
Summary: Amos was not a professional preacher; in fact he was a shepherd and fig tree farmer. He lived in a small town called Tekoa, which was located about 11 miles from the city of Jerusalem. But God called Amos to be a prophet and gave him a very important mess

Repentance? What does that mean?

Amos 5:18 Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light. 19 As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him. 20 Shall not the day of the LORD be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it?

Amos was not a professional preacher; in fact he was a shepherd and fig tree farmer. He lived in a small town called Tekoa, which was located about 11 miles from the city of Jerusalem. But God called Amos to be a prophet and gave him a very important message to give to the nation of Israel. Amos made his prophecies around 750 BC.

During this period of time both the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah enjoyed wealth and reached a great political and military strength.

But it was also a time of idolatry, fancy living, immorality, and corruption in their leadership.

Israel was politically secure and proud of their religious life style. They were content in their immorality and comfortable in their sin. But, they were confident they had a good relationship with God.

Sounds like America doesn't it? I personally believe there are many similarities to the nation Israel of 750 BC and the United States of America now. To most people today the US is the only remaining Super Power in the world.

Although we have our troubles with the economy and many other things, it is still one of the strongest in the World.

But unfortunately the picture painted of America is not what it is. Crime and violence continue to increase. Especially violent crimes committed against our children and by our children. Like school shootings, the killing of innocent families members in a movie theater, children being used as slaves by sick or possessed humans.

But there is something even more disturbing to me and that is the spiritual outlook of America is darker now than it has ever been. Something has happened spiritually. We are proud of our religion and humanism has taken over.

I wonder what Amos message would be to us if he was prophesying in America today? First as individuals:

We all have said it and I'm as guilty or more guilty then most in saying..."Oh I wished the Rapture would happen today"....."Oh come quickly Lord Jesus" .....Really?... are we ready?....are we?

Ask yourself a few questions and be very honest. 1.Can you see the sin of your neighbor and not see your own? 2. Are you doing the same sin without asking forgiveness and turning from it? 3.You think it's OK in Gods eyes if you are doing that same sin? 4.Why are you really going to church?...stupid question?...think about it and answer yourself or why don't you go? 5. Do you see Jesus decorating you with honor for being such a good person...really? 6. Do you know Jesus?

7. The most important individual question ever....will Jesus know you?

Sin must be dealt with, either here by forgiveness or judgment at the Judgment Seat of Christ for the saved or the Great White Throne for the lost.

As a nation:

You know what Amos might say to America today? You spend millions of dollars to take care of convicted killers yet you allow thousands of unborn babies to be murdered every year, you fill your movies and televisions with violence, and then wonder why your children are killing one another in school. You fill the airways with beer commercials, and openly drink alcohol in front of your children and then you wonder why America has so many teenage alcoholics.

There is much more but, I ran out of room.

Love in Christ Jesus, Ronnie Miller

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