Summary: Why is it so hard for pastors to preach about giving? Why is it so hard for church members to hear about giving? Here are 3 reasons why preachers should NOT apologize for a sermon on giving - from a layperson!

What is On Your Mind?

One of the most intriguing challenges for anyone who steps behind one of these (pulpits) is trying to figure out what¡¦s going on in your minds. What are you thinking as we speak? It¡¦s not always easy to read. But there is one time where it¡¦s really not all that hard to figure out. You know when that is ¡V whenever the talk comes around to giving ¡V what Jesus (Luke 12:42) calls being a ¡§faithful and wise steward (manager).¡¨ I think I can pretty accurately guess what a lot of you are thinking then.

When a handful of believers started WCCC ¡V now one of the largest congregations in the U.S. ¡V they went around to every home in their neighborhood, asking a few simple questions:

o Do you attend a church?

o If so, why? What keeps you there?

o If not, why not? What keeps you away?

I¡¦ll bet you can guess the #1 reason why people stayed away from church? ¡§It seems they¡¦re always asking for money!¡¨

Now, you can imagine this kind of complaint makes it just about as uncomfortable for me to be up here preaching a sermon about giving as it is for you to listen to it. (In fact, it¡¦s perhaps more uncomfortable for me since I can¡¦t go home and complain to my wife about my own sermon). And yet here I am, about to preach a message on how we can be faithful stewards/managers of the financial resources our Lord blesses us with.

It¡¦s almost enough to make me want to start out with an apology. But something I read a while back showed me how wrong that would be. A number of years ago I ran across a positive article on giving ¡V not by a pastor, mind you (you¡¦d expect that), but by a church member! ¡§What¡¦s this,¡¨ I thought, ¡§she¡¦s demanding her pastor to tell her church more about giving!¡¨ Hmmm!

I want to share with you today the 3 reasons why she wrote such an article, such a plea. All are deeply anchored in our Christian handbook ¡V God¡¦s Word.

For some of you this will be affirming ¡V you have been faithfully giving ¡V think of this as a reminder of why.

For others this will be challenging ¡V why it¡¦s time to begin taking this part of following Christ seriously.

1. Giving Means Taking Part in the Greatest Cause in the World

That¡¦s the first truth we need to cling to when we¡¦re challenged to go beyond our comfort zones. It¡¦s the first of three reasons why preachers throughout the world can stand up here without apology. Because giving to God¡¦s work means taking part in the greatest cause in the world! Something bigger and more exciting than anything we¡¦ve ever known.

Ten years ago I was offered the opportunity to fly out to Atlanta to perform a wedding. It was only a week before the Olympics were to begin. In fact, I visited Centennial Park and stood just a few yards from where the bomb went off two weeks later. What a mess that city was! Construction, detours, traffic jams seemingly everywhere! It was already flooded with people ¡V visiting the sites, buying the overpriced souvenirs, desperately trying to get tickets to the Opening Ceremonies which just couldn¡¦t be had. They¡¦d sold out months ago for an average price of (get this) $632!!!

Why would people pay such an outrageous amount for a few hours of entertainment? Why fight all the crowds and traffic? Why endure the stifling heat and humidity? Because, even with all of the headaches and hassles, there was a sense that this was something special, something memorable, something big ¡V something bigger than perhaps anything they¡¦d been involved in before. And they were willing to let go of their hard-earned money to be a part of it.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, I¡¦ve got news for you. What those people experienced during those special two weeks in Atlanta can¡¦t even hold a candle (or, should I say, a torch) to what we¡¦ve got going on here in Christ¡¦s church! Christians are a part of something which is bigger, greater and more lasting than the Olympics or anything else on the face of this earth! It¡¦s the greatest cause of all! It¡¦s called the gospel, the Good News of salvation and freedom and acceptance and forgiveness and love through Jesus Christ! And giving to that cause ¡V whether it¡¦s time or energy or money ¡V makes an eternal difference!

There was a group of Christians in Greece 2,000 years ago who caught this. The great apostle Paul even brags on these believers to another of his churches.

"For your giving does not end in meeting the needs of your fellow Christians. It also results in an overflowing tide of thanksgiving to God. Moreover, your very giving proves the reality of your faith, and that means that people thank God that you practice the gospel of Christ that you profess to believe in..."

2 Corinthians 9:12-13, JBP

You see, these poor Philippian Christians not only supplied the physical needs of other poor believers ¡V a wonderful and God-honoring cause ¡V but their generosity made people stand up and take notice. Take notice of what? Their great faith and their great God! And that¡¦s our cause! Can our giving do the same today? Of course ¡V and even more!

I have been regularly inspired by a message from the pastor of that church who went around asking why people stayed away from church. Listen to just a part of what he says:

"I have been seized again by the realization that our society is unraveling at the seams and really pretty much nobody has a clue as to what to do about it. The government is figuring out it can¡¦t fix it; education can¡¦t, business can¡¦t.

The church is the hope of the world! Who traffics in the spiritual transformation business? The church! That¡¦s the business we¡¦re in! And I have come to see with crystal clarity that the church possesses the single ray of hope in the darkening skies of human depravity.

