Summary: 1 of 5 in the Series on Money

(1 Tim. 6:10) "The love of money is the root of all evil..."

God cannot lie. God does not exaggerate. God says, "The love of money is the root of ALL evil."

The LOVE of money... (Not having, using, or even wanting, but its LOVE).

The love of money is the ROOT... (The starting place, the beginning, its root.)

The love of money is the root of ALL... (Every vice & sin has its root in greed of money.)

...of all EVIL. (It is a tool of the devil to lure people into greater wickedness.)

I. God shows us of our responsibility toward our employer, showing that our primary reason for employment is to serve, and not to make money (1 Tim. 6:1-2; Prov. 23:4).

To teach otherwise is against Christ, & is proud, knowing nothing...(v. 3-5). He is a perverse disputer that supposes that "Gain is godliness..."


The man who is content with such things as he has, and desires to live goldy has gotten great gain.

But, the man who refuses to be content, who covets after money, will find himself in a snare, and many hurtful lusts...and sorrows (v. 9-10).

II. If you co-sign for a stranger you will smart for it (Pr. 11:15).

If you co-sign for a friend, he will become a stranger (Pr. 6:1-3).

If you want to make sure your friendship, don’t make monetary deals with him (Pr. 6:3).

III. You put yourself in bondage to the person who you borrow from (Pr. 22:7).

If you borrow money, you are responsible to pay it back (Pr. 3:27).

Business comes before luxuries, even before home necessities (Pr. 24:27).

It is wicked to borrow & not pay back (Psa. 37:21).

IV. God expects us to pay our taxes & our tithes (Matt. 22:15-22).

The Pharisee’s wanted to entangle Him.

Would He deny Caesars authority (Government) or God’s authority?

He did neither. He uplifted both the government’s right to receive taxes, and God’s right to receive tithe’s & offerings.

In another place God accuses His people of robbing Him, because they withheld their tithes & offerings.

(Duet. 8:10-20) It is by God’s hand that we receive any wealth that we have.

(James 1:16-17) "Every good gift cometh from above..."