Summary: 1st in 5 part Series using the popular TV show, CSI, to investigate the death and subsequent resurrection of Jesus Christ.


CSI: Murder of God - Week 1

MATT.28:18; JOHN 10:17-18


CSI is the #1 show in all of Television. The Thursday night show was so popular it created two successful spin-offs... CSI: Miami on Monday nights and CSI: New York on Wednesdays. The popularity of the show certainly is based on the cast and excellent writing but I think it’s fan base is also numerous because of the plot. It’s not just a shoot-em-up adventure. This show is more of a mystery, a real “who-done-it.”

William Peterson, who plays Gil Grissom said it this way. “I think the popularity has to do with the intriguing way we see things. A toe-nail is found in a shoe and all of sudden it’s an important clue. Instead of the big things, it’s the little things, and they become the most important things. It’s a whole new way of perceiving.”I think he’s got a valid point. As many of you know I was in law enforcement for 12 years, the last three years in investigation where I was both a Crime Scene Investigator and a Detective. (Not at the same time, unlike the show) But I like the shows too. Not because they are always realistic but because of the plot twists and the way in which, as William Peterson says, the little things become the most important things.

Well, we are going to take that idea and apply it to a death that occurred some 2000 years ago. We want to look at the execution of Jesus Christ. Some parts of this incident are big things, obvious things. For example, we know it was the Roman soldiers who actually drove the nails that hung Jesus to the cross. But is that all there is to the story? Just a criminal being executed by the State? No. There are a bunch of little things that become important things. So, we are, in TV lingo, going to combine “Cold Case” and “CSI” as we reopen a case that has some very interesting aspects to it. First thing you need to know as an investigator is that this death was suspicious. It was not a legal execution but actually a homicide, a murder. Execution by the state was just the means to kill this man. How do we know that? Well, historical documents tell us that Jesus committed no crime. In fact Pilate, the Governor that sentenced Jesus to death said, “I find no basis for a charge against Him.”(Jn. 18:38) And history tells us that all Jesus did was live a moral life above approach, heal the sick, give hope to the hopeless. So, why did Jesus die? How did such a crime unfold? Who bears the guilt? Well that’s what we want to study for the next 6 weeks.

My prayer is that these messages will meet a 3 fold purpose. (1) That you will learn or be reminded of the facts surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The more we understand what happened then, the more real the events will become in our lives. (2) That you will be able to answer the question of who was responsible for this death. You may be surprised just how close to home the answer to that question is. (3) But most importantly, I want us to recognize that the reason Jesus went to his death on the cross is a truth that is still incredibly relevant today.


We begin by looking at the motive for this crime. Motive, that is what prompts someone to do something, is very important in finding a solution to a crime. Because when you understand the reason a crime was committed you then can look to see who had that reason. That’s why we must begin our investigation by focusing on what it was that elicited such animosity and hostility toward Jesus that eventually he would be killed. But before we get too deep into this let’s ask God’s blessing on this week and the weeks to come. (PRAY)

(Video clip: “The Gospel of John” Chp. 3 16:20-19:30 = 3:10)

When you read the story of Jesus’ life it seems that he did the kind of thing we just saw a lot. Oh, not that he was always physically turning over tables or disrupting a marketplace, but he did always seem to be upsetting the apple cart so to speak. Challenging people’s beliefs, saying outright that he was the Son of God, even demanding that the spiritual leaders of his day, the preachers, the teachers, change their behavior. How dare he? It might prompt us to ask the same question the Religious Leader did in that clip: “What right have you got to do this?” Or as the SEB puts it: “What authority do you have to do the things you do?”(Jn. 2:18) And did you notice that Jesus doesn’t even give them a straight answer. He answers them with a riddle! Basically saying that, in time, they would see his “right,” or his authority to say and do the things he did.


