Summary: This is a message to bring encouragement.


Pastor W. Max Alderman Nehemiah 4:1-14 BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH

Introduction: When there is a building program going on in the church, it certainly is not uncommon for the Church to study the events that took place when Nehemiah rebuilt the fallen walls of Jerusalem. There are many parallels that may be observed in what Nehemiah and the workers did to build the walls, and what the modern day Nehemiah’s do when they are either physically building their buildings or spiritually building their people.

Much criticism and attack was leveled against this ancient project and also against those who were involved. If you say nothing, do nothing, then probably nothing happens. But when you begin to involve yourself in any worthwhile project, you will find how aggressive and wicked Satan can be. The same is true in our day as it was in Nehemiah’s day.

When Nehemiah was building the walls there was a whole lot of talking going on. In this study, we will learn the different ways in which people talk about God’s work. Can you hear the different voices?

We will notice FIRST, The Voice Of Discouragement; SECOND, The Voice Of Disturbance; and THEN, The Voice Of Determination.


Nehemiah was serving as the king’s cupbearer when he heard about the walls of Jerusalem being broken down and the gates being burned with fire. God put it in his heart to do something about what he had heard. He immediately went to work to repair the walls. We might say that he went into a “building program”.

The work that he did may be described as follows:

1. The work that he did was a good work. (Neh. 2:18).

2. The work that he did was a great work. (Neh. 4:19; 6:3).

3. The work that he did was God’s work. (Neh. 3:5; 6:16).

We all may say the same about the work that God has given us to do. Now, may we notice the voices that take place when a work of the Lord is going on.

I. THE VOICE OF DISCOURAGEMENT (4:10) “We are not able”

Discouragement often begins with, “We are not able”. This study will prove that this statement would be true if it were not for the help of the Lord. Instead of us saying, “We are not able”, may we say, “He is able”. I like and appreciate the song that says, “He is able to deliver Thee”. The voice of discouragement came in Nehemiah’s day when Judah said, “We are not able…”

Nehemiah rose up to encourage the builders by saying, “Remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.” (V. 14). Any good work is both worth fighting for, as well as our families. Can you imagine how pleased Satan would be if there was not a work like this in Statesboro, Georgia?

A. The Work Of Building The Wall.

When doing the Lord’s work, hard work is required. The work can be made more difficult or discouraging because of Satan. There were times when we were building this church building that Satan added to the difficulty. By studying the building of the wall, we can recognize some of the things that will cause discouragement.

1. Hard Work May Cause Discouragement.

Judah said, “The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish…” Who like picking up trash? Humanly speaking, it is not as much fun as other jobs, but it is absolutely necessary.

One thing perhaps Judah was expressing was the monotony of doing for a long time the “same ole thing”. Some of you may feel the same way after singing in the choir, teaching a Sunday school class, working in the prison ministry, or as in our case spending so long in a building program. The same ole things in these cases are good things.

Judah was indicating the need for refreshment and revival while doing the good work. In the eight and the ninth chapter, you will see that real revival came. But it came after much hard work. In being faithful, you may have to just “stay with the stuff”, until God brings refreshment, and revival.

2. Heavy Work May Cause Discouragement

Heavy work and hard work are very similar. Just as the load was heavy in Nehemiah’s day, there are things today that can weigh heavy upon us. In our building program, we have jumped many hurdles, while carrying heavy loads. This can discourage even the strongest and the most determined. We are reminded, however, in Matthew’s Gospel, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in hear: and ye shall find rest unto your souls, For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30.

4. Hindered Work May Cause Discouragement.

There are so many things that can hinder the work of the Lord. Our schedule and the Lord’s may not be the same. Also, our schedule and Satan’s may not be the same. The Lord may want us to move faster, and Satan may want us to move slower. If that were the case, he has so many ways of hindering the work. He would like to stop you in your tracks.

B. The Workers That Were Building The Wall.

We must remind ourselves that the discouragement affected the workers. When the workers are affected, the work is affected. It is same with us today. If Satan can get to the workers…he has gotten to the work.

1. The Workers Were Exhausted.

There was a reason for their exhaustion. The biggest reason may have been fear. Nehemiah reminded them to remember the Lord, and then he organized the workers to both work, and at the same time guard the work (V. 16). Those who were in the building program were obviously comforted that there were those who were guarding them.

By way of application, you may not be teaching the Sunday school class, but you can pray for those who do. You may not be singing in the choir, but you can pray for those that do. You may not be standing in this pulpit, but can pray for those that do...


2. The Workers Were Looking For Excuses.

They were looking for excuses to leave the wall. Every devil in hell will try to get you to “Come down” from the wall. Nehemiah would not cave in to the tactics of Sanballat, and Tobiah who tried to get Nehemiah to come down from the wall and let the work cease. (See Neh. 6: 1-3).

The devil will try to give you excuses or reasons for leaving the work. Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. used to say, “An excuse is a skin of a reason stuffed with a lie”.


The attitude of the enemy was, “You won’t finish the wall”. Satan will do all that he can to disturb you while you are doing the Lord’s work. He will attack your families, your finances, your flesh, and your friends. This gives us even more reason for trusting in the Lord.

A. Notice How Confident The Enemy Was.

Verse number 11 shows this confidence on the part of the enemy. The only way that you can deal with the devil is as our Savor did. He used the Scriptures to encourage Himself and to battle Satan. Likewise, we must encourage ourselves in the same way. Psalm 62:2 for example says, “He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.” Then in verse number six after David encouraged himself in the Lord, he was able to say, and “I shall not be moved”.

B. Notice How Cunning The Enemy Was.

1. The enemy used ridicule in chapter 4:1-3.

2. The enemy used danger in chapter 4:7-9.

3. The enemy used discouragement in chapter


4. The enemy used greed and callousness in

Chapter 5:1-13.

5. The enemy used Compromise in chapter


Our churches need to realize how cunning Satan is and be not ignorant of Satan’s devices.


Nehemiah was determined by the grace of God to lead his people to finish the wall. I must feel that same determination along with you as we finish the building program that God has given us. We will be having an important service next Sunday to commit ourselves to debt retirement. The finishing of this great project demands that we be determined to trust the resources of God.

A. Nehemiah Was Confident Of The Power Of God.

In this study, I hope that we have learned that Nehemiah inspired his people to greatness by reminding them of the greatness of God. When doing the good work of the Lord, you will be called on to both “build and to battle”. Years ago, Dr. Curtis Hutson preached a message telling how the builders held a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other. The trowel was for building, and the sword was for battling. He said the same is true today, we hold a trowel in one hand to do the Lord’s building, and a sword in the other to battle, cutting off the head of every liberal and modernist that tries to hinder the work.

B. Nehemiah Was Committed To The Purpose Of God

Every work that is of the Lord is of great purpose. I consider this to be true of our church. To magnify the purposes of God, one must purpose to do so in ones heart, even as Daniel did in Daniel 1:8. “Daniel purposed in his heart…”

Nehemiah did two things in carrying out God’s purpose. He prayed to God, and he posted a guard. When he did this, it strengthened him so that he could properly respond to the negative voices that were out there. Likewise, he was able to speak properly as a witness, while building the walls back.

Conclusion: May we be challenged by this study to stay on the walls, building and battling until the Lord comes back, again.