night

Through this innocent young mother

Among these lowly shepherds

The tide of history turns.

God arrives!

And if you miss that – you miss everything that sizzles about Christmas.

In REVELATION 5:5 we see John writing his Revelation of God’s actions as the end of time approaches. He records the words of the angel declaring that the Lion of Judah is about to open the seals!

In LUKE 1 we read of Zecharias – the father of John the Baptist – Jesus cousin – giving this incredible prophetic song in the last 12 verses.

Here this man of God calls Jesus -- A Mighty Savior From a Royal Line – a Light From Heaven.

Then in COLOSSIANS 1 we read of Paul the apostle declaring that Jesus was and is the exact representation of God himself.

Paul declares that Jesus is not god-lite!

Jesus is not mini-me God!

Jesus is absolutely 100% God through and through. He is God in the flesh


When I was just out of High School and weighing the various issues of life I did not decide to become a follower of Jesus because he was safe.

I did not become a follower of Jesus so I could play some little churchy games and win some Mr. Nice Guy contest.


I became a follower of Jesus the Wild one not the mild one.

I chose to follow Jesus because I wanted to change my world – I wanted to become part of the solution not just continue as part of the problem. And I believed then as I believe now that Jesus is the ultimate answer to the problems people face.

I am committed to knowing and loving asn serving the wild Jesus – the real Fierce Dangerous Jesus who is revealed in the pages of the Bible.

The real Jesus

The Lion hearted Jesus

The Roaring Jesus

When I first determined to throw in my lot with Jesus Christ and his people – it was because I was captivated by the energy and enthusiasm of Jesus himself. And I’m not over him yet!

Let me ask what you are doing with your one and only life that is bigger than yourself?

Have you met and faced the real Jesus yet?


We must experience Jesus as the Loving Lion who Saves

For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and by him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of his blood on the cross. Colossians 1:19-20 NLT

C. S. Lewis’s Aslan is not only wild and dangerous – there is something amazingly warm and compassionate about him.

LEWIS writes in one passage from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe:

None of the children knew who Aslan was any more than you do; but the moment the Beaver had spoken these words everyone felt quite different. Perhaps it has sometimes happened to you in a dream that someone says something you don’t understand, but in the dream it feels as if it had some enormous meaning – either a terrifying one which turns the whole dream into a nightmare or else a lovely meaning too lovely to put into words, which makes the dream so beautiful that you remember it all your life and are always wishing you could get into that dream again. It was like that now. At the name of Aslan each one of the children felt something jump in its inside. Edmund felt a sensation of mysterious horror. Peter felt suddenly brave and adventurous. Susan felt as if some delicious smell or delightful strain of music had just floated by her. And Lucy got the feeling you have when you wake up in the morning and realize that it is the beginning of the holidays or the beginning of summer.

Is that cool or what?

In Colossians 1 Paul the Apostle is painting a picture so we will see just how jaw-dropping a Savior Jesus is. He is trying to keep us from getting used to a tamed down image of Jesus.

Don’t minimize Jesus (click on the icon)

See him bigger than life.

Remember Jesus is everything God is – crammed into one person!

To top off everything else God is up to in Jesus he does that most outrageously loving thing in all of history -- he dies for his friends and his enemies.

In the book -- The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe -- C. S. Lewis Lewis grabs us by the throat emotionally by telling the story of one of the children’s betray of his siblings.

In the story the youngest boy Edmund falls under the evil influence of the white witch.

We watch as Edmund’s weaknesses and flaws come to the surface.

Edmund’s love for candy

Edmund’s struggles with sibling rivalry

Edmund’s frustration at being the little brother

Edmunds longing to be in charge

All his weak points make him vulnerable to the wiles of the White Witch and the lure of sin.

After Edmund has betrayed his family the White Witch approached Aslan with the news of the evil that Edmund has done. She calls him a traitor and reminds everyone that because of his betrayal and the ancient magic (laws of morality) Edmund now belongs to her.

Isn’t this like the evil one today?

First he leads us into temptation and eventually into sin -- only to then laugh at us for giving in.

The enemy of our souls like the White Witch torments us with guilt and reminds us just how worthless we are!


But in Lewis’ story -- while the White Witch claims her right to kill Edmund and all her henchman cackle and laugh with glee -- Aslan the lion speaks.

In fact the Lion Roars!

Aslan tells of a deeper magic – Lewis’ way of expressing spiritual principles or laws that govern the affairs of men.

According to Aslan – his Father – the Emperor Beyond the Sea -- the creator of all did indeed place a spiritual law – principle in place at the dawn of time. This spiritual principle states that if a son of Adam or daughter of Eve betrays their race – that person would then fall under the influence and into the clutches of evil. But Aslan says there is another even deeper law.

This deeper magic states that if an innocent one voluntarily gives his life in place of the guilty party then something truly amazing will happen. The sacrifice of the innocent substitute will be accepted as payment for the betrayal of the guilty – and he or she will go free.

This is Lewis’ crowning moment – it was the moment of the movie every true devotee of the Chronicles of Narnia was waiting for. The moment of true sacrifice and love.

We watch as Aslan takes the White Witch aside and they speak alone in hushed tones. Soon they return having struck a bargain. Soon we learn that Aslan has offered to give his own life in place of Edmund.

According the story the White Witch recieves a promise that she can kill the Royal Lion at the appointed time and place.

Here we see echoes of I JOHN 4:10:

This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

So at the appointed time Aslan offers himself to the White witch and her evil minions. Her henchmen cut his mane – bind him tight – mock and beat him. FInally the White Witch plunges her stone knife into his very heart and the great lion breathes his last.

Aslan shows the full extent of his love.

