Summary: This is the third sermon in a series on the words Jesus spoke from the cross.

Words From the Cross

Part 3

John 19:25-27

To hear this sermon and others you can go to my website If you would like the sermon notes for bulletin inserts please email me.

Intro: So far we have heard Jesus Speak:

1. Words of Forgiveness- Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing

a. These words where spoken for and to the world

2. Words of Salvation- Today you will be with me in paradise

a. These words where spoken to the individual on the cross

3. Today’s words are spoken to those he loves, and they are Words of compassion.

John 19:25-27 (NIV) 25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," 27 and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

The first week, as we studied the words of forgiveness that Jesus spoke, we examined those words from the foot of the cross.

Last week as we looked at the words of Salvation, I asked you to look at them from the cross. ( I asked you to imagine yourself on the cross)

This week we can only look at this statement from a distance, and observe a Son, talking to a mother and a disciple.

There is no way we can put ourselves in the shoes of Jesus, Mary, or John who is probably the disciple referred to in the verse.

Therefore we can only look at these words and these statements from afar and see what we can learn about the Man who said them, and their purpose for us today.

There is no doubt that these are words of Compassion, and I believe there are 4 things we can learn about compassion from Jesus here on the cross.

I) His compassion is from the heart

A) "Dear woman, here is your son," 27 and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

1) Again in Jesus’ time of great suffering HE THINKS of others before himself!

(a) It is his job to take care of His mother, and He makes sure that is taken care of.

2) We don’t know what happened to Joseph the father of Jesus.

(a) But one thing is certain at this point in time Joseph is indeed dead.

(i) Otherwise Mary would have gone home to Joseph, not this disciples house.

¨ Jesus was the oldest Son and therefore upon the death of His father he would have been His mother’s primary care taker.

¨ And it was up to Him to see that His mother was taken care of after His departure as well.

Þ I say His compassion is from the heart, because it would have taken so much to put the:

· Pain

· Suffering

· Laughter

· Mocking

· Hatred

· And thoughts of the awful sin that is about to come upon him aside to complete this task.

Þ We hear the thieves talk about no one but themselves

Þ We see the soldiers looking after no one but themselves

Þ We see the priest taking care of themselves

Þ We see most of Jesus’ disciples hiding and taking care of themselves

Þ We see the people chanting crucify him, crucify him, for their own pleasure, and for themselves

¨ And Jesus looks first to the World

¨ Then to the individual

¨ Now to his family, and one small minor detail that needed to be attended to.

B) Had Jesus not done this I think Mary would have been taken care of.

1) I am sure the disciples would have looked after Mary.

(a) If something was to happen to me, and I was unable to make arrangements for my family, I know you guys would take care of them.

(i) I know my parents and brothers would step up

(ii) I know my in-laws would step up

(iii) I know my 2 friends would step up (HAHAHA)

(iv) I know you would all help out in anyway you could.

¨ Not because I am the pastor, but because people take care of each other.

Þ I see it all the time, people step up and help out.

· The Disciples would have done this, but the heart of Jesus shines through, and He again looks outwardly instead of inward.

C) Jesus was not so Heavenly minded, that He was no earthly good.

1) At this point Jesus could have had His mind on nothing but heaven, but instead He did even more good on earth.

(a) We all know those Christians that are so focused on Heaven that no one on earth likes them.

(i) Jesus was not that way.

(b) And we all know those people who are so focused on earth, that they have no hope of ever seeing heaven.

(i) Jesus was not that way.

¨ Jesus was not so focused on heaven that he missed an opportunity to show compassion, and minister one more time here on earth.

D) Romans 9:15-16 (MSG) 15 God told Moses, "I’m in charge of mercy. I’m in charge of compassion." 16 Compassion doesn’t originate in our bleeding hearts or moral sweat, but in God’s mercy.

1) We must understand that compassion is not just something you feel in your heart at some point and time.

(a) We truly only learn what compassion is through the grace and mercy of God.

(b) And there is no other place we see that more clearly then right here as Jesus hangs on the cross.

