Summary: Father Abraham spoke to his “oldest servant of His house, who ruled over all…” This servant was his most reliable and faithful. Father Abraham gave to this servant the complete responsibility of finding the bride for his son.


Perhaps the story of how you and your sweetheart met and fell in love is similar to mine. When it comes to meeting, dating and marrying that special someone

(in our American culture) – we don’t do. Things quite like they did in Genesis 24.

Actually our parents (probably) had very little to do with our finding that special someone to share our lives with…But a lot of couples in other countries do meet their future husband or wife very much like what we see with Father Abraham…

This morning – my hope is that all of us will see the comparison with the relationship that Father God has with His Son’s bride. According to God’s Holy Word –

The church of all believers is the bride of Christ. There is coming a day…

Our Heavenly Father has already decided who will be the bride for His only begotten Son. God knows what is best for His Son and He knows what is best for His church. We the church are the bride chosen for His Son – Jesus Christ.

God sees – the beauty of His bride…

- the spiritual potential

- the spiritual beauty of His church

Don’t allow yourself to become discouraged by the negative things said about the church – it is still the Bride of Christ.

Now then – there is another important person in our story we need to know. This person is not to be over looked with His role in finding the Bride…

Father Abraham spoke to his “oldest servant of His house, who ruled over all…” This servant was his

most reliable and faithful. Father Abraham gave to this servant the complete responsibility of finding the bride for his son.

Father Abraham was convinced that not just any – woman would be suitable for his son.

And there would only be one requirement expected of the woman if she would become the bride.

Notice vs. 8 – “And if the woman is not willing to follow you…” There was a possibility that the woman would not want to commit to becoming the bride for Father Abraham – this was a risk.

There was a lot at stake here…After all, Father Abraham had been promised by the Lord God Jehovah that He would have many descendants. As many as “the stars in the sky”. Father Abraham was referred to as the “Father of many nations.”

But “if” the bride decided not to follow the servant, there would not be a wedding…And “if” there was no wedding, there would be no descendants…

As you can see it all hinged on what the servant would do to attract the bride to follow him.


What I find interesting is there is no mention of the servant’s name. He is just a servant at the beck and

call of Father Abraham. He will get very little attention for all of his hard work.

But there is nothing more important for him than to accomplish what Father Abraham has sent him to do. Find the bride! Bring the bride back to the Father’s house! If the son were to ever be happy, he would need the servant to do his all important job…find the bride!

Question: Why do you suppose this story that is thousands of years old is so important to us living in the 21st century?

The Church, i.e. the Bride of Christ, is in the same situation this very day. The Church must be convinced to understand how important it is for her to follow God’s oldest most faithful servant – the Holy Spirit!

Once again – “IF” the Holy Spirit cannot convince you to follow Him, all will be lost. There are eternal consequences at stake here…for Father God…for His Son, Jesus Christ…and for the Church (the Bride of Christ).

The Holy Spirit has an enormous responsibility. He is trying to woo you and I into the awesome presence

or our Heavenly Father. God’s desire is for you to be in His House! There is a wedding planned for the

Bride of Christ.

Vs 8 – “And if the woman is not willing to follow you, then you will be released from this oath…”

Listen – the Holy Spirit will not beg you to come to the Father’s House. This is a decision you have to make

for yourself, but the consequences are very real:

The result of your not following the Holy Spirit is devastating:

1. The church will be barren there will be no children and no conversions to Christ. The church

will wither and die.

2. The church will be empty and lonely on the inside…hopelessly lost without her husband, the Son of God.

3. There will be no gifts given by the Holy Spirit. No healings, no prophecies no word of knowledge, no word of wisdom, no working of miracles, no

tongues, no interpretation of tongues, and (last but not least) no faith!

Question: What will be your response when you are approached by God’s oldest and most reliable servant, the Holy Spirit?

In our story – the servant wasn’t asking very much from the woman.

Vs 17 – The servant ran to meet her and said, “Please let me drink a little water from your pitcher.”

Now before you decide to give yourself to God’s servant, that is to follow the Holy Spirit, you should consider how the bride responded in our story:

1. There was no hesitation – vs 18, “she quickly let her pitcher down” and gave him a drink. We must be ready to respond when the Holy Spirit wants to draw us out.

2. There was no limits – vs 19, “I will draw water for your camels, too” we must be willing to release ourselves completely to the Holy Spirit without regard to what the cost might be.

Question: Is the amount we give to the Holy Spirit equivalent to only one cup of water? Or, is our desire to give to God all that He has need of?

My friend – Never limit yourself with your giving to God…

3. Expect God’s best for you – vs 22 says

that after all the camels had finished

drinking, the servant presented gifts of

gold to the bride. (And there was much

more where that came from.)


Jesus Christ is glorified by the abundance that God gives to His Bride, …in the form of gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is looking for the Bride who will appreciate and accept God’s gifts of the Holy Spirit.

God’s riches in glory are ours if we want them and will use them to bring glory to His Son.

Finally in our story – the Bride could have easily overlooked the servant…often times the Bride of Christ may overlook the presence of the of the Holy Spirit. There are times when a church will choose to ignore what Father God has sent to us. Sometimes we may not even recognize the moving of the Holy Spirit because we are to involved with other things.

We must honor our Heavenly Father that has loved us so much by sending to us His Son, Jesus Christ.

We are sensing a renewal of the presence of the Holy Spirit that we must not overlook…