Summary: A sermon on how we place the crown of thorns deeper into Christ’s brow (Adapted from Ross Fransisco; I believe he got his ideas from Ivan Hagedorn)

Sermon for 4/2/2006

The Crown of Thorns

Matthew 27:29


The city was Jerusalem. The time was long ago. The people called him Jesus. His crime was just the love he showed. I’m the one to blame for I caused all his pain. He gave himself the day he wore my crown.


A. From the Bible readings this last week, we read: (Mat 27:29 NIV) and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand and knelt in front of him and mocked him. "Hail, king of the Jews!" they said.

B. In this section we have the Roman soldiers mocking Jesus and taunting him as King of the Jews. This is what the Romans would do with those who were to be executed as the leaders of their enemies.

C. The Roman soldiers would mock the victim by putting a crown of thorns on his head. A Roman emperor or a conquering Roman general would wear a wreath on his head. But the wreath, crown that was placed on Jesus’ head was not in honor of a victory. The wreath was not pleasant to wear, it had sharp thorns that would pierce deep into the temples and plant onto the skull of its victim. With hands tied, the Sufferer was unable to ease the pain by applying a softening touch to where the thorns gouged the head.

D. This crown was placed on Jesus after he was scourged or flogged. There would have been blood running down his head and back at this time. We cannot even imagine the agony of his body and also the agony of his heart that he was feeling at this time.

E. The church is the body of Christ. We remember Saul of Tarsus was stopped at midday on his march toward Damascus by a voice, saying: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Saul’s hand was lifted in violence against those who carried the name of Jesus Christ. So when that day he fell to the earth and the question probed his soul, he replied with another question: "Who are you, Lord?" The answer came back: "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,"

F. When someone persecutes the church they are also persecuting Jesus Christ.

H. Christ is the head of the church and we are Christ’s body, his hands and feet on this earth. Whenever the crown of thorns presses down upon Christ’s brow, it weighs upon and pierces His church. Whenever someone weighs the church down, hinders the church in progress, makes the church look bad in public, this can be described as the crown of thorns placed into Christ’s head. It is a shame that most of this is done by the members of Christ’s body. This is what makes it all so terrible.

Thesis: This morning let us consider some of the ways in which people still plant a crown of thorns into Christ’s head.

For instances:

1. Those who are absent.

A. In WW2, those who worked in plants making things for the war, absenteeism was considered a crime. All who were guilty were spoken of as saboteurs, who interfered with production and prolonged the conflict. Is absenteeism to be counted as any less of a crime in the church?

B. The day of worship and the place of worship should mean much to the Christian, for they mean much to Christ.

C. (Heb 10:25 NIV) Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing.

D. How easily we excuse ourselves from absence from church worship! The sad part of this is that we have 3 regular meeting times during the week.

E. The poet Wordsworth was right when he said: “The world is too much for us.” As the burdens grow heavier, and the sorrows deepen, it is foolishness to abandon our interest in things that help to lighten our worries and burdens.

F. (Psa 46:10 NIV) "Be still, and know that I am God."

G. Also, we need each other. In every act of churchgoing, each one of us has something to receive and something to give. Not here to receive and not here to give, what a shame!

H. A wise man once said, “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do; and by the grace of God, I will do.”

I. Ross Francisco- I have a fine elderly lady in my congregation. One day, we were talking about the people who so easily absent themselves from the worship services. She turned to me, and said, “Preacher, I guess I have a strange kind of sickness. All through the week I suffer from aches and pains, but when Sunday comes around it seems as though they are gone, and I go to church. Most people wait until Sunday to notice all of their aches and pains, and find them sufficient for absence from the church.

J. Every healthy person can surely go to church.

K. Is it that much of a burden to go to church?

2. Those that are inconsistent

B. Our actions speak louder than our words.

C. Lyman Abbott once told of a college student he knew who was religious but consistently lazy. He was always at prayer meetings, but often unprepared in class. A professor once rebuked him, in the following manner. “You’re a faithful church member, aren’t you? “Yes sir” “And always at the prayer meetings?” “Yes sir” “And always unprepared, never have your lesson, hopelessly lazy? Well, I can see through your religion, and I guess the Lord’s as far sighted as I am.”

D. Carelessness is always costly. It results in no end of accidents, in the home, in the workplace, or in traffic. More people are killed or injured, more damage done; more precious time is wasted through carelessness than through any other means. It is not any less a danger in the Christian life.

