Summary: How we can learn for all of God’s creatures - even the smallest ones.

Great things come in small packages.

This statement is proven true throughout the Bible. From Abraham as one lonely 90 year old pilgrim, to the orphaned slave child Moses to the shepherd boy David – God’s Word teaches us great truths from the smallest of people. Jesus was even born in a small way. The people chosen to carry on His mission would still be considered small people (fisherman and tax collectors). But God has a way of putting immense value in something small.

Always remember, no matter how big you get in life – when you were conceived – biologists say you were smaller than a grain of salt!!!

Our scriptures opens in Proverbs 30:24-28 (NIV) "Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise:

The value of something does not depend upon its size! The four things we will look at today are very small and insignificant, yet we can learn tremendous truth from them.

Jesus started with 12, and even after the resurrection, the church only numbered 120. Historians tell us that at that time the population of Palestine was around 4,000,000 people. So that meant that 1 in 30,000 people were Christians. That would be the equivalent of having 8000 believers in all of the US or more locally – 1.4 Christians in all of the city of Attleboro. Yet consider what a great work was started with 120 followers of Jesus on the day of Pentecost and beyond!

Great things come in small packages.

So our scripture reads . . .

Proverbs 30:24-28 (NIV)

"Four things on earth are small,

yet they are extremely wise:

[25] Ants are creatures of little strength,

yet they store up their food in the summer;

[26] Coneys are creatures of little power,

yet they make their home in the crags;

[27] locusts have no king,

yet they advance together in ranks;

[28] a lizard can be caught with the hand,

yet it is found in kings’ palaces.

These verses were written by Agur the son of Jakeh, he was a contemporary of Solomon’s and was considered wise enough to be included in this book of wisdom

In this text, Agur lists four things on Earth that are very small – yet, despite their size – they are wise . . . and when we study them, we can find four great characteristics for Kingdom living.

The Ant: (Speaks of Preparation)

What he’s not: STRONG

Wise because: He plans ahead.

An ant brain has about 250,000 brain cells. A human brain has 10,000 million so a colony of 40,000 ants has collectively the same size brain as a human.

But what does the ant do with its little brain that we can learn from? It prepares for harder seasons!

The Ant know: Just because it is summer now, doesn’t mean winter isn’t coming.

For the ant – its about forward thinking and acting!

Time management mistakes we make:

- We obsess about yesterday.

- Or we worry about tomorrow

- Or we live for the moment.

Why not change our attitude and adjust our thinking – and put things in place for the future.

We must be prepared!

For what?

1. For Temptations

a. John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

2. For Trials

a. James 1:14 but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.

3. For The Second Coming of Christ

a. 1 Peter 1:13 “Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

4. To tell others about Him.

a. 1 Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

God is about right now. He is not I WAS, or I WILL BE (to Moses) He is a PRESENT TENSE GOD.

Psalm 46:1-3 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Some truths about Ants:

Ants work with what they’ve been given.

- I think of Joseph – he was always second in command. (To his father, to Potipher, to the prison warden, and ultimately to Pharaoh)

- Eccles. 9:10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might,


- Did you know that you are in the training ground today for what God has for you to do tomorrow!

- What you are learning to do now will be used in the days to come.

- God may have you in an obscure place – but your time is coming!

- He may have put you in the desert or wilderness – but the palace of Pharaoh is right around the corner!

Ants do not wear out easily.

- I’ve never seen an ant that didn’t have an agenda!

- Paul says Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

- Don’t let yourself wear out in the kingdom! You are preparing yourself for great reward when Christ comes.

- You must stir up what God has given you.

o Paul wrote: “Fan into flame the gift of God that is in you.”

- Do not let yourself grow tired of God’s work.

Ants do not waste time complaining. When you knock down their ant hills, they don’t sit around and cry about it – they just start over!

- One thing Christians must learn to do is just keep at it.

“God cannot be mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap.” What you sow today – you reap tomorrow. And today you are reaping what you sowed yesterday.

Interesting fact:

Each colony of ants has its own smell. In this way, intruders can be recognized immediately.

The Coney: (speaks of Habitation)

What they are not: POWERFUL.

Wise because: They know where to stay.

- What is a Coney? These small grayish rabbit-like creatures live amongst the rocks and burrow into them when a predator comes looking for them. In order to get at them, you need to knock down a mountain of rocks.

Coney’s are cute cuddly, and soft. That is what makes them so attractive. But these are also their greatest weaknesses!

