Summary: A look at the eternal Word. How did it all begin? What does it all mean for us? How are we to respond?

John 1:1-14. The Awesome Word.

How did it all begin? I would like to put it like this from John chapter one. "The Word of eternity became the Word of humanity so that the people of humanity could become the people of eternity."

Men since the enlightenment period (age of reason) have come up with all types of theories, your familiar I’m sure with the word evolution but there are all different ideas of how this process came into being.

There are six theories pushed forward as Science yet only one is empirical through observations we can make. The first 5 are not science at all, but are really religious belief, based not on empirical facts but on presuppositions,speculations and assumptions.

1. Cosmic evolution the origin of time space matter (The Big Bang)

2. Chemical evolution The origin of higher elements from Hydrogen.

3. Stellar and planetary evolution - origin of Stars and planets

4. Organic evolution origin of life.

5. Macro evolution - origin of major kinds

6. Micro evolution -Variation within a kind.

The Founder of evolution Charles Darwin at the age of 22 fresh out of Bible college sailed on HMS Beagle in 1831 to the Galapagus island where he studied 14 different types of finches taking particular notice to their beck shapes. He concluded that all the finches had a common ancestor. (He was absoulutly right,it was a bird!)

In his book “The origin of spieces” on page 170 he wrote “It is a truly wonderful fact.. that all animals and all plants throughout all time and space should be related to each other..

Hold on a minute Mr Darwin, your saying from studying 14 different birds your telling us that birds and bananas are related? Here we see Darwin going way beyond his observed evidence, he left his science and went into his religion and the text books we read today are very good indeed and doing just that. mny are absoulutly fruadalent. So when speculation and set biases and assumptions come into it, we come out of the world of empirical science and into the world of make believe.

From this opening chapter in John we see some profound statements:

1.The Word is creator v3 Solid foundations

This verse quite clearly states that the Word created all things in the beginning, the universe, unreached galaxies, our own milky way, planet earth, insects like ants to the gigantic dinosaurs. We to are created by this living Word. The Psalm.139:14 could say “we are fearfully and wonderfully made.”

This is great news for those with faith in the living Word. Because we have been created by intelligent design it also gives us solid foundations, to the question of Identity? Who am I? Where am I going? And why am I here ?

Because life no longer becomes meaningless random chance! but purposeful. Heb.1:2 in these last days He has spoken to us by his Son whom he appointed heir of all things and through whom He made the universe.

2. The Word of eternity logos absoulute and eternal nature and ultimate being of Jesus Christ.

Jhn.1:1. In the beginning was the Word. Gen1. In the beginning God. The ’Word’ meaning is used both by Jewish theologian and the Greek Philosopher. In Hebrew Scripture the Word is the agent of creation in

(Psalm 33:6, Gen.1. And God said, ) The source of Gods message to his people (Hosea:1:2.) Gods law his standard (Psalm 119:11.)

In Greek Philosophy the Word was the principle of reason that governed the world, or the thought still in the mind, while in the Hebrew thought, The Word was another expression for God. This Word is clearly revealing Jesus to us ( Jhn 1:14.) as the Word became flesh! Micah 5:2. Written 740bc. Ancient of days (everlasting from everlasting)

3. The Word is Eternal v1. In the beginning was the Word. 1Jhn1:1.

Man has to believe there has to be a starting point

a cause and an effect and an end to all things (entropy laws) a season, a month, a year, a life, a race, a match, the earth ! In this closed world where we live this is true, but when you speak about the Word He is eternal.

Jesus said Jhn 17:5. And know father glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

He is infinite, He exists in unlimited time,time without beginning or end. Psalm 90:2. From everlasting to everlasting you are God.

Isa 57:15. For this is what the High an Lofty one says he who lives for ever whose name is holy.

Rev.1.4. Who is, who was and is to come.

Col:1:17. He is before all things and in him all things hold together. God is eternal and we too are also eternal even though we die we shalll live in one of two places: Eccles 3v11. He has also set eternity into the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God had done from beginning to end.

Atheist . Bertrand Russell said, “Death is a night of nothingness.” Heb 9.27.Man is destined to die once and then the judgement.

Illustration; Our body is the physical its important but not the be all and end all. We are more than just body, were soul as well. Imagine if you will a floppy disk weighing in at 2.5 grams, now whether that disk is full or empty it weighs the same the information has no mass. Our souls the real you has no mass its eternal, death will kill the body but it will not kill the soul that will go on into eternity and be reunited to the body at some point.

C. The Word is life v4 in him was life, and the life is the light of men

All of you here today have been brought about by the giver of life. Some of you here may not believe it ! (But it does’nt cease it to be true)

v4 darkness has not understood it.

