Summary: We must learn to make our Christian walk backup our Christian talk.

We Talk the Talk, but do We Walk the Walk?

St. Matthew 15: 7 & 8

Purpose: To instruct the listener that Christian Discipleship is more than saying “I am a Christian”.

Introduction: Many of us think that if we accept Jesus and say we are Christians, that is all there is to it. But along with saying it, we must show and live it.

I. What is meant by walking the walk?

A. Ric Flair’s definition

B. Definition for Walk

II. How not to walk

A. In darkness

B. In craftiness

C. In sin

III. How to walk

A. Steps are ordered

B. In the light

C. In truth

Conclusion: If we are going to continue to call ourselves followers of Christ and give an accurate example of what this life should be like, we must Walk the Walk that we continue to Talk about. Our life could be the only representation of Christ some people see.

Many of us think that if we accept Jesus and say we are Christians, that is all there is to it. But along with saying it, we must show and live it. To often we as Believers tend to become lax in the way that we do things. We feel that saying a thing is just as good as actually doing it; we take a "that will do attitude". I come to tell you this morning, that nothing could be further from the truth. Saying that we are followers of Christ and not actually showing it is not being a true follower. In order to be a true follower, we must not only talk the talk, but we must also walk the walk.

This morning we will discuss three main points after which I will take my seat. First we will discuss what is meant by walking the walk, after which we will describe a few ways not to walk and we will conclude with ways to walk. Now just what do I mean when I say talk the talk, and walk the walk? Let me use this example to show you what I mean. Those of us who watch wrestling can identify with a well known wrestler by the name of Ric Flair. His favorite line to use when being challenged by or challenging another wrestler is; "You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?"

What he is saying to his opponent is they could talk like a wrestler, they could dress like a wrestler, they could look like a wrestler, and they could even act like a wrestler. But when it came time to "PUT UP OR SHUT UP," he wanted to know if they could actually walk the way they talk. Just to get a clearer understanding, let’s take a look at the definition for the word walk. The word walk appears 212 times in the bible. With this many occurrences, we must believe that it is an important word in our relationship with God. Webster’s New Ideal Dictionary gives us several definitions for walk, but the definition we are most concerned with is walk used as a noun.

As a noun we see walk meaning; a manner of living; conduct; behavior. So what Mr. Flair is saying to his opponents is can you live the way you talk. Can you back up what you say by what you do? As Christian believers we too have to "PUT UP OR SHUT UP!" We always TALK the TALK of a Christian, but do we always WALK the WALK. Do we LET OUR ACTIONS BACK UP OUR WORDS! We tell people how "WE LOVE THE LORD," but do we keep his commandments? Jesus says in John 14:5; "If you love me keep my commandments.

We tell others how "GOD WILL MAKE A WAY," but do we stop the worrying? Jesus says in Matthew 6:31 & 32, to take no thought saying, what shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? For your heavenly father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. We always quote Philippians 4:13, but when asked to lead a song or say a prayer we quickly say I can’t sing or I’m afraid to stand in front of everybody.

We are not walking the way we are talking. We talk about forgiveness yet we continue to hold on to that 20 year old grudge.

We are not walking the way we are talking. We tell others not to covet, yet we want everything everyone else has. We are not walking the way we are talking. We say Jesus told us to love one another, but instead we love only selected few. My brothers and my sisters, surely we are not walking the way we are talking!! ! Now just thinking about what has been said; I am sure you will agree with me that there are two ways to go about doing things, that there are two ways to walk; the WRONG WAY and GOD’S WAY! In order for us to know how to walk we must first know how not to walk.

My bible tells me in St. John 8 and 12, not to walk in darkness. This is the first way we will discuss how not to walk. Let’s take a look at the word darkness. It means being without light; being without knowledge. Have you ever tried to walk through an unfamiliar dark room? Because of you not knowing where everything is you tend to run into things and sometimes even stumble and fall. The only way you can maneuver through the room safely is to reach the light switch and turn it on. This old world is like that unfamiliar dark room.

We do not know what is out there to trip us up, but with the light on we can be better equipped to handle it. With the light on we can see how to maneuver around the pitfalls. With the light on other people can learn to draw closer to Jesus. Jesus is the light. Being a follower of Christ we are exposed to the light and in order to follow Him truly, we must walk in the light. We must do the things which are representative of the light. We must walk the way the Christian talks.

