Summary: A message on the importance of a word in due season.

In due season

Is. 50: 4The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned. 5The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back.

A word in season to him that is weary. This is the writing of Isaiah, but is speaking of Christ which would come thousands of years later. Isaiah was indeed a prophet, and spoke to the children of Israel concerning the things of God.

Prophets functioned all throughout the bible, and were known to speak a word at just the right time, to just the right person. A word in due season. That is the job of a prophet, to speak a word at just the right time.

In the O.T., there are 3 words which describe the job of a prophet. 1-means to bubble forth, as from a fountain. That word is nabi. SO the prophet would literally bubble out the words of God. The prophet is the stream, which flows out from the source which is a spring.

The other two words ro’eh, and hozeh, when applied to the title of a prophet is pertaining to a seer. Or someone who beholds the vision of God-In other words, they see into the divine will of God.

The “prophet” proclaimed the message given to him, as the “seer” beheld the vision of God. Thus a prophet was a spokesman for God; he spake in God’s name and by his authority. He is the mouth by which God speaks to men, and hence what the prophet says is not of man but of God. Prophets are the immediate organs of God for the communication of his mind and will to men. The whole Word of God may in this general sense be spoken of as prophetic, inasmuch as it was written by men who received the revelation they communicated from God, no matter what its nature might be. The foretelling of future events was not a necessary but only an incidental part of the prophetic office.

It is not necessary for a prophet to see into the future, as much as it is for him to speak forth the oracles of God. The prophet is set in order of the ministries, as 2nd, only to the apostle.

The job of the apostle is basically a church planter. They are the ones that set the church in order, and get it running. Then comes the prophet, with the words of edification for the people.

Prophets weren’t just under the old covenant, but are also still functioning today. As we can see, Paul felt that it was very important to have prophets in the church.

1 Cor: 12 ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. 28And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

Ephesians 4:11 Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers.

Jesus was called the great prophet throughout the bible several times, and is still the great prophet of the church today.

We know that the gift is still functioning, but we don’t necessarily call them as they are.

It is a great event in your life, to receive a word from a prophet. A word that you have no doubt is straight from the throne.

Prov. 15:23-24 A man has joy in an apt answer, and how delightful is a timely word.

Prov. 25:11 like apples of gold, in settings of silver, is a word spoken in the right circumstances.

Psalm 45:1 My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

David said my tongue is like a pen, getting ready to pour out a blessing into someones life. He said his heart was stirring a good matter, and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

A word in due season. Nathan the prophet was sent to David, to speak a word into his life concerning Bathsheeba, which led David to restoration with God.

Joseph was sent to pharaoh, and told him the interpretation of the dream that he had, which allowed Egypt to store up enough food for seven years of famine. The word came from a young jewish slave, to the king.

A word of prophecy always comes at just the right time. Before a kingdom is going to come to ruins, or a life is going to be destroyed. We serve an on time God. HE may not come when you want him to, but hell be there right on time.

The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned, that I may speak a word in due season to him that is weary. Many people will give a word, but it’s not in season. God knows exactly when to give the message, when it will hit home the hardest.

You can not plant tomatoes in December, and expect a harvest. A word in due season will bring forth fruit in someone’s life.

Night in Iraq---------------------------------------------------------------

God saved, and prepared that word, just for me. I had waited, and wept and waited, and finally, God sent his word.

His thoughts are above our thoughts, and his ways are above our ways. And his timing is different than ours.

When Daniel prayed, he sat in sackcloth, and ashes and fasted for 21 days, until the word came back from the Lord. And when the Angel arrived, he told him, that God had heard his prayers from the first day, and that he had been en route with the word since then, but the prince of Persia withstood him.

God has heard your cries, he has heard your prayers, and he is on his way with your answer. He is sending someone with a word, which will change your whole perspective on life. Its only been delayed, its not been denied.

He heard you when you were on your knees crying out for help, he heard you when you were driving down the road with tears flowing down your cheeks trying to decide what to do. But you’ve got to hold on. His word is on the way. While you were laying in your bed, trying to figure out how you were going to make it, God said, I already know, I’ve already made a way, when it looked like there was no way.

I want to talk to someone who is on the verge of giving in. Someone who was about to hang it up, and throw in the towel. Your word is on its way. You’ve grown weary through the storms, the tests and trials have worn on you. Don’t give up now.

He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. You may fall, you may get kicked around, you may let the enemy beat you up, but pick yourself up, and dust yourself off, and stand back up and proclaim that you are the head and not the tail….blessed and highly favored, the very chosen, and elect of God.

A righteous man falls down 7 times, but he gets back up again. The important thing about this life, is that you get back up again.

He has given me the tongue of the learned, that I may speak a word in due season to him that is weary.

He gives power to the faint, and to them that have no might, he increases strength, even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.

Its time to stand up, and get ready, because the Lord is about to do amazing things in your life. He spoke last night, and said we are entering into a new season, that 2007 is going to be the year of release………

Mt. 11:28 come unto me, those of you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.