Your best attribute can also be your biggest liability.

- You can talk – but your mouth gets you in trouble.

- You can remember things – but you can’t shake the past.

- You are outgoing – but you tend to get hurt a lot!

We are weakest at our strongest points

The first thing:

- The Coney is aware of its own weaknesses.

- It realizes it must depend on something greater than itself for safety and security.

- It goes to the ROCK!

Are you aware of your weaknesses as well as your strengths?

- What sin troubles you often?

- What things get you sidetracked from God’s will?

- What thoughts hound you frequently?

The Coney isn’t ashamed to know He needs a power greater than himself.

One of the main temptations for the people of God is to have an “I can do this alone” mentality. YOU NEED GOD!

Ps 62:6-7 He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. (7) My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.

Do you have a hiding place in God?

- What do you do when the enemy is after you?

o Do you try to do it alone? Failure is awaiting you!

o Do you depend on intelligence and human knowledge?

o Psalm 91

Psalm 61:2 “From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”

You have to have an evacuation route!

Look in a hotel – you see on the door – an evacuation route in case of a fire. Will the fire happen? Not often – but the plan needs to be in place!

What is your ESCAPE?

Will it be the bottle?

Will it be the TV?

Will it be the friends?

Will it be the psychologist?

- Or will it be your Prayer closet?

Matthew 6:6 “when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

The locust: (speaks of Cooperation)

What they don’t have: A King

Wise because: Knows there is strength in numbers

Interesting fact:

Locust swarms can vary from one square kilometer to several hundred square kilometers. Enormous!

A large swarm of desert locusts can consume 20,000 tons of vegetation a day.

- Locusts were one of the plagues of Egypt. Consider what damage was done by such a small creature when it was united in droves!

- MOVIES LIKE “Arachnopohobia” or “The Birds” show us how humans can be overcome if creatures unite against us! (Funny illustration) But the truth is this – if the church unites – we are a great force to be reckoned with the more united we are as the body of Christ!

- No wonder Jesus prayed in John 17 that we may be one as He and the Father are one!

- Put aside silly and foolish differences for the sake of Jesus Christ.

They have no king – they can work together without fighting for position!

People who look for position and authority in the church concern me!

- Want the microphone. Want the stage.

- The kingdom is for people who are looking to promote on man’s agenda! Jesus Christ.

- Jesus gathered twelve disciples – not just one leader.

- Look at the diversity of activity in the early church:

o Peter preached the first sermon.

o James pastured the first church.

o Paul took the gospel to the Gentiles.

o John received the end time revelation.

o Steven was a deacon and the first martyr!



- Cooperation destroys competition!

- A plague of locusts wreaked havoc in Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas. In less than a week, they did well over ten billion dollars worth of damage. After their attack every plant – every single plant – was reduced to a barren stalk, stripped of all leaves and buds.

- They need not a king to order them into groups.

- They know they are stronger together than they are separated from one another.

Are you a team player?

Is it about cooperation?

Or is it about competition?

1 Cor. 12:4-6 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. [5] There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. [6] There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.

The Lizard: (Speaks of Aspiration)

What they are: Easy to catch, small, insignificant.

Wise because: Doesn’t let its short comings bring self doubt.

- Notice that although it can be caught in the hand (meaning it is very small and unimpressive) it still finds its way into the greatest places on earth!

Interesting fact:

The tail of some lizards separate from the body when the lizard is grabbed. The tail that is left behind wriggles, confusing the predator.

It is willing to let Go!

Some of us need to learn how to let go in order to grow!

Someone once said, Christian maturity is mastering the art of letting go!

Interesting Fact#2:

Lizards never stop growing. And when they outgrow their skin – they shed it off!

The lizard is willing to cut it losses in order to move on to the next stage of life. Are you hanging on to a bad relationship? A bad job? A bad attitude that needs to be cut off? Let God do some surgery on you – if you never get rid of junk – that junk will consume you!

God has great things for each of you!

o His plans have nothing to do with your wisdom or ability.

o His plans do not depend on your giftedness. Moses said “I can’t speak well” – God said, “Who made your mouth?”

You’ve got to have aspirations.

Great men and women became great because they believed they could be!

You believe in God? Great! Now the question is . . .

Do you believe in yourself?

- God believes in you!

- Jesus said, “I have chosen you and appointed you!”

- We are created to produce!

o God said: “Be fruitful and multiply”

- We are ambassadors for Christ!

- You are a: “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” 1 Peter 2:9