Summary: qualifications of women of God

Intro: over the years we have all become familiar with certain slogans that go with a particular company. Burger King—have it your way. Tide—it gets the dirt out. Texaco—you can trust your car to the man who wears the star. Ford company states: the quality goes in before the name goes on. What does that mean? You know something by it’s quality. We have a description of a woman of God in Proverbs 31—to be a woman of God you must possess certain qualities in your life. So using Proverbs 31, we will look at the qualities of a woman of God.

Woman of God

( The quality goes in, before the name goes on)

Proverbs 31:10-31

Background: here is a very detailed list of all the qualities that it takes to be a woman of God. Today, I would like to concentrate on a few that I think summarize what it is to be a woman of God.

I. She is valuable in who she is, and what she does—v.10 she is worth a lot more than jewels. I love this description, because so many people place great value in gold, silver, diamonds, emeralds and rubies. But a woman of God is more valuable and more needed than any material things.

· She is valuable to the home—without her the place would be chaos. She is the glue that keeps it all together. She knows where everything is, she knows how to do anything, she can hear many conversations at the same time, she can cook, clean, help with school, feed the pets, water the plants, all in the twinkling of an eye. She is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than 25 loads of clothes, she is able to leap a dog, cat, or toddler in a single bound.

· She is valuable to the community—she is the volunteer network for every organization. She leads every fund raiser, she helps with every activity, without her the event would get cancelled.

· She is valuable to the church, without her talents, gifts, prayers, consistency, leadership, the church would surely fail.

Today is Mother’s Day, we honor our Mother’s and we honor the women of God who make Bethel Worship Center a special place to be.

II. Her husband is proud of her—v.23 when he sits at the gate he is known for what a great wife he has.

· Today we are proud of our wives, today we acknowledge that without you, where would we be.

· We are so thankful that you carry our name, that you were willing to give your life to us, and we are so glad that the two can become one. Some people say she gave the best years of her love to us, she basically has given her entire life to us, and today we are thankful for her.

· Today—we know how lucky we were to get someone like you, your Momma expected you to do a lot better, but out of your compassion and love, you chose us.

· The greatest thrill in our lives is that out of all the million’s of guys out there, we married the prettiest, smartest, greatest of them all.

· Today, Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church. Let her know today she is the best thing that ever happened to you.

III. Her Children say, Momma is the best—v.28

Today children are here and they know for a fact, they got the best Mom in the world. No one can cook just like her, no one knows how to kiss the pain away.

· Mother’s today is your day, you are the best. Your children today are here to say, Mom, you’re number one. There is no one like you. An angel came to earth to bring a few beautiful things back to heaven. The angel took back to heaven, a beautiful flower, a babies smile, and a Mother’s love. But on entering heaven the flower had faded, the babies smile was now a frown, but the Mother’s love had grown even stronger, and it became the fragrance of heaven.

· We all feel the same way about Mom, like one 1st grader wrote on an essay about mom, she is prettier than any model, she is smarter than any scientist, she is braver than any soldier, she is wiser than any teacher, and she can cure me better than any doctor. She is better at anything than anyone.

· She planted seeds that now are roses—she gave us more than we could ever return. Here are the stages of understanding we have of a mother


"The Stages Of Motherhood"

4 Years Of Age - My Mommy can do anything;

8 Years Of Age - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot

12 Years Of Age - My Mother doesn’t really know quite everything.

14 Years Of Age - Naturally, Mother doesn’t know that, either

16 Years Of Age - Mother? She’s hopelessly old-fashioned

18 Years Of Age - That old woman? She’s way out of date

25 Years Of Age - Well, she might know a little bit about it

35 Years Of Age - Before we decide, let’s get Mom’s opinion

45 Years Of Age - Wonder what Mom would say about it

65 Years Of Age - Wish I could talk it over with Mom

IV. She is a Woman of God because she loves God, and God loves her----v.30

· This verse starts by saying beauty is only skin deep, but a woman of God is one all the way to her heart. Today we thank God for woman who set a Godly example for others to follow.

· This is the highest quality of a woman of God, she is of God, she is with God, God is with her. She has a special sensor from God that keeps husbands and children out of trouble, if they will listen. When I was first married Lauri would give me warning signs about things, and every time they would come to pass. God seems to give His secrets to the women of God in this world.

· She will be praised—today, all around this nation, people are giving praise to our Mother’s, to the women of God who are worthy of honor and praise.

Close: the quality goes in before the name goes on—Woman of God—it isn’t a name that just anyone can wear, thank you for being who you are in Christ Jesus.

This past year my grand-mother went to be with the Lord, but I found this poem I wrote for her 80th birthday, I think it shows how important a woman of God is in our lives.

A Little Piece of You

There’s a little piece of you, in every part of me

If you look into my heart, your reflection you will see

In every word I say, and in everything I do

I know that it began in the love that flowed from you.

Every dream I have inside

Every thing I want to be

I know many years ago

You placed that seed in me

For you helped my life to grow

And now everyone should know

There’s a little piece of you

In every part of me

Even though the journey’s long

I’ll have the strength to carry on

For I know you showed the way

To look for blessings every day

And I know I’ll pass each test

And I’ll win the victory

Because there’s a little piece of you

In every part of me.

There’s a little piece of you

In every part of me.

Happy 80th Birthday—Jenny Cyr Thompson