Summary: IN a world where things are made to be unfaithful, we have been given something that will never fail, nor be obsolete.. Jesus, love, mercy, grace

Planned Non-Obsolescence

John 6:24-25Aug 20

Pentecost 11

† In the name of Jesus †

Grace and peace for you, from God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ

Cars, Computers, the Etch-a-Sketch, Chinese Food, McDonald Happy Meal toys

Something that lasts like the writing in the snow?

What do the following have to do with each other?

Modern Automobiles, Computers and Cellphones, the Etch-a-Sketch, McDonald Happy meal toys, and Chinese food?

They all rely on a business concept, first coined by an industrialist named Brook Stevens, in 1954. His theory, called planned obsolescence, had already been practiced for years, perhaps even centuries. But after he coined the term, it became part and practice of world-wide business, a strategy used to keep businesses open, and owners of businesses, wealthy. Basically, the idea is to create a product, that creates excitement, enough so, that there is product loyalty. Then, the product, which creates an emotional bond, is designed to become either obsolete, or cease to function, or meet its need. Because of the emotional tie to the product, those who purchased it, will rush out to replace it.

Think of my examples! The most obvious is the Happy Meal toys! After eating the meal at McD’s, the child plays with the toy endlessly. They love the 35 cent piece of plastic! But by the time they get home, the toy has broken, and the child will cry, and the parents will go tomorrow back to McDonald’s for lunch or for dinner, just to bring relief to their ears, and the child’s tear ducts.

Cars and computers are now planned to be obsolete in 2 to 5 years. That is why they will only lease them that long! New software is written every 6 months, requiring a new pc to run it, for it can’t run on the older unit. How many cars are designed to last over 100,000 miles? If they were, why not warranty them that long?

My favorite is the etch-a-sketch! You spend all this time working to create a masterpiece, and some really are that good! But by the time you stand up to show someone, and bring them the masterpiece, the sand shifts, and the work begins again. But because of the pride in the first masterpiece, you attempt to do it, over and over again!

We fall for planned obsolescence, for things we have to acquire over and over again, it is part of our culture. We even seek such things out, for the rush, for the excitement of having one new again. Today’s gospel will challenge that thought, as Jesus will advise the people of God, to switch from chasing that which is planned to be obsolete, which is planned to stop satisfying, and switch to desiring that which will satisfy forever.

Hungry – they looked for Jesus

Wrong reason? Jesus will use it

The Work of Seeking

But what to seek?

In the passage right before our reading today, you would find the feeding of the 5000 men and their families that was last week’s gospel reading. Remember how the people had run all the way around the Sea of Galilee, looking to find Jesus? And when, in the middle of the most desolate section of the region, after teaching them about God’s love, he fed 15,000 people with a few fish, and some bread.

But Jesus went into the hills, while the disciples set out for Capernaum. And like all food, the bread and fish only nourished them. They are hungry again, and their hearts desire to again see the incredible way that Jesus provides for them. And so, they begin to search throughout Galilee.

Jesus, when they find him in the Capernaum synagogue, (how did he get their anyway? He walked on water!) notes their reason clearly. Look there, in your reading at verse 26, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you are seeking me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves. There was definite self-interest, that motivated them to seek out Jesus – to be filled again with food. Just as we need to replace those things, the etch-a-sketch drawing of which we were so proud, the truck that finally hit the wall, and will cost more to fix, than it is worth, the computer that we have become so used to using, we cannot write legibly anymore!. They wanted the food, to have their desire and hunger satisfied.

Jesus will acknowledge this self-serving motivation, that causes them to seek Him out. He doesn’t leave them there though, thinking about their belly’s. He uses their attention to call them to seek something more, something more substantial, something more lasting, indeed, it will be everlasting.

So, Jesus takes their hunger, and refocuses it towards something more nourishing, something that will last longer, that will mean far more to them.

Want satisfaction?

Food that sustains to eternal Life

Note the source

The Father’s Authorization

There is probably no other food style that I like as much as Chinese food – especially the hot dishes, like Kung Pao Shrimp or Szchewan Scallops. Mmmm, when those dishes are done well, there are few things that compare. But even while they satisfy for the moment, 30 to 40 minutes after dinner, you are hungry again! It is the perfect food for the culture of today!

