Summary: Peter and John celebrate independance day. Supernatural freedom should inspire us to leave our jails and encourage action.

Independence Day

Acts 5

We are continuing our study of Acts; the church is growing - almost exploding. We have two primary teachers, Peter and John. I imagine the others took a turn at telling what they know. They are team teaching in the Colonnade.

The apostils, disciples and believers….But no one else DARED join then.

It was not because they were scared of them. They were afraid of the authorities. They were afraid of the Jewish leaders. The word is passing into the outside communities and the sick and possessed, who were not allowed in the temple, were lined up along the streets just in case the group would pass by And All of them were healed.

Miraculous signs are happening. The sick and thoes tormented by spirits are healed. It sounds like amazing stuff is happening.

What an exciting time! People suffering, healed. People dieing – saved!

I sit and wonder how exciting that would be. If I lived in the day would I go to hear the preaching or would I be scared about what the leaders might do to me?

Would I wait out in the streets just hoping to get a glimpse of these apostles, Perhaps, sit just on the other side of a column or just outside of where they are teaching on the steps listening from a distance?

I hope I would have risked something. I hope I would take some tiny chance to hear what all the talk is about.

We are studying the early church; we are looking at the things that happened after Jesus departure as apostils learned to represent God on their own. You have to admit they had a pretty good teacher, but he was gone. Now they have the Holy Spirit that gives them instructions.

Our story leaves the inside the church snap shot and moves to an outside view of what was happening in the temple.

A couple of weeks ago the disciples were hauled into the Sanhedrin can commenced not to teach or heal in the name of Jesus. They left the meeting saying that they were going to obey God and not man.

Today’s scripture describes mass healings. It describes popularity as the people wanted to get close but not too close….maybe they were worried about what happened to Ananias and Sapphira. Scripture does not give us nay hints on that, so I tend to think that the Sadducees had a hand in intimidation.

The scripture gives us at least one motive of the Sadducees, They were filled with jealousy.

That is one that will get you in trouble every time. Trouble comes no matter which side you are on.

What is it that the Sadducees would be jealous of, well the apostles were popular, people get jealous of that today don’t they?

How about special abilities, talents, the apostils had that, the healing hat was happening.

So they arrest the apostils, last time we are told that it was Peter and John, this time it could be the whole bunch, who ever was teaching. They round them up and instead of holding them at the temple the send to off to the public jail.

It sure sounds like they were trying to put a little fear into these country teachers.

I have been doing some work out at the Public works complex, they use a lot of convict labor. I had a need for someone to put an antenna on a building and they told a prisoner to get in the bucket and do the work. While the officer went to get a tool I talked to the prisoner. He was smart, and well spoken, he was giving his supervisor advice on his daughter getting a job. The thing is he was giving good advice.

I asked him what brought him here to Rome Georgia…to prison.

He said, Drugs, I started using and then to get mine free, I started selling. Then one day the caught me. I had a good job, A wife and family, I messed up really bad.

Jail has been good for me. I’m not crazy mind you, I would rather be home. But Jail has taught me two things.

First, I never want to be in one again.

Second, There are some people that really need to be in jail, There are some dangerous people locked up here.

I think that put the disciples in the public jail as a threat. A little way of getting their attention, a hint that they don’t want to end up in there for a long time.

Then something special happens, “during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out. "Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the full message of this new life." “

When first light comes they are at the temple courts, teaching the people just like nothing happened. Their over night accommodations did not deter them at all. They were to ld to go back to the temple….Why not just leave town. Com on God, there is no reason to take a risk. There are people coming from all around just to see us. We can go to the country side and do a tour.

In a way this is Independence Day! They are right on the edge of having bad things happen to them. Yet they stand firm. They defied the post powerful court in Israel and kept preaching, teaching and healing in the name of Jesus Christ.

There is no hint that there were any negotiations. They just obey the spirit and go back to the exact spot that their enemies control. They are there are first light, and are probably very happy to be there.

When the Continental Congress signed the declaration of independence on July 4th, they were at the beginning of the journey to be free. They were standing up to the most powerful country in the world at the time. The small number of people were putting everything they had at risk. They were facing a bully right in the eye.

The apostles were doing the same with the Sanhedrin. They seem to be ready to stand up and be obedient. They us their new freedom and really the demonstration of the power of God to reenergize themselves to follow the instructions.

To day, When we have trials and tribulations are we ready to head straight back to the ministries God calls us too. Are we willing to face our problems and discomfort in the eye, Or do we wimp out?

So at 9:30 10, 11, 12 the high priest and the council show up with travel mugs of Coffee in their hands, call the full Sanhedrin together to have court. The full group includes Sadducees and Pharisees.

Each time there is an arrest made it is the Sadducees that are the ones responding to the challenges of the disciples teachings. Angels rising from the dead, disobedience, accusations of murder.

