Summary: Why It Matters: Created in God’s Image or Offspring of Apes

Why It Matters - Created in God’s Image or Offspring of Apes?

Sermon by: Rick Crandall

McClendon Baptist Church - Nov. 26, 2006

John 1:1-4

*A 2005 poll by Newsweek and Beliefnet asked Americans this question: Do you believe that God created the universe? 80% of those responding said the universe was created by God. That’s good news, and pretty amazing that after all the money and effort spent on teaching evolution, 80% of people still believe that God created the world. (1)

*Carlson and Decker summed up the false teachings of evolution this way. “In kindergarten we are taught that a frog turning into a prince is a fairy tale. -When we get to college, we’re taught that a frog turning into a prince is science.” (2)

1. Created in God’s image or offspring of apes? Does it really matter? The answer is certainly yes, because if evolution is true, then God’s Word is a lie, but I want you to know that God’s Word is true!

*John 1:3 says, All things were made through [Jesus] and without Him nothing was made that was made. But that can’t be true if evolution is true. And the Bible couldn’t possibly be true in Gen 1:1, when it says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” especially since it says that He did it all in six days!

*Some would say, well that’s just Genesis. It’s just a myth. Let’s throw out Genesis and we will keep the rest. But we would also have to throw out the Psalms, because there are many Scriptures like Psalm 95:1-6:

“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is the great God, And the great King above all gods. In His hand are the deep places of the earth; The heights of the hills are His also. The sea is His, for He made it; And His hands formed the dry land. Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”

*We would have to throw out many of the Psalms, and we’d even have to throw out the 10 Commandments, because the 4th Commandment says: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” (Exodus 20:8)

*And why does God want us to remember the Sabbath day? Because “in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it." (Exodus 20:11)

*We would have to throw out most of the New Testament too. For example, the Gospel of Mark goes out, because in Mark 10:6, Jesus said: “From the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female.”

*One of my favorite Books in the Bible is Luke. It tells us the story of the birth of Christ. It also has that wonderful parable of the prodigal son, and so much more. But Luke also traces the ancestors of Jesus all the way back to the beginning, and Luke 3:38 says: “The son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.”

*If evolution is true, then Luke has to go, and we would also have to throw out the writings of the Apostle Paul, because he specifically mentions Adam as a real person in Romans 5, 1 Corin 15, and 1 Tim 2. You see, there is no halfway. You have to choose. It’s either evolution or the Word of God.

*You stand by the Word of God because it will stand forever! In Matt 24:35, Jesus said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” So stand by the Word of God!

*Now if the Bible is true, then evolution has to be a lie. Is there any evidence that evolution is not true? Carlson and Decker tell us that Sir Fred Hoyle who died in 2001 was a world famous astronomer and mathematician. Dr. Hoyle was acknowledged to have been one of the most creative scientists of the 20th century, and when speaking to the British Academy of Science, he said: “The probability of life arising by chance is the same probability as throwing a 6 on a dice 5 million consecutive times.” (2)

*Dr. Hoyle also said it would be like a tornado in a junkyard taking all the pieces of metal lying there and turning them into a Boeing 747. (1)

*Carlson and Decker point out that: "Man tends to struggle with the concept of a Creator simply speaking the universe into existence. But that’s because we aren’t God and it’s evidenced by the fact that with our spoken words we can’t even get our kids to take out the trash." (2)

*Is there any evidence that evolution is not true? G.E Snipes once said:

“I frequently hear people talk about the fossil records and the scientific evidence that supports evolution. But does the evidence really support evolution? Ask any student and most likely you will hear them say that evolution is a proven fact. Not a theory, but a fact. The best support for evolution is the ignorance of people. Evolution is not a fact, it is a theory. Most researchers on both sides acknowledge that it is a theory. Educators are the ones heralding it as fact.

*The purpose of this page is to present what I believe is an honest critique of evolution that hopefully you will find helpful. I want to start by looking at the sub-human links that have been discovered.

-Cro-Magnon Man - Proven to be completely human and there is clear evidence of religious practices and artistic creativity. This so-called pre-human co-existed with contemporary man.

-Piltdown Man - Proven to be a deliberate hoax and no longer accepted by evolutionary scientist, however it is still taught in many school textbooks as a missing link.

