Summary: There are times when it seems that everything around us is against us ---- but we can always look upward to God in hope and trust and know that if we hang on in faith --- God will bring a great reward and He will turn our tears into rejoicing.

Subject: Sowing in Tears --- Reaping With Joy

Scripture Text: Psalm 126:


Let’s take special note to these last two verses of this psalm. ’They that sew in tears, shall reap in joy, He that goeth forth weepth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again, rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him."

When this psalm was written the Israelites were totally surrounded by their enemy. They were "shut up" ---- there was no way out whatsoever. There was no way for any kind of life sustaining supplies to be brought in. There was also a famine in the land and people were dying every day from starvation. There was no hope for tomorrow being any better, only worse.

All looked hopeless and filled with despair. In any direction they turned all they could see was opposition. The enemy had not yet attacked them, yet his presence was continually camped about them, causing the Israelites to daily be reminded of their evil plans.

Have any of you ever been there? Your enemy has not attacked you yet with full force but wherever you turn you are reminded of his presence and of his plans against you.

These people were in a perdicament.

Remember the enemy is all about them

They could not go out and get food supplies and

bring them back into the campsite. No one was

allowed entrance within to bring any supplies.

They surely could not ask the enemy for any help;

he wanted them to suffer and die. "The thief

cometh not but to steal, kill, and destroy."

However, note what Jesus said He came to do. "I

am come that you may have life, and that more


The enemy has one plan but thank the Lord, God

has a totally opposite plan for us.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful IF LIFE was always easy and we would never have to be called upon to make a decision; RIGHT DECISIONS are always made for us. Living a MISTAKE FREE LIFE? However, some times we have to pray and seek God for His divine will and guidance in our lives. "God, here I am again. I do not know what to do, please guide me and show me YOUR WAYS."

However these people do have one thing. They have a hand full of seeds. Before they are able to plant them they must first answer some inportant questions.

What good is a little bit of seed?

Should we cook the seed and then sit by and wait to die?

Or, should we plant the seeds and then pray and trust in God that

1:) God will deliver us from this draught and give us some RAIN.

2:) God will keep the enemy from attacking us and defeating us

3:) Let us live to see what we have sown to come into harvest so we can share in it.


It may seem sometimes that we ask a whole lot from God, But how many here this morning KNOW -- I mean you REALLY KNOW --- that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could ever think or ask of Him?


The psalmist describes the seed in their hands as "PRECIOUS" seed. Say that along with me, please,"PRECIOUS SEED." This was all the seed they had, Every seed they would plant would represent their lives and their hopes for the future. It represented the meals for their little children --- It represented LIFE or DEATH. I imagine every act of precaution was made by them as they planted. If this seed failed to come forth and bring about a good harvest they would not have to worry about the enemy that was surrounding them, they would die of starvation.

And they needed more than just a natural harvest. They needed an abundant harvest that would provide them with enough seeds to plant the following year as well. They needed a BOUNTIFUL HARVEST, in a time when it looked like nothing would stem forth from the dry ground. They were TRUSTING in God, El Shaddai, the god of more than enough!

Realizing the preciousness of this seed they bend over dropping the seeds in the dry dirt, sowing with tears and with faith. The enemy gave them no hope and the natural man offered them no hope but they planted trusting in God.

Why? Because God gave them this assurance. If they would sow in tears believing in Him they would gather their harvest rejoicing!

This is a wonderful time for us to remember the goodness of God in our lives. Have many times has God came upon the scene, when you thought you were surrounded and out numbered and that doom was on its way? Whatever is surounding you this morning, give it unto the LORD and TRUST in HIM.

"They that sew in tears, shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepth shall (beyond all doubt whatsoever) come again bringing his sheaves with him."

Not only is God going to sustain you, God is going to give you and me an abundant harvest.

I may not know about tomorrow

I just live from day to day

I don’t borrow life’s its sunshine

Lest its skies may turn to gray

I don’t worry about the future

I just know what Jesus said

And each day He walks besdie me

For He knows what lies ahead

O many things about tomorrow

I don’t sem to understand

But I know who holds tomorrow

And I know who holds my hand.


God sees our tears ---- and He is moved by our

broken heartedness. Oh God, may we be a people

brought to tears over the sin of today’s society

and over the horrible perdicaments Satan has left

so many people’s lives in. May God bring us, His

people, to our knees, weeping over all the broken

homes, broken because of sin.

We have entered into our 7th week of prayer and fasting, surely God sees the tears from broken hearted

souls crying out for a renewal and a restoration from God. "When Zion travailed, she brought forth children." Perhaps before we can effectively beg God for a moving in the lives of others, we must first start by asking Gof for a spiritual renewal within our own hearts and lives.