E. “Watch your step” is a wise slogan. How often it is true that one will justify his life by saying that so and so is a hypocrite so why should I be a follower of Christ. There is a difference between someone’s talk and their walk.

F. There are many excuses readily available. Side stepping is a very old art. It had its beginnings back in the Garden of Eden.

G. A Russian novelist has written a story in which he represents his hero as a man who witnessed the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. However, he had a toothache, and all that he could recall of that memorable week was his toothache. There are many who belong to this group. They cannot become interested in Christian ministries because of their little selves. They are not concerned with those outside of Christ because of some trial they are passing through in their lives. It so often happens that so many forget the great needs of the world because of some little toothache.

H. How easily people will put personal convenience and comfort before what the Lord wants done. C.S. Lewis once said: IF you are looking for truth, you may find comfort in the end. However, if you are looking for comfort, you will get neither comfort nor truth; only soft soap and wishful thinking to being with, and in the end despair.

I. People fitting such a description are bound to give up, just as soon as the way becomes inconvenient. Sacrifice is a cuss word to them.

3. Those That Are Childish

A. (1 Cor 16:13 NIV) be men of courage; be strong.

B. But how many in the church who have to be nursed. Instead of being spiritually strong men and women, they are babies, and have to be continually cared for. They think of the church as a nursery or a hospital, instead of a training center for service.

C. (1 Cor 13:11 NIV) When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

D. One big difference between a child and an adult is this: the adult will work while the child makes work for others. My wife and I know that full well.

E. How many there are in the church who, instead of helping, hinder. Like babies, they have not yet learned how to walk. They constantly need the support of others.

F. Childishness will reveal itself in whining. Some ministers will have to spend hours by the cradle of their childish members while the world is lost and dying. It is sometimes very strange because some of the babies are gray-headed.

G. What a disgrace it is: not to be a baby, but to remain a baby. Constantly seeking attention and throwing a big tantrum if they don’t get it.

H. We are told to grow in grace, and in the knowledge and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Every preacher and elder knows men and women, 30, 40, 50 years of age, who they still have to treat like little spoiled rotten children.

I. Childishness sometimes reveals itself in disagreeableness. Often, people marked by these qualities will find their way into church.

M. Many are like mischievous boys and girls in school, whispering and chattering while the teacher isn’t looking in their particular direction. If they aren’t constantly looked after, they will get into trouble.

4. The ones who do not participate.

A. One of the saddest things in our day is the physical state of our children. Many are obese and out of shape. Many would like to sit in their rooms and play a game of basketball on a Play Station instead of going outside and playing basketball themselves.

B. It is difficult to make participants out of spectators. The problem with the church is the same problem that we have in sports. There are players on the field that need rest and there are fans in the stands that desperately need exercise.

C. Here is a fact: God never goes to the lazy or the idle when He needs men or women for service. When God wants a worker, He calls a worker. When he wants work to be done, he goes to those who are busy. Scripture tells us this:

1. Moses was tending sheep

2. Gideon was threshing wheat

3. David was caring for his father’s sheep

4. Peter and Andrew were casting a net into the sea.

D. The great violinist, Paganini, left his famous violin to his native city of Genoa with the specific condition that it never be played again. This proved disastrous, for when wood like this is not used the process of decay sets in. This lovely violin in time has become worm eaten and today it is valueless, except as an object of history. It is just as true of a life; when it is withdrawn from service, it becomes useless to God and man.

E. The grandest reward that we can have is when we hear: Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord.

5. There are the disloyal members

A. Those who fail to put in a good word for Christ. Or even worse, they don’t talk about the goodness of the Lord but they talk about the rottenness of other church members.

B. (John 18:19 NIV) Meanwhile, the high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. (John 18:20 NIV) "I have spoken openly to the world," Jesus replied. "I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. (John 18:21 NIV) Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said."

C. There was no one who would stand up for Jesus.

D. A lawyer once said to a Christian: If I believed what you claim to believe, I would not take it as lightly as you do. I would not rest day or night. I would warn men, and plead with them to be saved. If I pleaded my cases, as you present your Christ, I would be out of business.

E. We are to be loyal to Christ and not to a particular group. If we are not loyal to Christ, then we push the crown of thorns onto his head, because he is the head of His church.


A. The crown of thorns worn by Christ is more than enough. He took what should have been ours and put it on his head.

B. Ivan Hagedorn- O Lord, I would not willingly add to thy sorrows. Help me to give Thee roses, instead of thorns.

C. Plan of salvation.