-Nebraska Man - An entire skeletal structure was created from a single tooth and heralded as the discovery of the missing link by evolutionary scientist. Additional research has proven that this tooth was actually the tooth of an extinct pig. This missing link was abandoned by evolutionary scientist but as always it is still taught as truth by evolutionary educators." (3)

*There is even evidence from the Moon. Ultraviolet light changes moon rocks into dust. It had long been predicted that the Moon would have a 60-mile thick layer of dust caused by ultraviolet radiation on its supposed 4-billion-year-old surface. But scientists were astonished to learn that there is not over 2-3 inches, just the amount expected if the moon were only a few thousand years old. (4)

*There is much, much more evidence against evolution. But if there is an abundance of evidence against evolution, why do so many educators ignore it? Because if you leave God out of the picture, there is no other option but evolution, and Creationism conflicts with their warped view of the Constitution, that there should be no mention of God in the classroom.

*How ironic when stacked up against the words of our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

*Whenever you are analyzing what someone says, you must look at the underlying assumptions they brought to the table. If you don’t believe that there is a Creator God, then you are likely to reject any evidence that points in His direction. If you believe this Book was just written by men, then you are going to try to disprove the things it says.

*Don’t stand over this Book, trying to mold it and shape it to your personal agenda. You will regret that for all eternity. This is the Word of God! Stand under this Book and let it mold and shape your life. You will be glad you did for all eternity. Down thru the ages, God has proved the truth of His Word to millions of people. He has proved it to me, He has proved it to most of the people in this room, and He will prove it to you, if you will let Him.

2. Created in God’s image or offspring of apes? Here’s the 2nd reason why it matters: If evolution is true, then Jesus Christ isn’t Lord. But I want you to know that Jesus is Lord!

*As John 1:1-3 says: “In the beginning was the Word... -(Jesus Christ already was...) And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”

*Jesus Is Lord of all creation, but that can’t be so if evolution is true. That’s why Rodney Buchanan wrote that: “Evolution is simply the attempt to explain the existence of the world given the presupposition that there is no God. It is a very convenient theory for those who do not want to answer to God.

Many people actually prefer the thought that there is no God to whom we are accountable. They do not want anyone restricting their freedom, even if it is God. Atheism is not the result of an intellectual problem; it is the result of a moral problem.

*Last year, the London Zoo posted a sign in front of their newest exhibit, reading, ‘Warning: Humans in Their Natural Environment.’ The exhibit featured eight Homo sapiens, dressed in bathing suits and pinned-on fig leaves. They were in a sealed room next another room of various primates. The humans were chosen from an online contest, and spent their time sunning on a rock ledge, playing board games, and waving to spectators. A sign informed visitors about the species’ diet, habitat, worldwide distribution, and threats to their existence.

*The goal of the exhibit, according to Zoo spokesperson Polly Wills, was to downplay the uniqueness of human beings as a species. She said: Seeing people in a different environment, among other animals teaches members of the public that the human is just another primate.

*Tom Mahoney was one of the specimens in the exhibit, and he agreed saying: ’A lot of people think that humans are above other animals. When they see humans as animals, here, it kind of reminds them that we’re not that special.’"

*And Rodney Buchanan said: "Many people are happy to think that they are not that special — that they are only another animal. It gives them a good excuse to behave like an animal. They want no moral boundaries, and no one to whom they are accountable.

*The problem with believing there is a God is that it means there is someone who is above you. It means that there is a God, and you can no longer be your own God. You are accountable for the way you live and the things you do. If there is a God, then the moral laws he has laid down apply to you. Right and wrong are no longer determined by what you think is okay." (1)

*Millions of people are dangerously deceived by evolution, but Jesus is Lord of all! And the Bible tells us that one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

3. Created in God’s image or offspring of apes? *Here’s the 3rd reason why it matters: If evolution is true, then life has no purpose and meaning. But life does have meaning!

*If evolution is true, then you are nothing but an accident, and nothing you do matters in the long run. But vs. 4 tells us that in Jesus was life, and the life was the light of men.

*God is love and light and life. He doesn’t do things willy-nilly at random. He has a purpose for everything He created. First and foremost He created the universe for His glory, so Ps 19:1 says, “the heavens declare the glory of God.”

*And speaking of the Children of Israel in Isaiah 43:6&7, God says: “Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth. Everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.”

*God has a purpose for everything He created, so He has a purpose for you. And there is great comfort in this truth. As Rodney Buchanan says, “If you understand that there is a God who created all that exists, you understand that there is a design and purpose to life, and your life in particular. You have the understanding that there is Someone who is holding all this together and is watching out for us. God, in his love, has made the world a livable, good place and supplied us with everything we need and much more.” (1)

*“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” That means wisdom and truth and understanding. Jesus Christ is not going to leave you in the dark. He will reveal His great purposes for your life.

*Christians, Rick Warren gave us great insight in Purpose Driven Life. He spelled out 5 of God’s great purposes for our lives:

*You were planned for God’s pleasure: -That’s worship.

*You were formed for God’s family: -That’s fellowship.

