
Summary: This sermon is about some of the most important qualities that should be evident in the life of a beleiver.













Matthew 22:36-40 I Corinthians 13;1-3

The foremost quality that God expects of a Christian is Love.The greatest commandment is to love God and to love our neighbour.All our spiritual activities are in vain if they are not motivated by true love for God and for our fellowman.We must examine our hearts to see whether they are filled with the love of God.


Proverbs 11;25 II Corinthians 9:6-7 Luke 6:38

The second quality that God expects of a Christian is liberality or generosity. God loves a cheerful giver.Giving is compared to sowing and those who sow bountifully shall reap bountifully.We shall reap a harvest of what we sow. If we sow love and kindness we shall reap the same. Therefore whatever we want to reap in our life let us first sow the same and then we can expect a harvest .


Romans 12:11 Proverbs 22:29

The third quality that God expects of a Christian is diligent labour.We are not called to be idle and slothful people.We are called to be diligent labourers in whatever task we undertake.When we excel in our field of labour the Lord will cause us to stand before the highest authorities and make our gifts and talents to be put to the greatest utility. Without developing our skills we should not expect God to make us stand before kings as it will only bring shame to us.


Matthew 11:29 I Peter 5:5

The fourth quality that God expects of a Christian is lowliness or humility. Jesus wants us to learn of Him for He is meek and lowly at heart.God gives grace to the humble.The Lord Jesus despite being the Son of God and possessing enormous miraculous powers lived an exemplary life of humility.We should follow his footsteps and remain humble inspite of whatever gifts or abilities or influence He gives us.


Phillipians 4:4 I Thesselonians 5:16

The fifth quality that God expects of a Christian is laughter or a heart of rejoicing.The word of God exhorts us to rejoice in the Lord always. A Christian who displays no joy in his life is not a good witness of Christ.Unbeleivers would not be attracted to Christ if they see a Christian always displaying a sorrowful and depressed disposition. We must exhibit the joy of the Lord even in adverse circumstances which is an evidence of our unshakable faith in God.


I Corinthians 11:1 Phillipians 2:15

The sixth quality that God expects of a Christian is Leadership and being an example for others to follow.Apostle Paul exhorted the beleivers to follow him as he followed Christ. We must be people who can lead others to Christ and be an example for them to walk in the ways of God. There are always others who are watching us and imitating us and we must realise our leadership influence and be cautious in our lifestyle.


John 7:38 Galatians 2:20 Acts 17:28

The seventh quality that God expects of a Christian is to manifest the life of Christ through him. The word of God promises that rivers of living water will flow out of those who beleive in Christ. This life giving water will bless those who are touched by it. Apostle Paul says that Christ lives in him and it is no longer Paul who lives but Christ in Paul.When Christ lives through us our words and actions become the words and actions of Christ and multitudes will be blessed through us. Let us be crucified with Christ so that only Christ lives through us and His life will flow out of us and bless others.

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