The church has the gospel which can transform hearts.

The church has the life-transforming message of the love of Christ.

The church has the instruction manual, the Bible, the guidebook for relationships and ethics and morality.

The church has the gift of community to offer wayward and lonely and wandering people.

The church has the transcendentally powerful mission of world redemption to invite people to be a part of so they have a purpose for their life." (Bill Hybels)

This is not a role the church has arrogantly demanded, but one we¡¦ve been directly commanded! That¡¦s what we¡¦re about here at South Hills. It¡¦s why an apology isn¡¦t necessary. It¡¦s why we don¡¦t apologize for reminding you of the biblical commands to give beyond your (and my) comfort zones. Because giving to God¡¦s work means taking part in the greatest cause in the world!

There¡¦s a second reason why we speak about giving without apology:

2. Giving Makes Possible Some of the Greatest Miracles in the World!

Have you ever wondered how Jesus could just wander around so freely for three years ¡V preaching, healing and delivering people from all sorts of oppression? Though He obviously lived very simply, He and His followers ¡V often more than just the 12 apostles ¡V surely needed some money for necessities such as food, shelter and clothing. Where did it come from? Well, we don¡¦t know all of the answer. But we do know part of it.

"...Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod¡¦s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means."

Luke 8:1-3

It was these women¡¦s sacrificial giving which made it possible for Jesus and His disciples to perform miracles. When you think about it, in a very real sense, you and I are here today because several women, whose lives were touched by the miraculous love and power of God, stepped outside of their comfort zones and their normal patterns of giving so that others could experience the same miracle!

Why God didn¡¦t just drop shekels out of the sky into Jesus¡¦ lap so he had a bit more financial security, I don¡¦t totally understand. What I do know is that it seems to be a habit of our Lord¡¦s to use ordinary people ¡V like these women, like you and me ¡V to make possible some of the greatest miracles in the world.

„» For a number of years, I was privileged to lead a group of high schoolers and youth leaders to RSM, a home for orphans and abandoned children in Mexico. I have since taught and counseled there numerous times. Let me introduce you to a few of the miracles I¡¦ve met:

o There¡¦s Carino, abandoned as a baby because of a physical deformity. Adopted and loved, she grew up to become a teacher in Central America.

o Or Jose. His parents started renting him out as a male prostitute when he was only five. Now his joyful smile and compassionate spirit draw many people toward His loving God.

o Or Rocio, horribly abused by her parents in every sense of the word, who became a missionary in South America with a powerful ministry.

Each of these ¡V and so many more ¡V is a miracle! The miracle of a changed life for God! Our own ¡§Go Beyond¡¨ teams have seen many, many miracles like this. And every one of these is made possible through the generous giving of people like you and me!

But the miracles aren¡¦t just out there on the mission field. Miracles happen here almost every day.

o How many of you met Jesus Christ through a ministry or person here at SH? Raise your hands, please.

o How many of you have grown deeper in your faith and drawn closer to your God here? Raise your hands.

(Thanks to all who have given so faithfully and generously for so long! You have been a huge part of these miracles!)

Don¡¦t raise your hands for these:

o How many have seen healing in your marriages, families or other relationships?

o How many have made it through seemingly overwhelming times of crisis or stress because of support received here?

o How many have seen a loved one touched in a life-changing way?

That¡¦s why an apology isn¡¦t necessary when we challenge God¡¦s people to give. Because when you do, God takes your gifts and transforms them into some of the greatest miracles in the world.

And one of the greatest miracles happens in the giver¡¦s own heart.

3. Giving Breaks the Power of One of the Greatest Idols in the World!

Have you ever noticed how we give to money a personality? We say things like ¡§money talks.¡¨ Or how we ascribe to it a kind of energy? We¡¦ve all heard how ¡§money corrupts¡¨ or ¡§money is power.¡¨

So what kind of power do we grant money? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I did this week, and didn¡¦t really like what I saw. At different times and in different ways I¡¦ve given money and what it buys the power to bring me:

o Joy

o Satisfaction

o Peace

o An escape from the pressures or anxiety of life

o Security

o And much more that I long for.

I remember reading an article saying that the #1 activity of one of the sexes when feeling down or depressed is to go shopping (don¡¦t worry, I won¡¦t mention which one).

„» A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, 5, and Ryan, 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. ¡§Ah,¡¨ thought mom, ¡§a teachable moment.¡¨

¡§If Jesus were sitting here,¡¨ she said when she could quiet down the 2 boys, ¡§He would say, ¡¥Let my brother have the first pancake. I can wait.¡¦¡¨

Kevin immediately turned to his younger brother and proclaimed, ¡§Ryan, you be Jesus!¡¨

The church member whose article originally started me questioning my own attitudes toward giving has some convicting words to say about this:

¡§Some of us have looked into the face of our idols and found that one of them is money. Though we along with millions of other churchgoers are saying that Jesus saves, we ask ourselves if we are not in practice acting as though it were money that saves.¡¨

An idol is simply something we look to for what only God can give. And we¡¦ve been doing this for centuries, millennia. That¡¦s why Jesus doesn¡¦t mince words or soften the blow for us when He says in Matthew 6:

¡§Don¡¦t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or ¡V worse! ¡V stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it¡¦s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It¡¦s obvious, isn¡¦t it? The place where your treasure is is the place you will most want to be, and end up being¡KYou can¡¦t worship 2 gods at once. Loving one god, you¡¦ll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can¡¦t worship God and Money both.¡¨ Matthew 6:19-21, 23-24

We have been conditioned as consumers to look to money and its purchasing power to save and keep us from the doubts and fears and guilt and anger inside each of us ¡V that disease of soul which only Christ can heal.