*You were created to become like Christ: -That’s discipleship.

*You were shaped for serving God: -That’s ministry.

*And you were made for a mission: -That’s evangelism.

*Your life has incredible value and meaning, because you were created by God. We just have to keep focused on His purposes for our lives.

*Chuck Swindoll gave this testimony in the early 80’s: “When I lived in Atlanta, several years ago, I noticed in the Yellow Pages, in the listing of restaurants, an entry for a place called Church of God Grill. The peculiar name aroused my curiosity and I dialed the number.

*A man answered with a cheery, ‘Hello! Church of God Grill!’

*I asked how his restaurant had been given such an unusual name and he told me: ‘Well, we had a little mission down here, and we started selling chicken dinners after church on Sunday to help pay the bills. Well, people liked the chicken, and we did such a good business, that eventually we cut back on the church service. -After a while we just closed down the church altogether and kept on serving chicken dinners. We kept the name we started with, and that’s Church of God Grill.’” (5)

*What a shame to forget God’s purpose for our lives! And if evolution is true, then your life has no purpose and meaning. You are just an accident. But life does have meaning, because we were created in the image of God.

4. Created in God’s image or offspring of apes? Here’s the 4th reason why it matters: *If evolution is true, then life will be over in a few short years. You are nothing but an accident on your way to annihilation. There is no eternal life, and death is the end. But the truth is that we can live forever!

*As vs. 4 says, “In Him was life!” In Jesus was life! Not just this physical life that may last a few decades, but life that will last forever! That’s why Jesus Christ came into the world on that first Christmas, and that’s why He died on the Cross. Jesus took the punishment for our sins so that in Him and through Him we could live forever!

*This is what Jesus was talking about in John 3:12-15, when He said: “If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, -that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

*This eternal life comes by placing your faith in Jesus Christ, and receiving Him as your Savior and Lord. *Listen to what He tells His followers in John 10:27-29: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.”

*Indiana pastor John Morris wrote this testimony sometime in 2004. “This past week on Wednesday morning I was notified that a member of our congregation was found deceased in her apartment. Brandy was not known to most of you. She was 50 years old and joined the church in December a year ago.

*Brandy spent her life mostly in sin. There were 5 husbands, the first when she was just 15-yesrs-old in 1969. There was plenty of alcohol and parties.

*She was estranged from most of her family. When I spoke with Brandy’s sister about her death and asked about her two brothers the sister said, ‘I won’t tell them because they won’t care.’

*Brandy never really had a job, except for working in topless bars years ago. She spent several years in prison, extending her time once because she tried to escape. Brandy while on probation did work around the church for extra money when she could help us.

*She said to Susie and me one day, ‘You know this is the first real job I’ve ever had.’

*A woman in our church Leah Borntragger first met Brandy when Leah was directing the Rainbow Haven Women’s shelter in town. Leah loved Brandy and helped her immensely, loving her in Christ, helping pay her bills, taking her to the stores and to Doctors. An attorney in our congregation helped her out, the church gave her some furniture, and several of you assisted her.

*Recently because of poor health she was not able to attend worship. She was mildly schizophrenic in the last several years and lived in a small group home just two blocks from here.

*Brandy died penniless, but you know something I have been preaching for 21 years and I have shared the gospel with many. But in early December of 2002 when Brandy was in my office and we were reviewing the facts of the gospel she began to weep.

*I said, ‘Are you OK?’

-She said, ‘I just can’t believe someone would do that for me.’

*But Jesus did do something for her and she accepted him and was baptized on the 8th of December 2002." (6)

*Brandy found true love and life and hope in Jesus Christ, but evolution has never given hope to anyone, and it never will.


*Evolution means that you are nothing but an accident on your way to annihilation, but by the Cross of Jesus Christ, Brandy is in Heaven today.

*She will live forever, and every believer can say:

“Through Jesus Christ, so will I!”

*Why don’t you join us?

1. The Creation Debate - Genesis 1:1-5, 31; 2:1-4 - Sermon by: Rodney J. Buchanan - Mulberry St. UMC - Mount Vernon, OH - July 9, 2006

2. Fast Facts on False Teaching, Carlson & Decker, 1994, p.57 as found in In Other Words - June 2006 - Issue 2)

3. Adapted from online - Missing Links & Fossils -

4. Found online in the Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia - The Age of the Earth - 1

5. KERUX ILLUSTRATION COLLECTION - ID Number: 2429 - SOURCE: Dropping Your Guard - TITLE: The Church Of God Grill - AUTHOR: Charles R. Swindoll - DATE: 1/1/83

6. Adapted from: The Tree of Life - Rev. 21 - John Morris - First Christian Church, Frankfort IN - 2004)