Summary: Folks, we are at war - not just against the turban terrorists around the world, the militant mindsets around the world and the radical renegades around the world, but more than that - with the kingdom of evil and Satan - the power behind the throne!

The king of Trye in his palace of gold and glitter ends up in a deep dark pit surrounded by dirt! This chapter is a fascinating chapter in that is used to give a perfect illustration using this king to describe how Satan will end up one of these days!

In the 21st century, we can better understand this by an event that took place last year when Saddam Hussein was captured in a pit just north of Baghdad! Literally from a palace to a pit!

You see, Saddam is only a picture of Satan - the demonic dictator. Hitler was only a picture of Satan -the Jew hater. Bin laden is only a picture of Satan - the terrorist.

Folks, we are at war - not just against the turban terrorists around the world, the militant mindsets around the world and the radical renegades around the world, but more than that - with the kingdom of evil and Satan - the power behind the throne!

A child of God cannot be ignorant of this war and the many tragedies that line the path of life. Planet earth is where Satan’s dominance is exercised and where hell’s headquarters directs its power!

John 14:30 “I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming…”

Jesus taught us to pray…“Deliver us from evil or the evil one.”

Now, before we look further at the scriptures, let me explain something about them so you will understand what’s happening in them. You see, God is speaking through the king of Trye to show that Satan is really the power behind the throne!

Here’s another example… In the Garden of Eden, God is speaking through the serpent to Satan. When Peter said, “Jesus you really aren’t going to the cross”, Jesus was speaking through Peter directly to Satan when He said, “Get thee behind me”.

Key: Hell’s Headquarters has every one of us in its target and we can’t be ignorant of this fact or neutral about the war going on involving our personal lives, children, relationships and marriages! Hell’s Headquarters has dispatched its sinister ministers to mess you up and minister evil to you if they can!

Let’s try to understand Satan’s background by learning that…

1. Satan Was Created in Perfection. Vs. 11-15

Never think that God created the devil, no, Satan turned himself into the devil! In no way was Satan co-equal with God!

While in heaven, Satan was once superlative in wisdom and surpassing in beauty! His original name was Lucifer, which means, “Light bearer”.

- In verse 13 - he was the angel of music. Literally he once filled the halls of heaven with his melody and harmony!

- In verse 14a - he was a cherub and the most anointed.

- In verse 14b - he was the administrator of heaven. “Mountain of the Lord” = authority and governmental leader in heaven.

- In verse 18 - he was the high priest in heaven. “Sanctuary” = a place of praise, the high priest of heaven.

2. Satan Was Corrupted Through Pride. Vs. 16-18

In Isaiah 14, “I will” is used 5 times in just 2 verses!

Isaiah 14: 11 “Your pomp is brought you down to Sheol and the sound of your stringed instruments; the maggot is spread under you and the worms cover you.”

In verses 16 - “Trading” = “merchandise”, that which passes through one’s hand. Literally, Satan tried to put his grubby hands on the praise that was due only God and tried to take it for himself!

When you think of Satan, don’t think of him as some scaly serpent, but attractive, seductive and destructive!

2 Corinthians 11:14, 15

In fact, if Satan appeared right here before us, we would be tempted to fall down and worship him on the spot! But because of pride, he now has blemished beauty, warped wisdom and wicked works!

LifePoint: Only one thing will get us farther from Satan and closer to God – humility!

3. Satan Continues With Power. Vs. 19a

Satan is greatest con artist! He came to Adam and Eve in the Garden, who were the legal possessors of earth, with full dominion, and in one move he literally took all that from them!

The world is now under the wicked one!

2 Corinthians 4:4 “…The god of this world has blinded, who do not believe…”

Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.”

There are rankings within this demonic military and Satan is the commander and chief of this angelic anarchy!

Martin Luther’s great hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” says it best, “For still our ancient foe, doth seek to work us woe, his craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate…”

Maybe you’re asking, “How is Satan’s power displayed?” Great question!

The bible is full of examples for us even in the 21st century! Because I assure you on the authority of the Word of God that his power is still as great as when Jesus confronted it!

The Bible says that people are:

“Oppressed of the devil”

“Afflicted by a messenger of Satan”

“Bound by the devil”

“Possessed by the devil”

“Spirit of fear”

Mankind has been controlled by the chief terrorist long before bin laden and is den of terrorists! This is why…

America has 1.2 millions abortions each year - the lowest in 10 years!

America has a 50% divorce rate.

America has the highest teen suicide rate in the world.

America has the most murders in the world.

AIDS is the #1 killer of ages 15-24

STD’s are destroying the lives of our youth at an epidemic rate.

Anti-depressants are the #1 prescriptions written in America.

42% of America’s children will go to bed tonight with only one parent in the home.

Maybe your thinking, Pastor this really doesn’t pertain to me or may family! Oh really, tell me why is that son or daughter not serving the Lord? Why is your spouse not seated next to you in church today? Why is someone in your family struggling with alcohol or drug addiction? Why is your teenager so angry at life?

Need I say any more? Satan’s power is working in epidemic proportions today! Now that’s the bad news!Let’s look at the good news!

4. Satan is Condemned to The Pit. Vs. 8, 19

Revelation 20 gives us the final picture of Satan!

Folks listen to me…just as Satan will experience life from a pit one day, that’s exactly how he wants you to experience your life – as if it were in a pit! Many people woke up this morning in the deepest, darkest pit – as if their life has been condemned there for the longest time! Maybe you’re saying, “That’s me!” Victory seems as far away!

Many choices over the years may have landed you in that pit, but just one choice today gets you out of that pit!

Hebrews 2:14, 15 “In as much as the children have partaken in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is the devil. And released those…”

“Destroy” = to make useless and harmless. We get our English word “to annul”.

Colossians 2:15 “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.”

This verse literally reads in the Greek this way … “Having stripped the rulers and the authorities, He made a show with openness, having led in triumph.”

“Disarmed” = take off, divest and renounce

Satan’s humiliation and depletion of authority over you started with the cross and ended with His resurrection!! While hell was having a grimly hosted party – heaven was having a Holy Ghost party!

Satan works 24/7 to keep most Christian from exercising their authority in Christ!

How do I know if I’m not exercising authority in my life?

a. Do I repeat over again today the things I hated yesterday?

b. Do I continuously make excuses for my behavior or others around me?

Stop the blaming everyone around you for your mess!

c. Do I examine my life for fleshly strongholds?

Corinthians 10:3-5

d. Do I commit those things to God in prayer?

James Chapter 5 tells us that the fervent prayer of a righteous person has power!