
Summary: Our future is safe and our souls are secure in Jesus.

Safe & Secure

February 8, 2009 Evening Service

Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK

Rick Boyne

Message Point: Our future is safe and our souls are secure in Jesus.

Focus Passage: Romans 8:31-39


This Scripture ministers consolation from the fact that everything that can affect the happiness of man is on the side of the Christian, and will cooperate in his favor; for example:

I. God, in giving his Son, and in justifying the believer V 31-33

a. If He gave up His son for us, will he withhold anything from us? NO!

b. We are justified by God’s pronouncement; not by anything we do.

II. Christ, in dying, and rising, and interceding for Christians v 34

a. which is done, not by vocal prayer, as in the days of his flesh on earth; or as supplicating an angry judge; but by the appearance of his person for us, by the presentation of his sacrifice

III. The love of a Christian to the Saviour is in itself so strong, that nothing can separate him from it v 35-39

a. We may endure these things, but they won’t separate us from God’s love.


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