We are in a culture, that sees satisfaction occur, when we replace that which didn’t satisfy, with that which does. It may be the new car, or the new home, or perhaps, the new relationship, that gives us the excitement that we might have felt in our relationships 20 years ago or more. We are encouraged that if it doesn’t satisfy a sense of excitement – trade it in, for something more powerful, something faster, something that gives a bigger sense of being satisfied.

To that culture, and to ours, Jesus points to the obvious, that in those things, nothing truly satisfies, nothing truly quenches our thirst, and we will chase after that lack of satisfaction until it destroys us, until we and that which we chase, perishes.

Rather than chase after that which truly doesn’t satisfy, but is here for a moment, and is gone, Jesus says, 7 Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. Don’t chase after the sin, which promises satisfaction, but leaves you empty and wasted, instead, look for the things that will endure, that will sustain you, forever. That is the nature of Christ, and what He provides to us. Not only does it endure, but because we are given it, we too endure. It sustains us, and indeed will satisfy us, more than anything else.

It is what God the Father sent Jesus to give us, the things that cause life to thrive, to cause life to be more, something which is only the beginning of eternity. Jesus encourages them to take what He will give them, something completely nourishing.

Did they listen?

Of course not

We like planned obsolescence!

What work of God’s can we do – we need it!

I think, that the people in Jesus’ day, think much the same as we do today. When Jesus says that this food that will nourish you until eternal life will be given to them from Him, they have to ask what the catch is, what the cost is. For nothing given away, is usually worth anything – right? And so they ask the natural question, "What must we do, to be doing the works of God?" What is this food going to cost us? What do we have to do, what price do we have to pay?

They didn’t listen, or they don’t get it. That which is worth the most, is that which will never have to be paid for! Perhaps again, it is part of the consumer culture, where part of our temporary enjoyment comes from saying, I earned this. We like being able to say we upgraded our computer, or our cell phone, and that we earned it. I think that is why the world isn’t as upset as it could be, at planned obsolescence. It shows us that they have worth and value. Even if we don’t buy it right away, but stretch out the old long enough – the idea that we can, is appealing.

Jesus answer

Only work – trust in Him

What about Moses?

Look at the OT Reading – God gave it – not Moses

To this Jesus mentions the work of God, that results in their be given the food that endures, that will result in them enduring forever. Pretty simple thing actually. Trust the one that the Father sent. Trust Jesus. That’s it! You want to live forever in complete joy? Trust Jesus. You want your sins forgiven, and temptations power removed from you? Trust Jesus. You don’t have to go on a pilgrimage, you don’t have to pay thousands or millions of dollars, or say 1 or 10,000 prayers.

Just trust Him.

Trust that His death on the cross, something we already know about, was for you. It paid all the cost. It vanquished everything that would stop us, from having a relationship with God.

Trust in Him. Have faith, believe in God, and know that Jesus’ work, is for you. And for anyone else, that would trust in Him! It is that simple my friends.

The people who found Jesus that day, needed one more clarification, more confirmation than they saw that day. They asked in verse 30, Then what sign do you do, that we may see and believe you? What work do you perform? 31 Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, ’He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’

It is, for a people used to planned obsolesce, a very good question. For in Moses providing bread; the people of Israel’s ancestors were fed, not by their own work, but because God proved Himself trustworthy and faithful to care for His people. It is a question now, that we see the answer to, because we look back, and see a rugged cross on a wall. We see that the bread of life, Jesus, was sent down from heaven, and because of that, we know we are sustained in Him, for eternity.

So what sustains?

Jesus is

That is how the passage ends, with an incredible guarantee. When Jesus provided that which would sustain life, His very life and death, and resurrection, our chasing after that which satisfies, becomes mute. For nothing will satisfy our true needs like Jesus. Not food, or drink, not stuff, or luxuries, not even a good heavy german sausage, sauerkraut and potato dinner will stay with us as long.

What will, is the incredible love and mercy, grace and peace of God, revealed to us in Christ Jesus. Things that were planned, from before the foundation of the world, to never ever become obsolescent, never out of date. Things planned for us, that will never expire, or perish.

And because Jesus will not perish, and neither will His love, then neither shall we. We will be satisfied, we will be at peace!

And forever, we shall know peace with God, a peace that guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, AMEN.