They get the group together and send for the prisoners….What if this was made into a movie….It see this being a place for comic relief. Imagine Don Knotts, as the man that runs into the Sanhedrin and tells them that the prisoners are missing. His eyes open wide, shutting about the guards still being in place but the cell was empty.

The captain of the Guard had some worried about what they might do to him, but, ultimately, the Sadducees looked like fools. They had called court and lost the accused.

The mystery is that they were missing form a high security public prison. Probably with a combination of Roman guards and Temple guards for the special prisoners.

The movie continues as Don knots looks out the door as people are shouting and accusing and threatening. He notices the missing prisoners just across the court yard, in plain sight. He can’t believe his eyes as he runs up and can’t find the words….over there,,,,,over there. they are right over there. After interrupting a couple of times someone looks and calls them to attention. The guards hurry over and make an invitation to join the Sanhedrin already in session.

It says that they don’t use force, because they were afraid of being stoned by the crowd….

I wonder if it was more?

I wonder if the Captain of the guard knows that there is something supernatural about their escape. Perhaps he is worried about them having other powers or are perhaps under the protection of God himself. Perhaps the Ananias and Sapphira story is in the back of his mind.

The High priest questions them, "We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name," he said. "Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood."

The accusations here do not include any breaking of the Law. They are about disobeying the instructions of the committee. “We told you to stop teaching and preaching in this man’s name. And not only did you not stop, you go all over town doing it and telling everyone that we killed this man.”

The apostles respond in a way that really sets off the group. The tone is again that they must obey God instead of man and then directly accuse the Sanhedrin of hanging Jesus on a tree. Then they explain that Jesus was raised up by God and placed on his right hand and everyone that had the Holy Spirit knows it is true.

I will bet it was Peter talking, no small talk, no smoozing just blurt out what you are thinking and let the chips fall where they may.

The scripture says the Sanhedrin, were furious, This particular word is only used twice n the NT, the next time also happens in Acts in a couple of weeks when Stephen is on trial.

The definition is they were sawn-in-half. I guess we might say they were so mad, they were beside themselves.

What do you think really upsets them?

- Is it that these people disobeyed the instructions?

- How about the thought that they are being accused again? Maybe

- How about the idea that the men claim to have the gift of the Holy Spirit which would indicate that they do not?

This group of leaders, the Sanhedrin, believe that they speak for God.

In essence these outsiders are challenging this notion. On top of that they have signs and wonders that support their claim. Without saying it, these men are saying that all that they have known for their whole lives has been false and is corrupt and is displeasing to God.

They are responding to visible evidence, the signs and wonders, instead of accusations. You see they can’t duplicate the healings, they can’t duplicate the popularity, and all they know how to do is keep control.

They are responding, making themselves and what they are doing evidence of being against God. And what the apostles are doing as being blessed by God…..

Salvation and healing are coming through the disciples of Jesus Christ.

Then before every one can get out to the rock pile, to stone these trouble makers. This guy named Gamaliel speaks up. He is so respected that every body listens. He sends them accused out of the room and cites some history. Remember thoes two trouble makers, Theudsua and Judas the Galilean. They both tried to cause an uprising and when they died, their followers just faded back into the countryside.

He advises them, to just let this die, Let the men go. “For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."

He sounds like a pretty wise person. If they try to kill this movement the popularity will only make things bad for everyone. And if it is from God you will never be able to stop it anyway. So give it some time and see what happens.

His speech persuaded them. They called the apostles in and had them flogged for disobedience. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.

The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. They kept on preaching and teaching. Can you imagine, rejoicing because they were considered worthy to suffer in the name of Jesus.

Folks, I am so soft I can’t imagine taking a whipping for Jesus. Oh, I can do with low pay, having no time off for rest or family. But to receive a whipping, it would probably drive me over an edge. I might walk away from my faith of someone took a whip with several leather straps and held me down and beat me. I would be less than joyous. I would want to get the cops on the phone and get the mug books out…

What if we lived in a country where the government was the aggressor?

There are people that faced that exact thing this week. In China the government raided a leaders meeting and arrested everyone and 14 are being held on criminal charges which could keep them in jail for years.

We are very blessed that God has allowed us to be here in this country where his expectation are not to stand before the government and face a physical beating. If it were I wonder if any of us has the faith.

So if we are not called to face direct physical persecutions then what are we called to do?

In scripture the Christian life is not about being on easy street.

It is about living a life that makes some difference.

It is about helping the poor, the hurting, and the lost.

It is about being worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus.

As rich Americans, yes I said rich American’s and by the world’s standards all of us are richer that 90 maybe 95% of the world. We all know that we will not miss a meal this week not to mention if we can have one today?

We have an amazing independence that was given to us by people that suffered to do something different. I believe that we have responsibilities and obligations to do SOMETHIG for Christ.

What are you called to do?

What will you do?

What would Christ think you worthy or able to do?

I hope you will all the spirit to speak to you and lead you. If you don’t can you really be called a Christian do you really belong to Christ?

All Glory be to God!

Holy Communion!

Healing – hurting - hearing