Summary: The fourth of five messages on the reliability of Christianity

A Ready Defense – The Amazing LIFE

March 27, 2005

Video: Amazing

Trans: Today we celebrate the most amazing event in the history mankind remembering the most amazing man ever to live – who in His amazing love offered His life to give each of us life that we might live an amazing life both here and in eternity. – AMAZING? Are you amazed? Ar you living an amazing life in Him?

Trans: We’ve been in a series entitled a Ready Defense. It’s a series about how to defend our faith as God gives us opportunity. Yet for all of the things we can say about why we believe what we believe, the single greatest proof that Jesus was who He said He was is if we live what we say we believe about him.

Note: If we say we’re followers of Christ then our actions should speak as loud as our words. Genuine faith always reflects the character and actions of Christ.

Verse: Jesus said, not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord, and will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father. Mt. 7:21

Note: It’s not enough to be amazed by Jesus, we must possess His amazing love w/in us sharing it w/ others. We can’t just STAND amazed, we must LIVE amazed.

Insert: So how’s LIFE? The Bible says the reason Jesus stepped into humanity was to bring us abundant and eternal life! He came to give us life in Him. He came to give our lives purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

Trans: As we continue our study, let’s investigate the testimony of a changed life.

Verse: If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, the old is gone, behold all things have become new. 2 Cr. 5:17

He commands us – Be steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain. 1 Cr. 15:58

Note: The greatest proof of the risen Savior is that He is risen in you! Christ IN you living THROUGH you!

Note: Statistics prove that the vast majority of Americans believe in God, yet the moral climate of our society says otherwise. Believing requires more than tipping your hat to acknowledge, it means committing your life to it. The devil believes yet he doesn’t bow. Genuine faith is evidenced by Christ-likeness.

Point: Thus, if your attitudes, actions, and appetites are not centered upon God seeking to honor Him, then your life bears witness to something other than Christ.

Note: How can I say that? B/c Christ in you shines through you! When a person opens their life to the reality of Christ – He transforms them. He gives them a new heart, a new life, and a heavenly purpose. He deposits His spirit w/in you.

Trans: As I was reading the passion this week, a particular part of the story jumped off the page that has led to our study today. It involved “doubting” Thomas.

Story: Jesus has resurrected and has been seen by Mary, Martha, and all of the disciples except Thomas. When Thomas hears the news, like many people today, he questioned its validity. I want to see and touch Him for myself.

Text: John 20:24-31

Note: Thomas wasn’t about to believe based upon hear-say, he wanted hard evidence.

Truth: I believe people today are looking for hard evidence for the validity of Christ. Only they’re not looking for it in apologetic books – they are looking for it in the lives of those who call themselves Christians (little Christ’s).

Insert: Sad to say, on more than one occasion I’ve heard it said, I might consider being a Christian if people who called themselves Christians lived like Christ? What a sad indictment upon Christians and the church? Jesus said that you should be able to tell the difference b/w a Christian and non-Christian, but I’m not so sure we can do that today. There are countless people who claim Christ, yet their lives say otherwise.

Point: That’s what I want to focus on this AM – not on has Christ risen, but is He risen and alive in you – in your actions, appetites, and attitudes. Does your life reflect His life? Do you and I have the real thing!

Verse: I’ve been crucified w/ Christ yet I no longer live, Jesus Christ now lives in me. And the life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave His life for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the Law, then Christ died for nothing. Gal. 2:20-21

Insert: How’s LIFE – How is your Christian LIFE? Is it like Jesus? The Bible says that God has given us everything we need to live a God-honoring life. This Easter, if you were required to describe your life by a punctuation mark – which mark would best describe your spiritual life? Period. Exclamation! Question?

Note: Truth is, too many of us live our Christian lives like I live my hair life? They look in the mirror thinking everything is fine trying to ignore the bald spot in the back. To be honest, it takes quite an effort for me to see what you see. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have a bald spot, you’re just seeing spots. Yet spiritually speaking, too many of us think that b/c our faithlessness is not obvious to us, that it is not obvious to others. Let me assure you – others know if we are living an amazing and fulfilled life in Christ – they can tell if we are living in and for Him, or if we’re living for someone or something else. Jesus says our fruit will give us away.


Text: I’ve been crucified w/ Christ and I no longer live…

Note: When I receive Christ by grace through faith I die – I am a dead man walking. My sin was pieced by the nails and His blood covered my guilt releasing me from sins grip and granting me newness of life.

Note: But this verse speaks about two things – Christ’s ability and my responsibility.

A I have been EXECUTED yet I must remain dead to the flesh

Note: I have been put to death w/ Christ by faith – and the old nature has been killed and incarcerated in an empty tomb – only through Christ I have been resurrected, yet like Him, w/out sin. And he has placed a new nature in me that seeks to honor God.

Quote: A Christian is a person who has died w/ Christ, whose stiff neck has been broken, whose brazen forehead has been shattered, whose stormy heart has been crushed, whose pride has been slain, and whose life is now mastered by Christ.