In fact, Jesus didn’t just claim to have some authority, he asserted that he had total authority. The authority to tell everyone how to act and how to live. Now, we know that some authority is essential for stability. How would you like to get on a plane where there was no authority, without someone setting some absolutes? Every pilot could take off when he felt like it, no restrictions because no one is in the control tower just pick your runway, no flight patterns, or controlled air space. You could call it "Powers Corridor Airlines" with frequent survivor mileage. Yet as much as we understand the need for authority most of us don’t like to have it exercised over us. But Jesus exercised it, in fact he taught that He had all authority! And thus we discover the motive behind this crime: it was Jesus’ affirmation of authority that caused him to be killed 2000 years ago and you know what? It’s why people still reject Him today. People want to be their own authority and they don’t like anyone who claims to have authority over them.

That’s why when anyone says they have authority it’s very important to understand the source of that claimed authority. Jesus claimed that his authority was given to Him by Almighty God! And the Bible teaches us that God did, through visible and audible means, make it clear that Jesus was His representative. At His baptism in Mt. 3:16-17 it says this: “After Jesus was baptized, he immediately came up from the water. Suddenly, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God coming down as a dove to him. 17Then a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love - my Son with whom I am pleased.” God actually spoke saying that Jesus was His Son. You know it’s one thing to have the authority of a CEO or world leader, but quite another to have the authority of the Creator of the Universe!

According to the Bible, the demonstration of His authority, here on earth, was evident in at least 3 ways. (1) He taught with authority. Throughout Scripture those who listened to Jesus were astounded by the way He taught. Lk. 4:31-32- "Jesus went to Capernaum, a city in Galilee, and taught them on a day of worship. 32The people were amazed at his teachings because he spoke with authority." Again, in Matt. 7:28-29- "When Jesus finished saying these things, the crowd was amazed at the way he taught. 29He wasn’t like the teachers of the Law; instead, he taught with authority.”(TEV) That one phrase is interesting. Didn’t the teachers of the law, the qualified religious leaders, speak with authority? Sure.. But you can, as a professor or even preacher, teach with authority because you are well versed in a particular subject. But there was something different about Jesus’ teaching, He wasn’t just well versed on any subject, He created the subjects He taught! So people were, deep in their souls, moved and amazed by his teaching.

(2) But He didn’t just demonstrate His authority in the spoken word, He displayed it through His actions. Jesus performed a number of miracles and they were all done to confirm that He was the Son of God, that He had the authority of God. But the miracle that demonstrated most dramatically Jesus’ authority was the raising of Lazarus. Lazarus was a close friend of Jesus but he grew sick and died. In fact he had been dead 4 days by the time Jesus arrived, and yet Jesus exhibited His authority even over death by calling for Lazarus to come forth. John 12 gives you a glimpse into the reaction of the religious leaders to Jesus’ authority. “17-18A crowd had come to meet Jesus because they had seen him call Lazarus out of the tomb. They kept talking about him and this miracle. 19But the Pharisees said to each other, ‘There is nothing that can be done! Everyone in the world is following Jesus.’”(CEV) And why wouldn’t they follow him? He demonstrated authority through His teaching and displayed it through mighty miracles.

(3) He openly proclaimed it. In John 10:18 Jesus said that God had given Him the authority to die for our sins. “No one takes my life from me. I give my life of my own free will. I have the authority to give my life, and I have the authority to take my life back again. This is what my Father ordered me to do.” And after He had taken His life up again, that is after he resurrected from the grave, He gave His marching orders to His disciples: Mat.28:18- “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.” That pretty much covers it. His authority is over everything and everyone, which means it applies to you and me! That means Jesus Christ has the right to tell us how to live. Once we settle that issue in our minds it resolves all kinds of problems, it gives us a solid foundation, an absolute authority for living.

