Summary: 2 of 4 messages on prayer in the church. This message is based on Peter’s experience in jail and his miraculous release. Acts 12:1-10

Confronted by Extreme Challenges

Experiencing Release

Sunday, September 3

Last week we talked about Peter and John’s arrest and the pressure put on them to stop talking about Jesus. We saw how the church gathered and prayed for boldness to speak the truth’s of God and the message of Jesus – and how their prayer was granted. The whole church was shaken and all gathered were filled with the Spirit of God as the spoke boldly the word of God.

What we learned is a very simple lesson – When we pray for the strength to do what God has called us to do – God’s response is swift and powerful. This is a lesson we should never forget.

Still, the pressure on the church did not relent. The church spoke boldly the things of God in the face of extreme challenges… The likes of which have occurred wherever and whenever faith in Jesus is proclaimed.

For example, when Caligula was Caesar, he took Emperor Worship seriously, putting a statue of himself in the Jewish Temple. This resulted in Jewish struggles and Roman persecutions. And Christians suffered greatly.

When Claudius became Caesar in 41 A.D., he backed down on “Emperor Worship,” made peace with the Jews, and both Rome and the Jews turned against the church which suffered even greater than before.

The Challenge was Staggering

1 During that same time King Herod began to mistreat some who belonged to the church.

Acts 12:1-5

The Challenge was Staggering

2 He ordered James, the brother of John, to be killed by the sword.

Acts 12:1-5

The Challenge was Staggering

3 Herod saw that some of the people liked this, so he decided to arrest Peter, too…

Acts 12:1-5

The Challenge was Staggering

4 After Herod arrested Peter, he put him in jail and handed him over to be guarded by sixteen soldiers...

Acts 12:1-5

Herod killed James and when he saw that this was popular move with the leaders of the city he moved to take Peter and held him in jail.

The Response was Overwhelming

5 So Peter was kept in jail, but the church prayed earnestly to God for him.

Acts 12:1-5

The church prayed for him. But they didn’t just say a quick “bullet” prayer and go on with their activities. No – this prayer was a lot more substantial. The word translated as “earnestly” here means to pray fervently, deeply, and continuously. Ektenos means, “stretched out.” In this meaning we can see a person stretched out before the Lord in prayer – flat out on the ground.

We pray like this only when the stakes are high and the costs are higher.

Think about it. James, the brother of John has been beheaded with a sword. If they didn’t witness it as a public execution – which it most certainly was – then they had definitely heard about it. And then word spread quickly that Peter had been arrested and taken.

The church responded instantly and overwhelmingly – not in panic – but in prayer. In fact, as we follow the text to the high point of the story we see that many had gathered at one of their homes and were praying all night.

The Release was Astonishing

7 Suddenly, an angel of the Lord stood there, and a light shined in the cell.

Acts 12:6-10

When you pray for God’s strength in the face of extreme challenges the first sign of God’s answer is often a “light.”

There is something so incredibly powerful in light – especially in a place of darkness. A candle in daylight has little effect. A candle in a cave gives hope.

God always starts to work in us with hope. It stirs first deeply inside of us and it comes through his presence.

The Release was Astonishing

The angel struck Peter on the side and woke him up. “Hurry! Get up!” the angel said. And the chains fell off Peter’s hands.

Acts 12:6-10

But the light of God is only the beginning – we must respond to God. Peter was asleep and the angel had to thump him once on the side and get his attention. It was then the chains were released and Peter stood free in the presence of men and God.

And listen – I rather imagine that the thumping that Peter received caused him some level of discomfort. When we fall asleep in the middle of his will – God will thump you to get your attention as necessary! Remember that!

The Release was Astonishing

8 Then the angel told him, “Get dressed and put on your sandals.” And Peter did. Then the angel said, “Put on your coat and follow me.”

Acts 12:6-10

The Release was Astonishing

9 So Peter followed him out, but he did not know if what the angel was doing was real; he thought he might be seeing a vision.

