Summary: This message is an Easter sermon about Jesus as the REz and the Life. How not only was He risen from the dead but He raised Lazarus from the dead to show us who He is and what He wants to do in our lives, even now!

Who is this Jesus?

John 11:17-44


A. As we celebrate Easter there is a lot of things that come to mind: Eggs, Spring time, kids, candy, and of course we also think about Jesus.!

B. Today’s passage is one that we learn a lot about Jesus. It is an account where Jesus is learns about the death of His friend, Lazarus.

C. Vs. 17-20; Jesus arrives and finds that Lazarus died 4 days ago and was in the tomb.

Martha hears that Jesus is coming so she goes out to meet Him.

Vs. 21-24; Martha says to Jesus that if he had been here, her brother Lazarus wouldn’t have died – but still God will do whatever you ask.

Jesus says: Your brother will rise again.

Martha – I know he will on the last day.

Vs. 25 Jesus; I am the Rez and the Life. He who believes in me will live even though he dies. And whoever lives believes in me will never die. Do you Believe this?

Vs. 26 – Martha – Yes Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.

Vs. 28-31; Martha goes to tell Mary that Jesus is here. Mary gets up and leaves to go to Jesus – The Jews with Mary saw her leave and followed her to Jesus.

Vs. 32-35; Mary and Jesus; Mary sees Jesus, falls down at his feet. She says, if you had been here, Laz. Would not have died.

Jesus sees her weeping and the Jews with her – He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. Jesus Wept.

Vs. 36-37; The Jews question amongst themselves about Jesus.

Vs. 38-44 Jesus raises Lazarus.

- Vs. 38 Jesus deeply moved

- Vs. 39 Jesus “Take away the Stone”

- Vs. 40 Jesus, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the Glory of God?”

- Vs. 41-42; Jesus prayer to God the Father.

- Vs. 43 Jesus calls out; “Laz. Comes out!

- Vs. 44 Lazarus comes out

- Vs. 44b Jesus, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

D. So what do we learn from this passage?


A. We learn about Jesus?

- Jesus is the Rez. and the Life. He is the one who renews, restores, resurrects life from death. He is the very essence of Life.

- Jesus cares about those who hurt and grieve, vs. 33, 35, 38.

That is truly what Easter is about: Jesus being Raised and being the Rez. and the Life!

It is one thing to make such bold statements like Jesus did over and over again: That He is God in Flesh, that He is Light of the World, that He is the Way, the Truth – that He is the Rez and the Life!

But Jesus was Raised from the dead himself in order to Prove who He was! There were witnesses – 100’s; the lives of the Apostles and others were completely changed by the Risen Lord; no body was ever produced. Though historical don’t record that they were able disprove such claims.

We learn about Jesus at Easter: Not only was He Raised from the Dead, but even before He was, He claimed to be the Rez. and the Life.

ILL> with a Testimony by Mel about how the truth that Jesus is alive and is the Rez and the Life, what that means to him since his wife died.

ILL> by Karen about how the truth of Jesus being alive today, and His being the Rez and the Life, brought new life to her from a life of addiction and restored, renewed her life.

ILL> by Melody about how the truth of Jesus being alive today – He was with her and is with her (and family) in the loss of her father just recently.

B. We learn about the Response that Jesus would want from Us.

- Jesus asked: Do you believe this? About who is Jesus!

- Martha, “Yes Lord (Master of our lives), I believe (trust, and faith in) you are the Christ (Messiah, Holy One), the Son of God, who was to come into the world.

C. We learn about the Results that Jesus wants to bring to our Lives, families and communities.

Vs. 44 – After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, Lazarus still had on the grave clothes.

Jesus calls out to remove the Grave Clothes and let him go (FREE).

We so often come to the Lord for help, strength, forgiveness, wisdom, guidance, help and Jesus wants to renew, restore, and Rez. us as we come to Him. But then, we often turn around and walk off living just like before we came to Jesus.

Jesus Rez. Lazarus, but that wasn’t enough – he called Lazarus to live Freely and walk a New Life in Him – Take off those Grave clothes

What Grave clothes could you still be wearing? Guilt, shame, unforgiveness, hatred, continual sin, Unbiblical mindset, etc.

Jesus is calling you like He did Lazarus – take off those Grave Clothes and go…


A. Jesus is Alive – He has Risen - those in the 1st Century Church would use this as a call: Jesus has Risen – He is Risen Indeed!

And He will meet you right where you are just like He met Mary and Martha (who questioned “if only…”), as well as the Jews (who questioned Jesus and yet saw His love), and Lazarus (who was already dead). Jesus met them right then as we will you and me.

B. Basically there 3 types of People in regards to Jesus:

1. The Curious – Perhaps today that is you. Like the Jews with Mary and Martha, they doubted, had some questions – yet were curious about Jesus. Perhaps you have never really heard the claims of Jesus and how out of Love and Obedience to the Father, He died for our sins and how He proved Himself by being Raised from the Dead – that is what Easter is about! If you are curious, then I challenge you to seek out answers to your Questions, Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to You, come and Worship Him again, Read the Gospel of John – or even study with us here. It is a matter of Life and death, so at least check out your curiosity.

2. The Convicted – Mary and Martha were people who knew Jesus and knew about Him – they were religious and had a faith – but Jesus convicted them to raise their Faith by asking them: Do you Believe Me?

Perhaps like Martha, you know about Jesus but you have never or have fallen away from a true Faith in Jesus as Lord who Renews, Restores and Rez. life. Jesus is asking you today: Do you Believe in Me?

Pray with me this prayer…

3. The Challenged – You like Lazarus have been Renewed in life by Jesus. You have confessed a faith in Jesus as Lord of your life – but you are still walking around with Grave Clothes – You are not wearing the New life you have Christ. Perhaps you still talk the same; think the same and/or act the same! Today, Jesus the Risen Lord is challenging you: Take off those Grave Clothes and walk New in Me!

Pray with me this prayer…

Jesus is Risen - Let’s all respond: He is Risen Indeed!