Summary: When a person dies, his destiny is fixed and it’s eternal. What you have in this life is not important, but it matters WHO you know. You need to know Christ. All the truth we need to know about life can be found in the Bible.

People are afraid of ghosts but yet love to see ghosts’ movies.

• During the Lunar 7th month we see many of such shows on TV and movies, about departed spirit-soul returning to this world.

• The Chinese believes that the departed spirits are allowed to roam the earth during this month, and as such we are to provide them food to appease them.

• They think they have special powers and can fly around. Yet there are some who needed us to give them food, and money (burn).

But how true can these be? If we have not died, how do we know what’s on the other side?

• If no one who died has ever return to tell us about life after death, then what we have today are man’s stories.

• Aren’t these all speculations or man’s imaginations?

Jesus is the best person to tell us what happens after we die.

• If He is God, and He comes from heaven (the other side), then He will be able to tell us about heaven or hell.

• If Jesus rose from the dead, then He is the best person to teach us.

Jesus tells this incident so that man would understand.

• Some believe that it was not just a parable, but someone whom Jesus really knew, because He called him Lazarus.

• God allowed him to know this truth and relate it to us.

What does the Lord wants us to know:

(1) When a person dies, his destiny is fixed, and it’s eternal.

You are either with God – “at Abraham’s side”, or away from God – v.23 in hell.

• It’s very clear. There are only these 2 places, either with God in Paradise or in Hades, a place of suffering because the person did not acknowledge God.

• And this destiny is fixed. No change. It will forever be the same.

When both of these men die, there is no pause for their soul.

• There is no break, no lapse of time. No intermediate state.

• The moment they die, they are instantaneously transported to hades or paradise.

• Paul says in 2 Cor 5:8 - once we are “away from the body” we will be “at home with the Lord.”

C. S. Lewis once saw scripted on a gravestone: “Here lies an atheist – all dressed up and no where to go.”

• This won’t be true. None of us will roam as a spirit, aimlessly after we die.

For the pagan Chinese, they believe in lighting up lanterns to aid the spirits in finding their way ’home’.

• If we do not know our way on earth - not knowing the true meaning and purpose to life HERE, how can we possibly help the departed spirits over the other side?

• If they are more powerful than us, do they really need our help?

The Bible tells us very clearly, this life of ours come from God.

• Our breath comes from Him – Gen 2:7 “the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”

• God knows very well where it will go.

Jesus says there are only two gates, and we must “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.” (Matt 7:13-14)

• Jesus made it clear that there are only two gates, only two paths, only two destinies before every man, and each of us must choose one or the other.

• The moment you accept Jesus as Savior, you will have life.

(2) WHAT you have in life is not important, but WHO you know is.

What you have with you today – fame, status, wealth - cannot be with you forever.

• It will pass away. You may have it for 50 yrs, 60 or 70. But it will go away.

• It’s not WHAT you have that is important. You need to KNOW GOD.

PICTURE THIS - one author describes it this way:

“The rich man is clothed in purple and fine linen, the beggar in rags; the rich man lived in a stately mansion; the beggar was laid by sympathetic friends at the gate of the mansion; the rich man had a healthy, well-nourished body, the beggar was full of sores; the rich man fared sumptuously every day, the beggar lived on crumbs from his table; the rich man had physicians to care for him, dogs licked the sores of Lazarus.”

[Herbert Lockyer. “All the Parables of the Bible.” (Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1963) p. 293]

(He was willing to eat the burnt, broken and discarded pieces of bread from the rich man’s table.)

Jesus highlighted the contrasting lifestyles between the life of the Rich Man and Lazarus, to tell us it doesn’t really matter what you have in life.

• Italian proverb: “Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box.”

Many are like this rich man, enjoying life and did not give a thought about God.

• He never gives a thought to the future – what will happen when he dies.

• He remains the unknown in this story. No name is given. He is not in a relationship with God.

Lazarus lived an extremely difficult life.

• Poor and sick. Lazarus was very sick; being unable to work he was forced to become a beggar, because he had no means to support himself.

Jesus wanted us to know, that it doesn’t matter how comfortable your life is – whether you’re rich or poor, famous or not famous, healthy or suffering in sickness.

• What matters most is whether you know the Lord, your Creator God and honour Him.

• Despite a very sad picture, Lazarus was actually very blessed in one key way - he knew God.

• The name Lazarus means “God is my helper.”

When we know God and live according to His will, we’ll find meaning and purpose, even if we are as poor as Lazarus.

• There can be joy and fulfilment in life, even if we are like Lazarus, when we truly know God and worship Him.

• You may be wealthy, with fame and status, but without Christ, life will be miserable.

JESUS: Luke 9:25 What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?

Now the rich man comes to understand. It’s too late for him.

• But he remembers his five brothers. There is still a chance for them.

• He wanted Lazarus to go back and warn his brothers.

When the rich man realized what has happened, listen to what he says - Luke 16:27-29

"He answered, `Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ "Abraham replied, `They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

No one that has died can return.

• If we hear of people saying the departed visited them, they are hallucinating.

Imagine this: Experts say that 3 people die every second. If this fact is true, then 180 people die every minute, 10,800 people die every hour, 259,200 people die every day, and 94,608,000 people die every year. If we believe that the world is now more than 6000 years, then can we imagine how many ghosts would be around, if they really visited us?

The Bible is very clear. No one who has departed can return. The destiny is already determined.

His five brothers need to know before they die.

• Someone must testify to them. They must look to the Scriptures.

• Verse 29 – Abraham said they have “Moses and the Prophets”.

(3) All that we need to know is in the Bible.

God has revealed His will and purpose through the Scriptures.

• We need to search the Scriptures for answers to life issues.

• God has given us this only book - the Bible, as the manual to life. Today we have the full revelation – OT and NT.

• God has already given us clear instruction in the Bible – unless we put our faith in Jesus Christ, we will not be saved.

• No matter how rich we are, how famous, how wise, how accomplished we are, we need Jesus.

• C. S. Lewis once said, "No one is in hell who does not choose to be there."

When we put our trust in Christ, we are forever saved.

• We need not have to fear. Our assurance is sure.

• When Jesus was nailed to the cross, two criminals were nailed beside him. One believed Jesus, and Jesus tells him - Luke 23:43 “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”

In Christ, we have an abundant life. This fulfillment does not come from material things. Lazarus may be poor and weak, but he is blessed. We are assurance of an eternal home not made with hands, Jesus prepares for us. No one who has gone from here will ever return. Treasure our moments today, and live for Him. Share the Gospel with those who do not know.