Summary: This sermon was used for Memorial Day to show how we need to set some places and things as a Memorial for our own lives to remind us about the Lord and what He has done for us.

Establishing A Personal Memorial

Joshua 4:1-9


A. In April 1863, in Columbus, Miss. After decorating graves of her two sons who died in the Civil War as Confederate Soldiers – an elderly woman also decorated two mounds at the corner of the cemetery.

An observer asked, “What are you doing? Those are the graves of two Union Soldiers.” The Reply; “I know. I also know that somewhere in the North, a mother or a young wife mourns for them as we do for ours.”

That conversation was the beginning of Memorial Day. It would become a Day set aside each year to remember those who gave their lives in the Armed Forces.

We remember those who died on far away battle fields to bring freedom and democracy to oppressed peoples. We commemorate their actions by honoring them in ceremonies this weekend across the country, as well as by decorating the graves of fallen heroes with flags and flowers.

Memorial Day and Memorial emblems (like Flags, flowers) help us to remember our Freedom and the cost of freedom!.

B. Memorials are nothing new. The Lord called different people in the OT and NT to set up Memorials to REMEMBER.

In our Passage today we learn of such a Memorial.

• God used Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, even by parting the Red Sea.

• Joshua takes over from Moses to lead God’s people to the Promised land as the Lord promised.

• Joshua 1 – the Lord speaks and builds up Joshua for the task.

• Joshua 2 – Joshua surveys the needs to lead the people into the promised land.

• Joshua 3 – Joshua leads the people across the Jordan as the Priests carrying the Ark go into the raging Jordan and then the people follow to go into the Promised land. – even through dry land.

• READ Joshua 4

- The Lord tells Joshua to get 12 men, one from each tribe to get a stone from the middle of the River and put them down where you stay, vs. 1-3

- Joshua obeys and appoints 12 men, one from each tribe to take up a stone, vs. 4-5

- Vs. 6 these stones will be a sign among you as well as for the future when your children ask you what they mean? You will tell them what the Lord did for you on this day by leading you to the promised land on Dry ground across the Jordan, vs. 7.

- VS. 8-9, the people obeyed the Lord as Joshua told them to do and so chose the stones and carried them with them to camp. Joshua then placed the stones down as the Lord commanded and so they are there as a Memorial!

C. God often used Stones in the OT as a Memorial.

* Gen. 28:18; Jacob used a stone for a memorial and called the place where he seen angels going up and coming down from heaven, Bethel, which means house of God.

* 1Sam. 7:12, Samuel used a stone and placed at the place of victory over the Philistines because God helped them. He called it an Ebenezer saying; “Thus far the Lord helped us.”

* Joshua 24:25-27; After Joshua made a covenant with the Lord for the people, he took a large stone as a Witness to the people of their promise to God’s word in the covenant.

So why are Memorials Important and why should we make Memorials in our relationship with the Lord?


A. Memorials Remind us of God’s Presence when we go through Defining Moments in life.

* God was with His People thru the wilderness, and even as they faced the danger of crossing the raging Jordan.

* Defining Moments in life: great changes (graduations, marriage, children, deaths, relocations, etc.); Temptations, etc.

B. Memorials Remind us of God’s Promises to us.

* God promised His people to lead them to the promised land.

* God promises to be with us trough all things, to have a great plan for our lives, to work all things together for good as we love Him and are called according to His purposes, to grow us and use for His kingdom, etc.

C. Memorials Remind us of God’s Provisions for us.

* God provided for His people by leading them across the raging Jordan by cutting off the water flow.

* God will provide for us as we face difficulties, challenges, complications – as we follow Him and His will.

D. Memorials Present opportunities to share the Lord with others.

* vs. 6-7; when your children ask you what do these stones mean? Tell them the Jordan was cut off before the Ark and all the people crossed the Jordan.

* Vs. 21-24; for all the peoples of the earth.

That’s why as Christians we have Memorials in our lives already:

a. Baptism; as we reflect dieing to self and our old way of life and being raised in new life to follow Jesus as Lord, Rom. 6:1-5. It reminds us God is present with us, of His promises, of His provisions and it is a means of sharing the Lord with others. If you have not been baptized talk to me.

b. Church Membership; every time a person commits him/herself to being a member of the church we all are reminded of God’s Presence, His promises to build His church, His provisions and we have opportunities to share Him with others. If you are not a member and would like to know more about membership, again, talk to me.

c. The Lord’s supper; we partake together on the 1st Sunday of each month as a Memorial to Jesus as we Remember God’s presence (His love for everyone, with us not just up in heaven); His Promises to forgive us our sins; His Provisions to pay the price of our sins because we can’t – and is a time to Share Him with others as 1Cor. 11 teaches us do this in remembrance of Him by proclaiming His death and Rez. until the day He returns.

d. Our very Lives; as the Lord, transforms us, we are living Memorials to Him. We reflect His Presence, His Promises, His Provisions, and share Him with others as a Witness. In fact, 1Pet. 2:5; “you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

e. Other aspects of our Faith; a cross we wear, a bible, a church altar, a place that is special to us, etc.

f. And perhaps there is a room for other things, like a Stone, to remind us of that place where we met God, saw Him, knew Him better, was led by Him – in a defining Moment in our lives.


A. Memorials are important for us. That is why we celebrate this weekend to remember, to reflect and to retell God’s provisions for us as a Country.

Francis Schaffer said, nearly 30 years ago: “We live in a Post Christian Society, the only thing remaining are the emblems of our Christian heritage.” I.E. crosses, our pledge of allegiance, the Bible and 10 commandments posted in our courthouses and State seals, etc.

As we celebrate this Memorial Day, let us not only reflect on our past but consider our future as today many in our society now want to strip away even the Memorials of our Christian heritage as a Country.

B. But consider our passage today: for 100’s of years, even before Jesus’ birth and life – a father and Son walking down by the Jordan River.

The Son asks the Father; What are those Stones there for Dad?

The Father responds to the son; Son, in the book of Joshua we learn that along time ago, God led all His people to cross this River by stopping it until they all passed by so that His people could live here in Israel. He promised this to them and provided for them. God was with our people. Today, even as He promises, He will be with us and guide us as we trust and follow Him.

C. Now consider today…

A family at church. A Son asks his dad why is that person being put in that water, called baptism? A Father responds; Jesus became real to that person to where they asked Him to forgive their sins and believed that He is real – so they are being baptized in that water to demonstrate to all of us the Lord is real and working and they are totally committed to Him as Jesus as a Disciple.

Or a child asks her mom, why do people take that little piece of bread and then drink from those little tiny cups sometimes in church? The mom responds; Jesus when he was with His disciples the last time he took the bread and the cup to show how he was going to give himself to us on the cross.

Or why do you wear that cross?

Or even, why do you carry that STONE in your pocket or Purse?

It reminds me of God’s Presence, His Promises, His Provisions at a specific and meaningful point in my life.

D. That is why I want to give you a STONE today.

We just went through the 40 Days of Purpose – what has the Lord done in your life through it that you could use this Stone as a Memorial?

Or perhaps something else that God is doing in your life that this Stone could be used as a Memorial for you to Remember God’s Presence, His Promises, His Provisions and share what He has done for you!

May you have a good Memorial Weekend and May we all be Living Memorials for the Lord!