Summary: What does it mean to be a part of a holy nation, a people belonging to God, the priesthood of all believers?


I Peter 2:9-10


As many of you know I come from a very strong Irish Catholic family with lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Several of my mom’s relatives are Nuns and Priests, and a few on my dad’s side as well. Growing up in my family as in all Good Irish Catholic families there was no calling in life more thrilling than the call to be a priest. In fact my father confessed to me, after I became a minister, that he had prayed from the very beginning of his marriage that one of his children would serve the Lord. I wasn’t exactly what he bargained for, but he was proud of me anyway.

Priests and nuns were so wanted in many of these families for several reasons. It brought great honor to the family. It was seen as a very high calling in life. In Catholicism religious workers have historically had a much greater respect than in the familiar world of protestant churches. They were seen as set apart for a holy work, and so therefore, they were expected to keep themselves pure, free from the entanglements of most people’s lives. It was a life of sacrifice and surrender of all that you have and are to God.

It is interesting as we study scripture that God’s original plan for His chosen people, the Israelites, was that they would be a nation of priests.

Turn with me to Exodus 19:5-6. They were a nation set apart by God, called to be a holy people, a nation of priests who would point the rest of the world towards God. But they lost that vision. Instead ‘clergy’ were established and the people became dependant on the Levites and the Priests. They were set apart as the Holy ones. They taught the law. They spoke for God. The average person did not have this sense of ‘calling’ upon their lives.

Now we come to the Church Age – the New Israel made up of Jew and Gentile. The word of God prophesied of this age saying “our sons and our daughters would prophecy – they would speak God’s word to one another”. Where before the Holy Spirit came temporarily upon a few individuals – now it falls upon all those who believe. Where before a few were gifted for ministry, now the whole body of Christ is gifted for ministry. Where before there were priests and levites, now we have the priesthood of all believers!.

Over the centuries the church slipped back into its “clergy” mentality. Once again you had the professional “Holy” people. The time has come for us as a people of God to rekindle God’s original vision that we would be a Holy Nation – a royal priesthood.

Please turn with me to I Peter 2:9-10

1. Begin to view yourself as uniquely ‘called’ to be a priest!

I especially want to address the men of the church this morning. I am asking you to begin to view your life in a totally new, radical way! I believe that it is critical that we in the church, and especially men, begin to view our lives differently. We need to begin to see ourselves not just as Christians. Viewing yourself as a Christian can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But it really doesn’t demand much of us. Basically when we view ourselves as Christian’s we are saying, I believe in Jesus. I’ve trusted in Him to save my life. I’m a good person, who goes to Church. I try not to cuss, chew, or spit or go with girls who do.

As men we are the sum total of what we do. We tend to view ourselves from the perspective of our ‘jobs’. One man my say, I’m an electrician. Another might say, I’m a teacher. Some may say, first and foremost, that I am a dad and a husband. These are all good things to say, but they refer more to my duties and my skills. I want to challenge you this morning to begin to think differently about yourself. I want you to begin each day with a new thought: I am a priest of God!

Why do I want you to start thinking this way?

- because being a priest is a calling from God. You do not select this “job” yourself – you are given it by God Himself!

- Look at what Peter says: You are a chosen people (you didn’t choose me – I chose you.) You are a royal priesthood ( I have been given the assignment of serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords – I am a part of the Palace of God – like a soldier in Buckingham palace, I will conduct myself in a certain manner because I walk among royalty) You are a Holy Nation – there is dignity and duty in this calling from God.

What is it about Priests that are different from other people?

A. A Priest is sanctified or set apart for Holy Service

- when a person became a priest they were consecrated to God (in other words – their lives no longer were their own, they belong to God now) This was symbolized interestingly enough by a ceremonial washing (We are washed in Baptism); followed by an anointing with oil (We are anointed with the Holy Spirit of God), and finally by putting on special clothes (Paul tells us to clothe ourselves with Jesus Christ)

viewing myself as sanctified will change the way I live my life. A priest is a priest 24 –7. When you are a priest you can take the collar off, but you still are a priest. Likewise, we who are priests of Jesus Christ cannot hide from the fact that we are set apart for His use. We represent Him everywhere we go and at all times.

B. A priest also undergoes rigorous training for their duties. You don’t just wake up one morning and “poof” you are a priest. You spend time in training with those who are already priests. They mentor you and help you to understand all the implications of your new life. Jesus established the call for us to Go and Make Disciples who would make disciples who would make disciples.