Trans: I have be executed and then resurrected w/ Christ in a new life, but I also have the responsibility to keep those things which desire to return as part of my life that dishonor God as dead. (see Col. 3:5-12)

B I have been PURCHASED yet I must glorify God w/ my life

Verse: What, know ye not that your body is the temple of God, who is in you, for you were bought w/ a price, therefore glorify God w/ your mortal body. 1 Cr. 6:19f

Note: The price tag on my sin was death – someone had to die. When Jesus died in my place, He purchased me through His blood. My debt was paid in full. But after purchasing me – in took up residency to influence my life for His glory.

Note: He owns me! He’s the boss! What happens if you ignore the boss? You’re fired! God’s not going to fire you from His family, but He isn’t going to allow you to destroy His kingdom. From the moment you receives Christ until your last breath before eternity – your life is intended to bring glory and honor to God. To live for anything else is an abuse of God’s grace and plan for your life.

C I have been RELEASED yet I must not abuse my freedom

Verse: It was for freedom that Christ set you free, therefore keep standing firm and do not subject yourself to the bonds of slavery. Gal. 5:1

Note: We have freedom from the power, pain, and penalty of sin. It’s no longer our master and we’re no longer its slave. We now have a daily responsibility to choose Christ. I’m to walk in the Spirit and not to gratify the flesh.


Text: Jesus lives in me and the life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God

Verse: W/out faith it is impossible to please God, b/c anyone who comes to Him must believe He exists and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Hb. 11:6

Trans: We have all that we need to live an amazing life by faith – God gave it to us.

A I have been SEALED

Verse: You also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him w/ a seal, the promised H.S., who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession. Eph. 1:13-14

Note: This verse confirms our conversion and reminds us of our security. We belong to Him – God literally branded us w/ the H.S. I belong to Him and I am under the shadow of His protection.

Note: This is not a license to sin, but a responsibility to walk in intimacy w/ God. Daily I have to make several choices about who I’m going to serve and honor w/ my life – God has deposited His H.S. to help me to make the best choice.

B I have been FILLED

Note: Jesus is in me. He isn’t around me, beside me, but in me. He has been deposited in me to lead and guide me – to empower me to serve Him in Spirit and in truth.

Note: The same faith that saved me is the same faith that empowers me. The key is keeping Christ as the object of faith. The key is trusting God and obeying His Word and His leading. It’s not faith in men or in self, but in Christ alone.

Insert: The greatest step of faith is choose to obey.

Verse: Gal. 5:16-25

Note: The gifts of the Spirit are evidence of His indwelling while the fruit of the Spirit is evidence of one’s intimacy and obedience – that we are walking by faith.

Note: The evidence of intimacy is not a list of things to accomplish but rather a characterization of the attitude and ambition of Christ. It doesn’t say go to church, give a tithe, share your faith, pray, or read your Bible – it says live in love, peace, patience, kindness, meekness, self-control. Being filled w/ the Spirit manifest itself in Christ-likeness not religious activity.

Verse: See Eph. 2:1-10


Text: Who loved me and gave His life for me…

Note: What was it that sent Jesus to the cross for you and me – His amazing LOVE!

A I have been LOVED to Love

Verse: Romans 5:8 Jesus went to the cross

Romans 8:31-39 His love is relentless

1 John 4:7-12 His love is evidenced in those who are His

B I have been PARDONED to Pardon

Note: My debt has been removed – cancelled – as far as the east is from the west.

Verse: In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin. Eph. 1:7

Note: Yet just as I have received grace, I cannot help but to extend grace to others – b/c they are sinners just like me. I don’t tolerate sin, but I don’t harbor it either.

B I have been RESCUED to Rescue

Verse: For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of His son, in whom we have redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sin. Col. 1:13

1 Delivered (Snatch from)

2 Transferred (Relocated to)

Note: We were doomed, incapable of saving ourselves and Jesus through His death changed the condition and destination of our lives.

Note: B/c I’ve been rescued, I am compelled to rescue others who are perishing.

Verse: The love of Christ compels us, b/c we are convinced that one died for all… and he died for all… that they might live. 2 Cr. 5:14

Note: Jesus came to seek and to save the lost – those who’ve been rescued, rescue.


Text: I do not set aside the grace of God for if righteousness could be gained through the Law, then Christ died for nothing.

Note: Very simple truth – if there was any other means possible to possess forgiveness and go to heaven – by being good, etc – then Jesus came to earth as a man and died on the cross for no reason at all.

Trans: Grace has not just set me free, it has given me meaning and purpose – I now live for a greater cause and for a higher purpose and when God invested His Spirit in me, He gave me everything I needed to live a life that would honor Him fully so long as I am surrendered to Him.

Trans: So how is LIFE? Is your life amazingly extraordinary or mundane? Is it liberated, inspired, forgiven, and empowered or has something else taken control?

Note: Jesus gave His amazing life to give you an amazing relationship today and for eternity! He first must be your Savior so that he can be your Lord.

Story: D.M. Stearns was preaching in Philly. At the close of the service a man approached him and said, “I don’t like the way you spoke about the cros. I think that instead of emphasizing the death of Christ, it would be far better to preach about Jesus as our teacher and example. Stearns replied, “If I presented Christ in that way, would you be willing to follow Him? The man said, “I certainly would!” Stearns said, “Alright then, let’s take the first step. Jesus never sinned. Can you claim the same for yourself?” The man looked surprised – “No!” “Then your greatest need is to have a Savior, not an example.”

Note: Jesus came to give us life – do our lives reflect His life.

Verse: I’ve been crucified w/ Christ…