
Summary: Changeing attitudes toward who you are in God.A Look into the heart of man and God.

Set your House in Order,for thou shall shurley die. A look into the Heart of man and God. The Bible tells us that mans wisdom is foolishness to God. That there is a way that seems right to man but in the end it leads to destruction. This warning came to King Hezekiah, in Isaiah 38:1, what is God telling us today, that our houses arnt in order? There is much in scripture concerning the House of God and of man.But before we concider this, lets look at the three parts of man himself. 1.The soul, the soul is the part of the man that thinks and reasons and plans. Its the mind that Satan wants to controll and once he controlls your mind then he has it all. Our mind controlls the speech and recoginition of good and evil. 2. The Flesh, the flesh is the physical part of man, which wants only that which is good for itself, lust and pleasure and anything that feels good.The flesh and mind work well together, what the mind says the flesh followes after. 3.The Spirit, the spirit is what makes us who we are, it seperates us from all other beings and animals. The scripture tells us that there is one thing that man and animal have in common, that is a spirit. It goes on to say that when a man and animal die that the spirit of the animal goes back into the ground from which it came and the spirit of man goes up to judgement. There are many different interpretations of scripture, lets look at one. 1st Timothy 3:5, for if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the Church of God? We can look at this the way many look at it, the home that a man lives in or we can look at this spiritually in this manner. If we as christians cant rule our spiritual house. We saw a minute ago that there are three parts to man, the flesh, soul and spirit, which do you suppose is suposed to rule the other two? The spirit, the spirit must take dominion over the other two. This is what makes us christians and seperates us from the world. We hafe to look at the ordances of God and determin the right path to take. The Bible states that, Judgement begins at the House of God. The Church. Our house is supposed to be the temple of the Holy Ghost, but how many people are being decieved in changeing their pattern of life because of false doctrine? The house that we are inside must be clean and acceptible to God as a Holy sacrifice. We are told that we must offer up our bodys as a liveing sacrifice to God which is our reasonable service to God. Why? Because we are the house of God. A stone ,a pillar, a piece of the temple. We are lively stones which should be fit for the masters use. Not corrupt or vile or tainted. Why do you suppose that the scriptures state that, not everyone that sayeth, Lord,Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heavan, only those who do the will of the Father.? What then, is the will of God here in this verse? The will of God, to keep it simple, is to believe in the Son.Jesus. There are to many ministers trying to make the gospel so difficult to understand, its a wonder that anyone is saved. Jesus, was direct and understandible, He keep it simple. Such as, A house divided among itself shall not stand, not the physical but the spiritual. Our House, our spirit, our life, you are the house, and if you are devided between Jesus and the world, you will not stand the test, that everyone will hafe to face at the Judgement time. So get your house in order.But we as the house, also, according to Jesus, must count the cost. And what is the cost? As weve said before, salvation is free, but decipleship, will cost you everything.Warning after warning in scripture, telling us ,today, that the time is short, decern the signs of the times. Ephesians 5:16, Redeaming the time, because the days are evil. The congregation of the church have responsibility and so do the pastors.We being not many masters, knowing that we recieve the greater condimnation.We have a responsibility to the church to make sure that the wolf doesnt make it into the sheep fold, we are to give our life for the sheep. We are the house that must stand, the preachers, teachers, ministers, laymember and door keeper, helpers, all together. We have built on a firm foundation, a rock ,which cannot be moved.Im telling you right now, if we cant go to heavan, hand in hand, we are not going to make it.So remember what Isaiah said to King Hezekiah, all of us, Set your House in order, Set it in order, church, and pray that you are found worthy to escape the tribulation that is comming upon the whole world. Today, Set your House in Order. a.r.s.

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Anthony Brown

commented on Jun 26, 2016

Great Words!

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