Summary: Principles for settling disagreements.

“Dealing with Disagreements”

James 4:1-12

Disagreements occur in every area of life including the home, job, and even in the church. God’s word gives us a plan in dealing with disagreements.

I. Look at the cause of the disagreement

A. We are at war with ourselves.

1. Inner desires and wants

2. Coveting

3. Cannot have what we want

B. We don’t know how to pray.

1. Don’t ask God

2. Ask with wrong motives

3. Friends with the world

II. God’s solution to disagreements

A. Get rid of the pride

1. See yourself as God sees you

2. Humble yourself

B. Submit yourself to God

1. Jesus as LORD

2. Everything, not just the convenient

C. Resist the devil

1. Don’t turn and run

2. Stand firm

D. Purify your hearts….WWJD

E. Allow God to lift you up