It was Edmund who broke the rules – Edmund couldn’t make himself be good. The boy couldn’t resist the pull of Turkish Delight. Edmund deserved to die – but Aslan dies in his place.

All who have read this great story (hold up Bible) know where Lewis got his inspiration for this part of the story of Narnia.

Now, no one is likely to die for a good person, though someone might be willing to die for a person who is especially good. 8But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:7-8

The real Aslan offers himself in my place – in your place.

Only the Lion of the Tribe of Judah has the courage to do that!

Listen in as Jesus tells the Father:

Whatever punishment they deserve –

Take everything the liars deserve and the murderers deserve and the child molesters deserve and what the self-righteous deserve – take it all and put it on me.

Father whatever punishment you would pour out on the drug pusher or the porn queen – lay it all on me.

Whatever the self-centered preacher and the religious hypocrites deserve -- take their punishment and give it to me too.

I’ll take whatever they deserve.

Then he dies!

The Lion of Judah dies. He hangs on a Roman cross on the edge of town surrounded by a few stragglers and hangers on with most of his once upon a time followers hiding at a safe distance.

It is astounding that God the Father allowed the body of his one and only son Jesus to be placed on that cross – but it is almost beyond belief that while Jesus hung there dying in my place – God laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Look at Jesus – the lion-hearted Lord who lays down his life for me and for you. Isn’t he wild!

Watch as the loving Lion of the Tribe of Judah takes on the cross – descends to the grave and with one final roar rises to new life and ascends to the skies.

Jesus looked death in the eye and didn’t flinch!

Jesus took the sins of the world upon himself and didn’t run.

Jesus arose from the dead – overcoming death and sin and the grave once and for all and roared back to life.

And he offers to apply his one sufficient payment for sin to my life – against my moral debt – my wrongdoing.

In Lewis’ verson of the story of redemption Edmund runs to Aslan – is restored and forgiven by the Lion King and eventually becomes a King – Edmund the Just!

In our version that transaction of faith – having the lion’s death – pay for my wrongs and yours is but one honest sincere prayer away.

Christmas 2005 would be an amazing time to start a new life of following the Lion


Follow Jesus the Lion-hearted as our Perfect Leader

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:2-3 NIV

“Course he isn’t safe – be he is good! He’s the King I tell you” The Beavers from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Chapter 8

For many readers of the Narnia tales one of the most exciting images of all is that of the sisters Lucy and Susan having the chance to ride on the back of the newly arisen Aslan

Which is what it’s like to live for and with Jesus – in him life becomes a never-ending ride that is never totally safe – but man is it good.

First personally you are invited to go on an amazing adventure riding the lion.

As you ride through life on the back of the lion you will face physical challenges and spiritual struggles

perhaps even financial setbacks and family stresses -- but He enver promised it owuld be easy -- only that it would be good.

The only way through our troubles is to surrender them to the LION. Feel His breath – Hear His roar – Get on His back and let Him carry you!

In his book The Barbarian Way – ERWIN MCMANUS lays out a challenge to live a courageous ’uncivilized’ life with Christ.

Toward the end of the book McManus tells of his enjoyment in thinking about the various collective nouns for groups of animals.

Pride of Lions

Pod of whales

Committee of buzzards

Parliament of Owls

His favorite he says are Rhinos. Rhinoceroses have a top speed 30 miles an hour. They can really move especially considering their size. The only problem is – they have small beady eyes and very poor eyesight. In fact they can only see about 30 feet ahead.

Which is why Rhinos collectively are called a crash!

What a perfect name -- a crash -- considering that crashing is exactly what might happen if a herd of two-ton Rhinos really got up a head of steam and went hurtling off in any one direction at the same time – look out!

Whatever might be out there at 31 feet – if a crash of Rhinos is heading your way – move it!

According to McManus – that is what the church is called to be -- a crash of Rhinos.

We are a crash of Rhinos who will truly follow our leader the Wild Fierce Dangerous One – Jesus the Lion-hearted. As followers of the Lion our lives are no longer about playing it safe.

It is no good worrying about what might be out there at 31 feet. We cannot see tomorrow anyway!

So as followers of Jesus the Lion-hearted we need to become barbarians for Jesus. Loving recklessly -- living courageously -- witnessing boldly -- giving sacrificially -- risking continually!

In Christ we have no interest in playing it safe. For centuries too many Christians have played it safe a look where it got us?

Today churches are getting further and further behind the population growth curve. Today Christians are increasingly out of the limelight and into the shadows. Far too often we church people are off in a corner somewhere just talking to ourselves.

Sadly we seem to spend much time and energy trying to hold our own, and play life safe and not let our kids get hurt and not get in trouble.

Well I didn’t become a Christ follower to play it safe! I didn’t become a pastor just to help people feel better! I didn’t become a Christ follower just so I could have a nice safe life

I became a Christ follower because the church is the only hope of a dying world.

I became a Christ follower because people are lost and need transformation and Jesus is the source of life!

I became a Christ follower because I want to live a dangerously adventuresome life for the best cause in all the world!

What I need most this Christmas is not a pat on the back -- I need a kick in the pants! And Jesus is here to give it to me!


I needed – more than anything – most of all – I needed to hear the Lion roar.

Jesus is alive

He loves

He lives

He leads

And he calls me to follow him

This Christmas I am calling you to join me in loving Jesus more than ever – seeing who he really is.

Become a barbarian for Christ and then link arms and hands and hearts with some fellow barbarians –

Together let us each decide that in 2006 we will not run when times are tough or danger looms.

We will instead run full speed ahead with God

We will become a crazy crash of God loving Rhinos

Whoever or whatever is out there at 31 feet – look out – the Lion of Judah is in the lead -- here we come!