Acts 12:6-10

After we are released from the chains of bondage we are enabled and prepared to follow wherever God leads – but notice this – see it clearly – God doesn’t do for us, what we can do for ourselves.

Peter had to put on his sandals and then get his coat on and the he was to follow the angel.

We are directed to follow God. Following God’s lead requires us to go without understanding all there is to understand.

The Release was Astonishing

10 They went past the first and second guards and came to the iron gate that separated them from the city.

Acts 12:6-10

God conceals us in danger. Peter simply walked past the guards and all was well. When God is with us and when we are walking in his light he will conceal and protect us from all that prevents us from his work.

The Release was Astonishing

The gate opened by itself for them, and they went through it. When they had walked down one street, the angel suddenly left him.

Acts 12:6-10

God does what we can’t do. God opened the iron gate and the release was complete. Now Peter was free to go back to the church family and to take up the work of God again.

The Challenges We Confront are Also Extreme

In many parts of the world there is persecution. In our world there is rejection, marginalization, and subtle discrimination in a variety of forms…

The two great challenges Christians face today are relativism & apathy

Relativism is the world’s answer to sin and evil.

We live in a world that no longer recognizes sin… We’ve lost the world our parents and grandparents left us… where right was clear and wrong was condemned by all.

Today we live in a world of relativism – where right is right for you but not for me and wrong is dependent on a bucket load of mitigating factors immersed in an environment of victimization, racism, political correctness, and instant gratification.

People in our world have moved away from sin and towards a view of life that is essentially, fundamentally, Godless and self absorbed.

The second challenge to Christians today is apathy.

The opposite of love is not hate. Love and hatred are very much alike – both are consumed with another person. Love desires what is best for the object of another’s affection while hate hungers for what is worst. No – the opposite of love is not hate – it is apathy.

And we live in a world that has become dulled to the presence of God. While we sing praises to God – the world jogs right though our worship service as if God is not present. If you were at the Band Shell this past Sunday you saw it happen! It amazed me that someone would have the audacity to run directly through a worship service but that’s exactly what happened! I’m glad he wasn’t streaking!

We may not face outright persecution but I submit to you that we face a challenge that is in some ways more difficult to confront – apathy.

We face the staggering challenges of both relativism and apathy in our world.

The Response must be Overwhelming

18 Pray in the Spirit at all times with all kinds of prayers, asking for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready and never give up. Always pray for all God’s people.

Ephesians 6:18

I must confess that this is a difficult thing for me to do… I am a move, a doer, and a shaker. As I’ve gotten older I don’t move as fast or do as much – but I shake more than ever – but the habit of self-reliance is difficult to break. I need to rely on my strength less and on God’s arm more.

The reality is that we have been bound with the chains of our secular God-ignoring world and we stand between the two soldiers of relativism and apathy.

We must be driven to our knees where we can ask God for his help. If the challenges we face in connecting with our world drive us to our knees in prayer this is a good thing.

We Must Pray

1. Get a prayer flag and stake your claim for God’s ministry

Let it symbolize your prayers for the community and for the church to be bold in it’s work. Do it today!

2. Pray for the community and for ministry of Meridian Christian Church every day this month

3. Join me and the Elders in prayer during the 24 hours of Prayer on September 22-23

4. Join me on the land at 6:00 PM on Saturday, September 23 as we gather to pray for the community and God’s ministry

The Release will be Astonishing!

God’s light will appear.

You’ll feel his prodding in your side – it might hurt a bit – sometimes we get comfortable in our bondage and sleep. You’ll need to be part of the work of getting ready for God’s work. But God will release the chains, God will open the gate, God will lead the way and we will move into a new opportunity of ministry the likes of which we have not seen before.

Are you ready for this? It doesn’t matter if you are ready or not… just pray with me and if you aren’t ready that’s fine. You won’t be any different than Peter standing dazed in the middle of an empty street at 2:00 am. You’ll be exactly like Rhoda who answered the door and was so stunned with the release of Peter she left him standing outside – still knocking to get in.

It doesn’t matter – when we pray – God works in us and through us in powerful ways.

Have you given your life to Jesus yet?