(i) We must not let our feelings of compassion get mixed with what compassion really is.

¨ The next thing we see that Jesus’ compassion is, is…

II) His compassion is direct

A) I love the directness of Jesus.

1) When you read through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and we see Jesus show compassion, his compassion is always direct and to the point.

(a) Matt 20:32-34 (NIV) 32 Jesus stopped and called them. "What do you want me to do for you?" he asked. 33 "Lord," they answered, "we want our sight." 34 Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.

(i) Immediately they received their sight

¨ Jesus was direct with his compassion with these people

Þ He did not make them wait

Þ He did not make them go to church

Þ He did not make them get their lives right

Þ He did not make them memorize the 10 commandments

· He showed them compassion in a direct, to the point, right now way.

Þ Look at another one.

(b) Mark 1:41-42 (NIV) 41 Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" 42 Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured.

(i) Again we see Jesus get to work and show his direct compassion for this man with leprosy

¨ Like Jesus we need to learn to let our compassion be direct and to the point.

Þ So many times our compassion is slow, thought out, analyzed, and calculated.

Þ Jesus shows his compassion in a straight forward, right to the point, measurable, direct way.

(c) Mark 8:1-3 (NIV) 1 During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said, 2 "I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. 3 If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance."

(i) Again Jesus came through for his people in a direct way.

¨ There are 4000 men in the crowd, and they don’t have any food.

¨ The disciples don’t know what to do

Þ Jesus has compassion on them, and his compassion is direct and to the point.

· He meets their needs

· He gives them food

· He provides them with something they must have

Þ This is what we are doing in Kenya with Operation H2O.

B) Here at the cross Jesus looks down at His mother, and His compassion is direct and to the point.

1) Through His compassion he provides for his mom.

(a) In a Direct

(b) Measurable

(c) To the point kind of way.

C) I pray our church; will be a church of compassion.

1) I pray we don’t just talk about it, think about it, or pray for it

(a) But instead I pray that we are direct with it

(b) I hope we will do it in a direct, measurable, to the point way.

III) His compassion is personal

A) There were many people around the cross.

1) The 4 ladies mentioned in our verse

2) John

3) The Soldiers

4) Priests

5) People watching (Lk 23:35)

6) Rulers (Lk 23:35)

7) Two Thieves next to Jesus (Lk 23:35-39)

8) Most likely people passing by

(a) And Jesus shows us just how personal his compassion is.

(i) He looks down at only 2

¨ To the disciple Here is your mother

¨ To His mother Here is your Son

Þ It was a personal compassion between Jesus and His Mother, and Jesus and His disciple.

B) 2 Cor 1:3 (NIV) 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,

1) Jesus is the FATHER of compassion and His Compassion is personal

2) His compassion is for the world, but on a personal level between himself and the individual.

(a) A few things to notice.

(i) John and Mary were available to receive the compassion of Jesus.

¨ Most of the disciples of Christ were hiding and protecting themselves.

¨ Most were like Peter and worried about their own life more then that of Jesus.

Þ But John and Mary were available right there at the foot of the cross.

· They were near the cross

· They were available for whatever Jesus might need them, or call them to do.

Þ And so they were able to receive this personal compassion Jesus gives them.

(ii) John and Mary were willing to receive the compassion of Jesus

¨ Neither John nor Mary say no to the request, nor do the try to talk Jesus out of it.

Þ They don’t say come down and take your own mom home

Þ Or son come down and take care of me your self

· They where simply willing to receive the compassion of Christ.

(iii) John and Mary responded to the compassion of Jesus.

¨ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

Þ They responded to the compassion of Jesus by doing what they knew they needed to do.

Conclusion: How about you this morning? Are you:

1. Available to receive the compassion of Christ?

2. Willing to receive the compassion of Christ

3. Are you ready to respond to the compassion of Christ?

Prayer of Salvation: Jesus I know that I have sinned, I invite you into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. Forgive me of my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. Thank you for your grace and goodness. Amen