II. THE CONFLICT: Man’s Desire vs Jesus’ Authority

But man’s desire has always been in open conflict with Jesus’ authority. Just think of the history of the conflict. It began in the beginning of time. Man’s first sin in Genesis 3 was simply a rejection of God’s authority. God had told the first couple, Adam and Eve that they could eat of any fruit in the garden except one. But Adam and Eve thought they could run their own lives. Gen. 3:6 tells us: "The woman saw how lovely and fresh looking it was! And it would make her so wise! So she ate some of the fruit and gave some to her husband, and he ate it too."(LB) They rejected God’s authority. They said in that moment, "I determine what’s right and what’s wrong, not God." And all through the Bible you can see that same decision. It was prevalent throughout the history of the nation of Israel. Judges 17:6 talks about Israel rejecting God’s authority and so- "everyone did as they saw fit.."(NIV) It didn’t change even after Jesus’ death and resurrection. In Titus 1:10 Paul tells Titus that "There are many who don’t respect authority, and they fool others by talking nonsense." (CEV)

But before we get to caught up in seeing man in conflict with God’s authority in years past, let’s be honest enough to admit that modern day American’s, are having an enormous struggle with this issue of who has the authority over their lives. Pollster George Barna surveyed the American people not too many years ago asking the question, "Is there such a thing as absolute truth?" In his book, What American’s Believe, Barna reported only 28% of Americans expressed a strong belief in absolute standards. Barna concluded that nearly 3/4 of the American people believe that everything is relative and that man can set his own standards for right and wrong. Several years ago, Josh McDowell in his book, Right From Wrong surveyed Christian teens actively involved in a youth group and asked them: “Is there absolute truth? May people define truth in contradictory ways and still be correct?” 30% of young people involved in the church agreed that there wasn’t any absolute truth. At first I thought, why I wouldn’t of believed that % if I hadn’t seen the figures. But then if someone had told me 30 years ago in Bible College that I would one day be speaking to a culture who was confused about whether things like abortion, homosexuality and premarital sex was wrong. I would of laughed. You see, in the past people violated God’s rules but there was at least an understanding that an authority or standard existed. Yes, they acted wrong but they knew it was wrong. Today we deny that any criteria even exists and we just live as we please. But you see, one of the reasons Jesus Christ came to earth was to show us that there is an absolute truth, it’s Him. He said in John 14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

Yet, our culture has told us over and over again that God’s authority and standards don’t really have any hold on us. We now live in a time of “relativism.” A time when the truth is wishy washy and people find it narrow and intolerant if someone tries to say there is a right and wrong way to live. And that thinking is hurting us in government, in the work place, in our schools and in our homes. We experience that even in our own ministry here at Discovery. People will call from time to time desirous of getting married, wondering if one of the Pastors will perform the wedding. We send them a letter which tells them that in order for us to do that they must agree to attend pre-marital counseling and that they must maintain sexual purity. The letter tells them we are not judging them but simply, as the church, must comply with what we see as the truth of Scripture. We offer help but do you know how many respond to that letter? With anger.. "Who gives you the right to set rules like that?" “How could you be so narrow?” So many people have the attitude- "I do what I think is right for me. Nobody tells me what to do." So we take the 10 Commandments off our walls, nativity scenes off our courtroom steps or we let majority rule.. anything.. but not God. We choose our own selfish desires over God’s authority. Just like they did 2000 years ago.

III. THE CURE: Submit to Jesus’ Total Authority

So, what’s the answer? How do we cure this conflict? It’s really pretty simple. We recognize Jesus Christ as our authority for living. Jesus said, “I have been given all authority...” This concept is not hard to understand but it is difficult to live out. So, as we close I want to suggest three things for us to apply when it comes to Jesus’ authority. My hope is that we won’t make the same mistake they did 2000 years ago and kill Jesus, that is, wipe him from our hearts because of this conflict between our desires and His authority. Here’s three things to do.

(1) Contemplate, investigate the awesomeness of God. Now, before I get too far into this I want to make sure we understand something. God is primarily known throughout the Bible as a God of love. In fact, 1 John 4:16 says, “God is love.” God’s love is talked about as eternal, everlasting, unfathomable, as something you can never lose. But, just as a parent loves their child but is also the authority in the home, so too God and Jesus Christ love us but are our authority. And I think sometimes we can talk about the love of God so much that we neglect the clear teaching of the Bible that God is holy and jealous for our whole heart. God is perfectly loving but he is not some doting Grandfather who just sits on the porch rocking and doesn’t care how we live. While God is perfectly loving He is also perfectly just.