The reason is due to the fact people are dead spiritually. Jesus came into the world to be a light to bring spiritual life. God created something out of nothing humanly and scientifically thats impossible but as already said God is eternal and supernatural.

If we could reason God away he would cease to be God! You only exist today because God has created it to be so. You are designed for a purpose to know God and if we abandon that purpose we will be abandoning the purpose for living. (like so many today)

D. The Word is God yet a person distinct.

v1.“The Word was with God” .“The Word was God” We see that Jesus is a person distinct from God the Father and yet one with him.

“Though two persons they are joined by an ineffable union.” ineffable meaning :To great to be expressed !

Where God the Father was, there was God the Son, equal in Glory, their majesty co eternal, and yet their God head one.

J.C.Ryle said “Happy is he who can receive it as a little child, without attempting to explain it!”

Jesus was never a created being like a Moslem would say or many of the cults he is not inferior to God. He is the perfect God equal with God the Father.

Heb 1.32 The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being.

Who Is the babe in the manger ? This baby is the eternal Word, this baby is the Creator,this baby is the Word of life,this baby is Jesus who is God manifested in the flesh! Isaiah 9v6

3. Became the Word of Humanity ! v14.

But here we see the Word coming into humanity, we remember this time especially at Christmas. It’s the Birth of Jesus Christ. So we have put forth his eternal power, his creative design and his Identity. But the question must fall now why did he come? For you and me....

The answer lies in Genesis in the garden of Eden, Gen.2:16. Gods directive was not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because when you do you will die.. Sin came into the world and every human being since has the mutation known as sin. The consequences is death! Physical and spiritual. Further info(explain fall and then read Gen 3:14,15.)

1. Here we have seen that Satan is a really enemy and when Adam and eve sinned the whole of humanity sinned their sin was imputed to us. 2.We are all direct descendants of Adam and Eve. 3. But the good news is here in v15 He will crush your head foreshadows Satans defeat when Jesus rose from the dead and conquered sin and death the phrase “you will strike his heel” refers to Satans attempt to defeat Jesus during His life on earth . @ the temptations. Matt1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

Expand sin in Adam Rom:5.12.@19.

It was Albert Einstein who said in regard to human nature,’the real problem does not lie in the atomic bomb but in the wickedness and the depravity of the human heart’.

4.So the People of Humanity could return to Gods family v12.

Christmas time is a time of family yet so many lives will be broken this Christmas through family separation.(lonely lives)

Mother Teresa; said ’the greatest disease is not starvation but loneliness, not mattering, feeling worthless and isolated even when people surround you.’

God calls you into his family we are all separated through sin yet the wonder is that God himself has come down to restore us to our rightful place .

Will we...

Receive him v12

All who receive Jesus are reborn spiritually, receiving new life (Jhn.3:3 BORN AGAIN) from God. Through faith in Christ, this new birth changes us inside out this in turn rearranges our attitudes desires and motives. Being born again makes you spiritually alive and brings you into a relationship with him. Receive him. The gift of eternal life. Its absolutely free, but it was at a very huge cost (Eternal Word )The death of Jesus the shedding of his blood to wash away your sin his glorious resurrection that you to might live!

Have you asked him to make you a new person? This fresh start in life is available to all those who believe!

Or Reject him.

v11 There will be always those who reject him. “ somebody once said Jesus Christ is a perfect gentlemen he will not come where he is not wanted.”

Consequences separation from God, and thrown into the lake of fire Hell, ghenna, (rubbish tip) for an eternity who we are body and soul we will live for ever ( remeber the floppy disk no mass information)

Its horrible to be rejected by family a father or a mother in this earthly life, but far greater is for you to reject Gods offer. My prayer is not one will reject Him here today, receive Him!

Brownlow North once said, “There is nothing that may not take a man to Christ, but there is nothing but Christ can take a man to Heaven.”

4. Become the people of Eternity! 2Peter1:3-4. Divine nature

Eternity is not an extension of this life with all its misery death, bloodshed disease and distress,. No, its a place that Jesus has prepared, its utter perfection itself. It is eternal bliss!

Do you want to be in such a place? In the presence of one awesome and holy God.

A pastor once said to a dying saint, “You will soon be leaving the land of the living?" To which the man replied “No, I’m not leaving the land of the living, I’m leaving the land of the dying and I’m going to the land of the living!”

1Cor.2;9-10. No eye has seen, no ear as heard , no mind conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.

Remember the Word of eternity, became the word of humanity, so that the people of humanity could become the people of eternity."