A second way my bible tells me not to walk is in craftiness. This is found in Second Corinthians 4:2. Craftiness comes from the root word crafty, meaning cunning, deceitful, sly, or tricky. Now I know that all of you know what I am talking about. We should not walk in a manner to where we are telling deceitful lies about one another. You know, like spreading rumors that cause someone to get hurt, gossiping and everything in between. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to go down to that level. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to spread evil this way.

Also walking in craftiness is when we purchase, attempt to purchase, advises someone to purchase or accept stolen merchandise. Now don’t sit there and pretend like you don’t know what I am talking about. You know when something you buy or receive is stolen. Look, anytime someone comes up to you in a parking lot with an arm of $5000 gold Rolex watches for $50 that’s a pretty good indication that they’re hot. When that same guy shows you diamond rings and gold chains for an unbelievably low price, that’s another good indication they’re hot.

Now when this same guy shows you a 13 inch color television under his coat he is wearing in the middle of August, it shouldn’t take a small house to fall on you to realize this guy is either the world’s smallest warehouse, or he is trying to pass on stolen goods to you. And of course you think you are getting such a bargain. When we buy this stuff, when we accept this stuff, when we allow this stuff to come into our homes, not only are we deceiving ourselves but we are defying God.

Don’t you know that if God wanted you to have these things He would give them to you? He does not need a middleman to help Him get them to you. We must go about doing things the right way. We must walk the way we as Christians talk. A third way of how not to walk is the way the world constantly walks; that is in SIN! What is sin. Sin is the disobedience of God’s law. My bible tells me in 1 John 3:4 that transgression or violating the law is sin. My bible also tells me in 1 John 5:17 that unrighteousness is sin. And James 4:17 states that omission of duty is sin.

The world is constantly involved in sin. Transgression of the law is always happening. Unrighteousness abounds all around. And duty is something that is not heard of. You see the world has this idea that IF IT FEELS GOOD, DO IT. IF IT SOUNDS GOOD, SAY IT. IF IT LOOKS GOOD, GET IT. But it seems that even after all this time the world still hasn’t learned, that just because it feels good, just because it sounds good, just because it looks good, DOESN’T MEAN IT IS GOOD! My bible tells me in James 1:17, every good and perfect gift is from above.

You see the world has a way of making bad seem good and good seem bad. It is our task not to fall into their system. We are born knowing how to do wrong; We are born knowing how to walk in sin. but my bible tells me in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that, "IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST HE IS A NEW CREATURE; OLD THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY; BEHOLD ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW." When we become a follower of Christ, we should no longer walk in sin. When we become a follower of Christ, we should no longer walk in craftiness.

When we become a follower of Christ, we should no longer walk in darkness. We should WALK the way a Christian TALKS. In order to walk the way we talk, we must have a method of operation; there must be an order to what we do. We must know how to walk. Psalms 37:23 tells me that "THE STEPS OF A GOOD MAN ARE ORDERED BY THE LORD." For us to WALK the way we TALK, we first need to ask God to order our steps. With God ordering our steps, we can WALK the WALK we TALK so much.

With God ordering our steps, we can, as 1 John 1:7 says, walk in the light and be cleansed by the blood of Jesus from all sin. With God ordering our steps, we can, as 3 John 3&4 says, walk in the truth. With God ordering our steps, we can, as it is written in 2 Corinthians 5:7, walk by faith and not by sight. With God ordering our steps we can, as it is written in Ephesians 5:2, walk in love. When our steps are ordered by the Lord, we learn how to walk in wisdom (Colossians 4:5).

When our steps are ordered by the Lord, we learn how to walk worthy (Ephesians 4:1). When we allow our steps to be ordered by the Lord, we learn how to walk in Christ (Colossians 2:6). When our steps are ordered by the Lord, we learn to walk as Christ walked (1 John 2:6). and when we walk like Christ walked we walk pleasing God (1 Thessalonians 4:1). Jesus took the longest walk after talking the talk. Jesus walked to do the will of Him that sent him. You see, Jesus knew that after talking the talk He had to walk the walk. Had He not walked the walk the talk would have been in vain.

Had He not walked the walk the talk would have been null and void. Jesus walked all the way to Calvary, hung, bled and died for your sins and mine. He could have walked down from the cross to save Himself, but instead He walked the walk and died to save you and me. But that’s not where the story ended, you see Jesus talked the talk saying, I’ll rise again. And early on that third day morning He walked the walk that fulfilled the talk. He rose with all power in His hands. He rose to show that His walk backed up His talk.

Let’s learn to walk the way we talk. Let’s learn to live the way we tell others to live. Let us not only TALK the TALK, but also WALK the WALK and draw nearer unto the Lord, not only with our mouths but also with our hearts.