It is interesting to me to watch people in the Bible come face to face with God or Jesus. Every time a person sees God or Jesus for who they really are there was just one reaction- total submission. Let me take you to Isaiah. Isa. 6 tells us that Isaiah saw God on His throne, angels were flying about crying, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord Almighty,” the foundations shook and Isaiah said, “Hey Bud! You’ve got one cool place here!” No, not even close. All that was happening and he said, "My doom is sealed, for I am a foul-mouthed sinner, a member of a sinful, foul-mouthed race; and I have looked upon the King, the Lord Almighty."(LB) Jesus confronted Peter in Luke 5 and showed him His awesomeness through a miracle and Peter said, “Jesus, You the Man!” No, when Peter realized who Jesus was, Lk. 5:8 says: "Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell to his knees before Jesus. “Master, leave. I’m a sinner and can’t handle this holiness."(MSG) John, a close follower of Jesus and a leader of the early church saw Jesus on his throne and in Rev. 1:17 John say, “I fell down at his feet like a dead man.” I.e., he fainted dead away! I want to encourage you to look at the times people really saw God or Jesus. When that happened people weren’t prideful or rebellious they were totally submissive to the awesomeness of God. We will we be too.

(2) Comprehend the seriousness of your choice. Please understand that the Bible teaches that as awesome as God is, as much authority as he has, he will never force you to submit to him. You have a choice. But it’s a critical choice. First because it’s a choice that affects our souls. Eph. 6 tells us that we are in a spiritual battle for our souls. It may sound a little mystical to you but the Bible teaches that beyond what we can see is a battle, and we are the spoils. Plus, as important as that is our choice may also effect those we love.

Dr. James Dobson said that we are in a civil war in this country and it is a civil war over values. Listen to Paul in 2 Cor. 10:4- "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.. We demolish arguments that set itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." The battle we are involved in is a "thought war," a value war. The spoils of that war are our children and our grandchildren. Jesus asks you to choose Him. It means life for you and it may very well mean life for those you love. There was a song in the 60’s by the Lovin Spoonful that asked, “Did you ever have to make up your mind?” God says, “Yes, you do!” So, thirdly....

(3) Consider the options. On the one hand you can serve yourself, make yourself the ultimate authority ... God will let you do that, but when you die you won’t have God. On the other hand if you will recognize that God loved you so much that he sent his Son to die for you, taking your punishment, and you make Jesus your authority, the director of your life then when you die, you’ll live with God forever. Joshua, a great and Godly leader, told the people of his day... "If you are unwilling to obey the Lord, then decide today who you will obey. Choose this day whom you will obey, but for me and my family, we will serve the Lord."(LB) It’s really as simple as that. You can believe "everything is relative" and "nobody tells me what to do" or you can accept the fact that this Jesus who wants only your best and has all authority to give it to you, will do so if you will just submit to His authority. Phil.2:91-11 says it like this: “God has given him the name honored above all other names - 10 so that at the name of Jesus everyone in heaven, on earth, and in the world below will kneel 11and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord..”

And the great news is that today you can choose to acknowledge His authority no matter how many times you’ve rejected it. You see, we’ve all rejected His authority from time to time, just like those in the 1st century did.. and He who has all authority and could just snuff us out.. instead offers forgiveness, love and a choice... Will you crown yourself as authority or will you crown Jesus? That was Jesus’ challenge 2000 years ago and it hasn’t changed. Won’t you simply say today.. "All to JESUS I surrender, all to Him I freely give. I will ever love and trust him, in his presence daily live."


“All scripture taken from the Holy Bible, God’s Word Translation, unless otherwise noted.”