On Monday, May 8th at 7:30 we will be holding an informational meeting here at the church on a new ministry called: TOP GUN Ministries. This is a call for men to become disciples of Jesus Christ. It is not for the weak or faint of heart. Like the training one undergoes to become a Top Gun Pilot, so too, those who are serious about serving the Lord will need to undergo Top GUN TRAINING. Look for more details to come!

C. A priest lives a sacrificial life. Paul urges us in Romans 12:1-2

“In view of God’s mercy, to present yourself as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”

Jesus wants a few good men and women who won’t just give him a part of their lives – but their whole life. A life that has a new set of

Priorities ( What does your calendar indicate about the priorities of your life?) A life that has a whole new focus – that of service to others. A life centered on prayer. A life lived as an act of worship of God.

D. A priest handles the word of God accurately. They are a student of God. In Malachi 2:1-9 we are told that knowledge of God should be on our lips. We should be capable of instructing people about the Lord. Do you have the understanding of God to be able to tell another about Him? It is time for us to stop looking to a few to feed us, and to start learning to feed ourselves. If you aren’t in a cell group – get in one! If you aren’t in an accountability discipleship relationship with another person – get in one.

Remember you are called to be a priest.


As I thought about this principle this week, I was drawn to the parallel of being a dad. When I first heard I was going to be a father, I was thrilled. It was something I had dreamed my whole life of becoming. But I have learned that “becoming a father” and “Being a father” are two very different things. It is fairly easy to become a father. But there is a lifetime of change that must occur in order for my to “be” a father. As I have grown, I find myself starting to think, act, and talk like a dad. This is a calling that will never be revoked in my life. I am always “On duty” as a dad. There are times I don’t want to be a dad, but I can’t escape it. There are times I feel totally incapable of being a dad, but I must be one anyway.

You and I are called by God to be a royal priesthood. You may not like it, you may not feel like it, you may rebel against the idea, but the fact of the matter is: You are a Priest! It is time for the people of the Church to start acting like the royal priesthood God has called them to be.

In my final 2 points this morning let me clarify what I believe that means for us!

2. Glorify God by living a Holy Life!

Recently in our very public world some very shocking news has come forward that has rocked the religious world. Not all priests honor God! Some of them bring great shame and disgrace to the office.

As a priest of Holy Jehovah God, you and I can either bring great honor or shame to the name of Jesus Christ.

HOLINESS is a word we’d rather not think too much in our culture of Jerry Springer and Howard Stern. We value tolerance, and the ability to “relate’ and be “cool’ over the value of personal holiness and integrity. We’d rather talk straight (which usually means vulgar and profane) rather than have our speech seasoned with grace.

I remember how hard it was for me growing up in my Irish Catholic family when I would see my relatives act very holy on Sunday, but by Monday, they were drunk, and cussing, and doing all kinds of ungodly things. The hypocrisy confused me and repulsed me.

What does it mean to be holy?

Look at I Peter 1:15-16

- It means to be like God. God is good. God is kind. God is just. God is loving. God is faithful, he sticks to His word. God tells the truth.

- Holiness means to be totally devoted to God. To set my life apart for His use, and to be separated from the sins of this world.

- How does this happen in my life?

- John 17:17 – The truth washes over me and transforms my life. I start to think and feel and act the way God thinks and feels and acts. It is a process that occurs throughout my lifetime. Friends if you are not “more holy” today than you were last week, then you are headed in the wrong direction! God’s plan for you is for you to be conformed to the image of His beloved Son. Are you becoming like Jesus? Is His word penetrating your heart and mind and changing the way you live your life? If not, then repent – turn around and come back to God!

We must stop making excuses for ourselves ! It’s not because you had a difficult childhood, or your mom and dad didn’t treat you right. It’s not because you were made that way. Jesus calls us to live Holy Lives. The question is will we choose to HONOR GOD, or dishonor HIM. Every priest has a choice. Some choose to follow the lusts of their eyes, and others choose to OBEY.



That is what a priest does! Let me say it again! My primary objective is to bring men to God and God to men. You wake up tomorrow and ask God, God what do you want me to do today! That is the answer! You drive off to work or school tomorrow and you pray, Lord what is my calling in life? That is the answer! You are staying home with the small children, nurturing them, and loving them and you wonder what is my life to be all about – there is your calling! Bring men to God and Bring God to men!

Why don’t we all say it together this morning: I am to bring men to God and Bring God to men!

How can I do that if I am not living a Holy Set Apart life for Him?

I Peter 2:9 Declare His praises among the people

Hebrews 5:1-3

- I bring men to God through prayer! The ministry of Intercession is one of the greatest ministries anyone can ever have!




- I bring God to men by living the Everyday Commission of God


(did you know that we clergy can’t get away from talking

about God – people expect it of us)


- top gun ministries

- cell group accountability