Summary: Its time to take your relationship with God to another level. The understanding of discipleship.

Its time to take your relationship with God to the next level.

I know if you are like me, you often get to the place where you think your are not doing enough for God. You get like that?


Maybe you have never committed yourself to Christ and you are here today because you feel that you need to really get this church thing going in your life, or maybe you have been around the walls of Jericho in your life and have marched a bit with God, but one thing is for sure, we all have a need to try and do more


Sometimes that need comes in valleys and mountains. Sometimes we are doing really great at this relationship with God, and then other times we feel like we are just not quite making it. Quite time is not working, home cell just doesn’t do it for you anymore, and prayers well all they are good for is to chip the paint on the ceiling as they bounce back faster than you can say them.

Wherever you are today, I know deep down, you would just love to take your relationship with God to a whole new level.


Now when Jesus Christ called his disciples, they were all pretty down the line jews. But at the time he called them, they were seeking to do more for their GOD. If they weren’t, they would never have responded. They made an instant decision to accept the disciplines of now being a disciple.


They had to make a decision right away and decide if they stood as a disciple of the most High God or if they did not.

That’s the same decision we all need to reflect on daily. You see whether you are sitting here this morning thinking that I am a Christian, or you are sitting here thinking that you need to be a Christian, you need to find a motivation to lift the bar.

So whatever your decision it needs a motive. The motive is simply am I for Jesus Christ or not? If I am well, then I will change, I will go down when the preacher is done and commit. You check why by simply asking am I doing this for Christ.

So whether or not you consider yourself a disciple of Jesus Christ or not this morning, if you want to raise the bar a bit in your life, if you want to take the relationship with God in your life to another level, well then there are some disciplines to being a disciple. There are some very specific things you can do to raise your game a bit.


An example of someone who had a sense that he needed to raise his game a little was the Rich Man that came along to Jesus.

Luke 18:18-22

So here was a guy who had been doing all the things he was supposed to, but just needed something more.

He needed to lift up his game. Learn more disciplines and being a disciple. Jesus saw what he wanted and realised there was something holding him back.

One thing that Jesus knew was holding him from taking his discipleship to the next level. In this mans case it was his money. What is it in your case?


Now you may be saying but Craig, by works I can not inherit Gods kingdom. Its not about one thing that I still need to do to better my relationship.

Well I am not talking about that at all. I am not talking about doing one thing so we can get to the next level to find out what it is we must do on that level to go on to the next.

I am talking about a shift in your thinking. A mind change. I am talking about borrowing the lawn mower. I am talking about a revolution in your heart.

Paul did all the wrong things, but it was only when he reacted in his heart and mind that he saw things.

Timothy 1:13, he wrote, "I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy."

As a disciple, a person of the discipline of being a disciple, Paul knew that if he wanted his actions to change he would have to change his reaction to God.



There are many disiciplines we can get involved in. When I here that word, I sometimes think of Gymnastics.

There are disciplines in that sport aren’t there?



Parralel Bars


Etc etc.

Each one of the disciplines is very different. Each one of them however exacts extreme discipline for the athlete to reach the top of their sport.

Olympics EG

Why don’t we see the discipline of being a disciple in the same way?


Passionate for Gods word,

Passionate to Fellowhip with Gods People

Fixated with being Christ in everything we do

Besotted with moving and working through the promptings of the Holy Spirit as He leads us.

And so the list can continue


The results of these disciplines become practices.

If I am passionate about the beam in gymnastics, I practice certain exercises to make me stronger in that event.

EG. Practices of balance and landing accuracy

The practices themselves wont win me gold in the beam. The Discipline will. I have to actually have the heart of the disciple to win Gold with My God. The quiet time and the reading of the word and being able to pray, those are all the practices that come with being a true disciple.


We make the whole thing about the practices and not about the actual game. The game happens in the heart, and not at your desk. You cant measure your level of discipleship soley on how much you study or read. If that were the case some of the biggest non Christian scholars would be first in line to inherit Gods Kingdom as they have simply studied the bible academically and it has meant nothing to them just as it did to the Rich man who came to Jesus.


Disciplines in getting to top = Make Changes

There are some very specific ativities that gymnasts go through. Diet is a big one, training and exercise, dedication commitment, I can go on and on. Their practices have to change if they wish to take the game to a new level.

We Have to Change Too

When we are about the discipline of being a disciple, we need to make some pretty drastic changes in our lives too.

Our diet changes. We start feeding on a new form of diet

Training. We start doing this strange going to church and bible fellowhip thing. We start studying and training our minds hearts and consciences.

We dedicate ourselves to Christ and being like him.

Compelled to Bring Home Gold

Are you seriously dedicated to bringing home Gold. We may never score the perfect 10 from the judge, but boy we should feel compelled to give it a shot.

Compelled. Well the Olympics and its sporting disciplines originated from a marathon run by a solider – it developed into the Olympics. A spectacle of athletes giving it their all to do their very best.

Well Christianity is very similar. It also started with a marathon conducted by one man and has resulted in a spectacle of ordinary men and woman giving it their very best to show their discipline to the events He has asked us to complete..


"Citius, Altius, Fortius", meaning faster, higher, stronger.

We are faster in our ability to discern right from wrong

We have a higher level of awareness to what God wants from us

Stronger in our resolve to be Jesus in all we do.


So now what?

What is it actually that I need to do to raise my game in my relationship?

How do I do the faster higher stronger thing in my walk?

Well the practices are vital. They are not what your heart is all about, but they sure can help to make the heart a little bit more aware of the diciplines of discipleship.


For me the heart of a disciple is a teachable one.

John 14:23 Jesus speaks about the indwelling of the Spirit in our lives revolving around being able to accept teaching.

Are you able to take what’s is said up here and before you object to the fact that Doug said we should kill babies, is your heart inquiring what it is the spirit is saying to you?

Do you readily seek out places and times that the Holy Spirit can mould and shape you?

Do you have a group of friends that edifies you towards God and not away from him.

1 Cor 15:33 says bad associations spoil usefull habits. Bad associations can ruin your practices of the dicplines of discipleship.

Are you mouldable?


Yes of course I am?

I want to challenge you in saying that many of us are probably as ready to be taught as we are to compete in the next Olympic games gymnastic event.

I said it was not about what you are doing, it was about heart and mind.

I said earlier that if you want to change your actions change your reaction to God.


Being teachable is just that. If you are truly ready to drop your nets and follow Him that calls you, you will want to learn.

John 1:37-38

They called him a teacher. They knew they had to change their game, lift it to a higher level if they were to get the discipline of being a disciple right. Rabbi, Teacher, show us please. The practices may be a little off base, but I can learn new ones, but my heart, well that’s ready to be moulded shaped and turned into the heart of a disciple.

Be ready to be taught and that will ready you to be a true changed renewed person for God.

Eph 4:20-24


Now we have a word in Christian circle for changing your heart. For changing the practices you were involved in because you are now prompted to by your Spirit soaked heart. That word is repentance.

Its not “I am so bad I need God” repentance is continual shaping moulding practicing trying attempting and orientating.

Repentance shows quite categorically that you are teachable.

Psalm 143:10

Level your ground this morning – just ask God to teach you.