
Summary: There is a big difference in being a mere fan of Jesus and a disciple of Jesus. A disciple enjoys a closer walk and relationship with his Lord and Master. On the other hand, a fan has an impersonal relationship and is often unknown by the person he follow

Intro: As you read the Gospel records, you will easily see the multitudes who followed Jesus. But are these real followers who personally knew Jesus? You see there is a big difference in being a mere fan of Jesus and a disciple of Jesus. A disciple enjoys a closer walk and relationship with his Lord and Master. On the other hand, a fan has an impersonal relationship and is often unknown by the person he follows and idolizes… Who is Jesus to you? Are you His disciple or are you just His fan? In this study we shall see seven things Jesus said about Himself in the Gospel of John.

1. THE BREAD OF LIFE (John 6:35)

As bread or any food is essential to our physical bodies, so is Jesus to our souls. All that is in the world – wealth, power, luxuries – never satisfy completely. All these are left behind when they bury you in the grave. Without Jesus, the Bread of Life, souls of men will perish from spiritual hunger!


Until Jesus returns, this old world is in spiritual and moral darkness (I John 5:19). If there is someone quite familiar with darkness, it has to be a blind man. Even if he faces the noonday sun, he will never see a shade of light for his eyes have lost the ability to receive light and see things! Sadly, there are millions of people who see with their physical eyes but are blind to spiritual things. Spiritual blindness is caused by sin and Satan (II Cor. 4:4). It can only be cured by Jesus, the Light of the World. He that abides in Christ shall not walk in darkness but will see the glory of God’s kingdom!

3. THE DOOR (John 10:9)

If we are to believe the Bible, it is not St. Peter and his pet rooster that guards the gate of heaven and interviews incoming souls. The truth is that 12 angels guard the 12 gates of the Heavenly City (Rev. 21:12). There is no other entrance, no other door to heaven but the Lord Jesus Christ!

4. THE GOOD SHEPHERD (John 10:11)

(Elaborate the pastor & flock relationship.) David said “The Lord is my shephered I shall not want” (Psa. 23:1). The good shepherd watches the flock with care. He will give his life for his sheep, if necessary. Are you a sheep of Jesus? John 10:27-28 makes it clear who the sheep are.

5. THE TRUE VINE (John 15:1, 5)

(Elaborate grape plantations and grape farming system in Israel.) As the branches cannot live and bear fruit apart from the trunk, even so the believer cannot do anything with success without Christ. Jesus, the True Vine, is the source of all spiritual fruit, blessing, growth, and prosperity.


Jesus came to seek and to save sinners. He came to give life more abundantly (John 10:10). Our life came from God and it will return to God. (Explain briefly: Body-Soul-Spirit at point of death.) Jesus not only has the power to resurrect the dead but He himself IS the Resurrection and the Life! The fact that Jesus mentioned resurrection from the dead proves that physical death and the grave are not the end but rather just the beginning! Where will you spend eternity?


There are NOT many ways to Heaven; but there are so many ways leading to death and hell (Prov. 16:25). There is only one truth – the word of God (Jesus and the Holy Bible) not religion. Salvation and eternal life are found in the person and complete work of Jesus Christ! They can be our possession only by God’s gracious free gift (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 6:23). Anyone who disregards these words of Jesus will be lost, live in untruth, and will perish forever in hell.

Conclusion: Who is Jesus to you? Are you His disciple or are you just a fan? If unsure of the answer, you can be a sheep of Jesus, His disciple. It all begins by truly repenting of your sins and having faith in the Person and finished work of Jesus at Calvary. That is the road to salvation my friend…

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