But do you know what happens when you give? Using Jesus¡¦ metaphor, it moves the treasure chest.

(I actually had a small treasure chest next to me this whole time - and moved it to the other side - next to the cross - as I said this last line)

It begins to break the power that money ¡V which is a wonderful tool, but a terrible master ¡V holds over us. Giving begins to draw our desires and priorities and will into alignment with God¡¦s. Even if this church didn¡¦t need one more cent, I¡¦d still be up here saying give ¡V give freely, joyously, sacrificially! Because it breaks the hold of one of the greatest idols in the world today.

So Now What?

As I said at the beginning, for some this is affirming; for some challenging. Three specific challenges.

1. Examine Your Heart

Forget about the church for a second with all its needs and requests and spend some time before God asking this question:

o Where is my treasure?

o Is my life characterized by a giving attitude and generous actions?

Here are some Scriptural principles to guide you in your examination (from 2 Cor. 8-9)

2 Corinthians 8:1-3 (NLT)

"Now I want to tell you, dear brothers and sisters, what God in his kindness has done for the churches in Macedonia. [2] Though they have been going through much trouble and hard times, their wonderful joy and deep poverty have overflowed in rich generosity. [3] For I can testify that they gave not only what they could afford but far more."

Principle 1 ¡V give beyond what is comfortable ¡V do it at the beginning, not the end of the month.

(3b) And they did it of their own free will.

2 Cor. 9:7

"You must each make up your own mind as to how much you should give. Don¡¦t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves the person who gives cheerfully."

Principle 2 ¡V do it willingly and cheerfully. Not because I say so or someone else guilts you into it.

o Spend time sorting through the ¡§why¡¨ of your giving.

o Ask God for help to be willing (Ps. 51 ¡V ¡§Grant me a willing spirit¡¨).

Why can we be so willing?

[4] "They begged us again and again for the gracious privilege of sharing¡K"

[5] "Best of all, they went beyond our highest hopes, for their first action was to dedicate themselves to the Lord and then to us for whatever directions God might give them."

Principle 3 ¡V dedicate yourself and your gift to the Lord first. It is His money, after all. You have the privilege of keeping a large percentage of it. Ask Him what to do with it, how much you should give, where it should go. Trust Him to guide you.

[11] "Give whatever you can according to what you have."

Principle 4 ¡V start where you are at right now. God is not asking or expecting you to bankrupt yourself. Remember, Jesus praised the widow more than all the givers because she gave willingly from what she had.

2 Corinthians 9:8

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.

Principle 5 ¡V Trust God to provide. Remember, generous, cheerful giving opens up miracles ¡V many of which happen in our own lives.

2. Find Some Help

o We offer help!

o We¡¦ll be offering classes

o Look on bottom of outline for resources

3. Take a Step of Faith

A final challenge is to prayerfully consider joining SH in fulfilling our part of the greatest cause in the world. There are many, many ways to do this. And it certainly isn¡¦t limited to financial giving! We¡¦ll be learning more about this part of our Christian walk in 3 weeks.

(Read the vision/dream of our senior pastor)

"Our dream is to be a church that dares to be a 21st Century version of the 1st Century Early Church, as described in Acts 2 v 42 - 47. It is a community of believers that is corporately enthusiastic in seeking God in such a radical way that it hungers for an authentic worship experience; it is devoted to Christ-likeness; it thrives on sound biblical teaching; it is committed to building healthy relationships; it is generous in using God-given resources; it is passionate about impacting surrounding communities.

The Disciples were motivated to be a living embodiment of the final parting words of Jesus as recorded in Acts 1:8. When each Christ-Follower earnestly seeks to be filled with the Spirit, to keep their heart on fire for Jesus, to unswervingly demonstrate a life-style which is committed to sharing Jesus with others ¡V the result is a God-centered, Jesus-honoring, Spirit-empowered expression of what it truly means to be the Church, the Body of Christ."

None of us has to be an accountant to know what (a tithe, or) 10% of our gross income is, but each of us has to be a person on their knees before God if we are to understand our true call and commitment to giving.

o Receive God¡¦s forgiveness for where you¡¦ve failed or are still failing.

o Accept His generous strength and courage to move beyond your old habits and comfort zones on the road to becoming a cheerful and sacrificial steward.

Paul challenged the Corinthian Christians:

But just as you excel in everything¡Ksee that you also excel in this grace of giving. 2 Cor. 8:7

May that be something spoken of us ¡V as individual believers, as families, as a church. Let¡¦s pray.